What are we expecting?
What are we expecting?
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Other than disappointment?
blond, red eyed, brown skinned girl gets fucked by small, multi colored hair boy
God of war
Last of us
Days gone
>E3 was half the story
I'm not falling for that again, so I don't expect anything really important
A bunch of bullshit and maybe like one or two games that look alright.
The same shit that got shown at E3 in the past two years.
10 multiplats and some weeb shit
Things we've already seen. If you're expecting anything else, be ready for disappointment.
What the fuck was sony thinking this year? No one is excited for this trash, show us something to be excited for already holy fuck. My PS4 has been collecting dust since I beat Bloodborne.
Hopefully more PlayLink titles.
God Of War
Days Gone
It's about fucking time we get release dates for some of these projects.
>Days Gone
>God of War
>Ace Combat 7
>Detroit: Become Human
Not to say I'm interested in all of these games, but the time is fucking over-ripe. We've seen too much of them already.
C'mon, sony.
Not PlayStation AllStars 2
new from game
I don’t expect anything else thats interesting.
They said no big reveals.
I'm decidedly keeping my expectations low. Maybe one or two good announcements may be shown, but for the most part I'm tempering myself down, and remembering that this is just a press conference to expose the brand and nothing more.
Who said that, Sony or From?
and Dreams
Patrick klepkek said that not sony.
Sony. PSX is scaled down this year.
Realistic expectations would be something like
>more God of War gameplay
>more Spider-Man gameplay
>more Detroit gameplay
>more Day's Gone gameplay
>more Monster Hunter World gameplay
>more Shadow of the Colossus gameplay
>re-showing of the Death Stranding trailer that was at The Game Awards the day before
>Season 3 of SFV reveal with Sagat gameplay
>Season 2 of MvC Infinite reveal
>some other remaster or port like DMC Trilogy or Ace Combat anthology
Nothing but the 2018 release dates. But if they don't give any release dates, then I'm gonna laugh my ass off, as E3 2018 will literally be the same shit from two years prior.
>ace combat trilogy
my heart
They'll announce PS1 games for PS4.
But you have to repurchase them. Your existing PS1 discs and digital copies for PS3/PSP/Vita will not work
maybe a surprise update from games previously thought as dead? WiLD, Agent, Deep Down, etc.
They didn't announce it with PS2 they just started releasing them.
Klepek was also correct. TLOU2's trailer was supposed to be for The Game Awards and Onrush at PSX. Everything was moved up.
Agent is deader than dead or Sony gave up exclusivity for that RDR2 DLC deal like they did LA Noire.
>What the fuck was sony thinking this year? No one is excited for this trash
Literally all of those games will sell millions of copies and a few you be GOTY contenders
Somewhat sucks, like with PS3's PS2 Classics, just how quickly the game library for them stopped coming.
Only publisher to ever bother taking advantage of it was Atlus on PS3, and Rockstar on PS3/PS4.
VR shit, shit that might be interesting but won't come out for years, HD remakes, and disappointment.
Formerly announcing PS4 Greatest Hits, complete with ugly red case.
Agent is somewhat alive. It can't be "deader than dead" if Rockstar keeps trademarking it. Personally, I don't see it happening at PSX, but considering the leaked concept art, I wouldn't be surprised if this game is revived somewhere in the near future.
Can I just get the OG PlayStation store back? The new one's ugly, and I just want to re-download Sonic 2 off my old account. Why is the PlayStation store so shit now?
The big question is will they keep pushing the new frontier with VR or will they come back and give the PS4 some needed attention.
What I expect to see:
God of War
Being Human Detroit
Days Gone
The Last of Us 2
Ghost of Tsushima
Shadow of the Colossus Remake
Horizon DLC
What I want to see:
The Last of Us 2(gameplay)
Ghost of Tsushima(gameplay)
Death Stranding(gameplay)
Red Dead Redemption 2(gameplay)
Final Fantasy 7 Remake(anything to show the game isn't vaporware)
Dreams(with a release date)
>finishing bloodborne
nobody i know actually did this
pretty sure this is an exclusive Sup Forums autist sort of thing.
the game is more boring than it really is difficult
>asking nintendoGAF about sony
Because new store is HTML5 driven instead of a custom client.
The main cancer in the current design flow for Sony's shit is the lack of keyboard option for search. Instead you're stuck scrolling through letters, one, at, a, time.
Do yourself a favor and use store.playstation.com
Last guardian VR
This, the person who thought showing the same games that they showed last year was a good idea deserves to be fired
It seems decidedly split, but I'll be fine with VR so as long as it's second nature to whatever the established game is, and not the focal point. See RE7 for how to do VR right.
More likely Shadow of the Colossus VR, although that'd make you sick easily with the camera sway and bosses shaking you about, unless they have the camera pulled back or some shit.
DeS remake announced for February
Spider-man revealed, gimped
More remakes of PS2 era stuff
MGS Survive shown off to unanimous 'eh's
More Death Stranding trailerbait
Heres the announced panels for PSX.
>PlayStation VR Game Panel – 11:00am Saturday, December 9
>Media Molecule Presents Dreams – 12:30pm Saturday, December 9
>IGN Ranks the Top 10 PlayStation Games of all Time – 2:00pm Saturday, December 9
>Ghost of Tsushima: From Concept to Reveal – 3:30pm Saturday, December 9
>Uncharted 10th Anniversary Celebration – 5:00pm Saturday, December 9
>The Last of Us Part 2: Meet the Cast – 6:30pm Saturday, December 9
Nothing much. This has been a pretty dissappointing year of announcements for Sony. And I'm a sonyfaggot.
god of wife's son
a mountain of vr bullshit
Death Stranding is actually MGSV chapter 3 and it's exclusive to the PS4.
Sup Forums would never recover.
That's really no the issue. The problem with e3 was the lack of release dates and new stuff. If you take the Ghost of Tsushima reveal, Concrete Genie and Erica to give it more of an indie feel that people thought Sony's e3 was lacking and of course the TLOU2 trailer at the end and add that to e3 you get one good conference, instead we just got 2 kind of alright ones
Social justice and identity politics?
>IGN Ranks the Top 10 PlayStation Games of all Time – 2:00pm Saturday, December 9
Take that shit away and that's a fine lineup
This isn't what V2 is for
One out of two ain't bad. At least you'll get your Kojima exclusive.
Marvel's Spider-Man PSVR. Not even joking.
Good season 2 so I can buy this game with no regrets.
Shit they showed at E3 and PGS
One new game announcement but it's gonna be trash
Demon Souls 35 fps edition
I just want them to confirm that Yakuza Kiwami 2 is coming to the west.
Very unlikely, but any FromSoftware Sony game revealed at PSX will light Sup Forums on fire for weeks on end.
ITT salty Xniggers.
Dreams details. It's been long enough.
I still don't get who Dreams is being aimed at. So to my understanding it's basically a way to make your own little playable scenario inside of a game, but if you don't follow their livestreams you will have absolutely no idea what the hell the game is and this is a front runner for Media Molecule? It feels like they're putting a lot of time into a game that seems incredibly niche.
Dreams was such a haphazardly concept that could've failed easily enough, had PSVR not taken off as well as it did. Initially it looked like it was exclusively for the PS Move, now becoming accessible with both that and the VR headset. But Dreams can still easily fail, just as Tearaway did. Here's hoping MM can make this work.
At least with Tearaway we knew what the game was and what the goal of it was. With Dreams it's very confusing even if you kind of understand what it is.
Thanks Gio, any more Vita games coming?
Already exists
>Literally all of those games will sell millions of copies and a few you be GOTY contenders
That's not a good thing you dunkass, just shows how awful the industry is as a whole.
first party games that wont come out till 5 years have past
If they have anything to show, it'll be at the game awards.
They already said not to expect much from psx.
>"Can't wait for new western video games line up announcement, gee wilikers!!!"
Nigga, sit yo ass down, best in show coming through.