Nintendo's mascot is Mario. Microsoft's mascot is Master Chief. Sony's mascot is

Nintendo's mascot is Mario. Microsoft's mascot is Master Chief. Sony's mascot is...

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Sack Boy.

It's clearly Ape Escape, but i never thought they'd redesign the monkeys, though

Crash stopped being Sony's mascot a long time ago.

Fucking newfags

Alloy a cute. CUUUUUUTE!!!1

from soft's mascot is a zombie


Who's that guy at the right?

Fuck off, Spikat.


Sony's mascot

More specific please?

Stop forehead shaming her you BING BING WAHOO-Lord

And now he's back

Nathan Drake
Epic thread, have an ebin upboat

Ricky Bobby of course

The mascot of Sony Corporation, more specifically Playstation

Crash is now Activision's property.

There's never gonna be a Donkey Kong Country game on Playstation you stupid dumbass


Chad Warden.

Nathan Drake I reckon


>Good looking Black girl
>Bad looking Black girl
Anyone disagrees?

U4 finished his story, though, so he's not really in the spotlight anymore.

Ricky Bobby from Taladega Nights. This is a meme from when PS3 had no good games and was bought as a bluray player.

They're both the definition of fucking revolting and hideous

of course people disagree
>good looking
does not compute

>so he's not really in the spotlight anymore.
And it should have been that way, since the universe was born

>ngbbs filename
>calling people newfags when you are literally posting newgrounds which used to be ban on sight
Fuck off, leave and don't come back you immigrant filth

Bloodborne man?

>Good looking Black girl
Sorry user, you have a severe case of Sonnygger vision.

There was a PS3 bundled with the Tadallega Nights movie, that's where that came from.

I forgot about him:

>you have a severe case of Sonnygger vision.
What if i find this hot?

the only right answer

Why are the remakes PS4 exclusive?

They both look like ugly

Marina is OK. Kat is also OK. Black Dudette Raider is never OK.

Sorry but the mascot is Nineball.

Because of nostalgia. And who feel more nostalgic about Crash? Sonyfags.

>all the underage faggots in this thread

This but unironically

>Off all the PS series that could have had a remaster, Parappa was one of them
>Simple game, that isn't even that long
>Simple art style, that was barely changed
>Bugs and glitches or some shit in the remaster, because the original was made with PS1 hardware/old tv's in mind
>They don't even bother to bring the rest of the series, that is just two other simple enough games

I swear they made her this deliberately ugly as a subtle redpill.
Genuinely, her face is what puts me off ever considering buying the fucking game.

It changes with the times

>Polygon Man
>The rabbit thing from Jumping Flash
>Sofia (from Toshinden)
>Lara Croft
>Sweet Tooth
>That chick from R4
>Jak and Daxter
>Ratchet and Clank
>Solid Snake (arguably)
>Nathan Drake
>Joel and Ellie
>A bunch of other iconic characters that I'm forgetting

Sony's never really had just one mascot, because they've got such a wide variety of third party support, and a huge number of first party series that they usually conclude and move on from within a console generation.

>Sofia (from Toshinden)
Wasn't Toshinden series at Saturn too?

It's Toro and Kuro, isn't it?

Exclusive games.

they always treat their properties as passing fads, which also has to do with how some are cartoon animals and others are generic realistic men, while more creative games and characters are less popular

Nintendo also has great support from third party companies, especially at portable consoles. Soooo...

Shes a psychotic bitch in game. Your comment was fucking retarded btw. There are 1000s of hideous characters im gsmes, Sup Forums just fixates on niggers for some weird ass reason

>Nintendo also has great support from third party companies

This a joke? Are we still in the "So many third party games" section of this particular Nintendo console cycle?

No they dont you ape

Sony, unlike children's toys, don't need mascot.

Yes, but Sofia was featured in a lot of early PS1 marketing. IIRC, she replaced Polygon Man.

But they need good exclusive games. And Sony has none.

Sony is actively against mascots.
They've had Toro and Kuro since the 90's but never pushed them.
Even Jason and Andy said Sony never wanted a mascot.

>Talladega Nights
>Jackie Chan
checkmate bitch

I don't disagree with that. They've thrown a lot of good stuff out on the curb over the years.

More like you need good taste and you have none.

Sony is the only platform that introduce new IP with every generation. Just look how pathetic Nintendo/Microsoft compared to PS.

>said Sony never wanted a mascot.
I mean, it's not like they never tried to push certain characters, though

>ignoring sutff lile splatoon, which was a hit
>forgetting how most sony ip's are trend focused, which is why some aren't even that creative


And _____

I'm so glad all this SJW shit is flopping as hard as it is.

Are you implying that franchises like Slatoon, Animal Crossing and Pikmin exist since NES era? Or you 're from these anti-Nintendo retards that think Nintendo only sells Mario and Pokemon?

You mean generic children shooter. How is that innovative? Compare that to NES/SNES library.


How many shooters have you seen at Splatoon's style? Let me guess: none.

What can we check off that list as being a critical/commercial bomb so far?

Who are the other monkeys at the bottom?

Why the fuck do they all have the same hair style? Have they never seen a black woman? You don't even have to meet her, just look at her from far away.

BGE2 looks pretty good.

"Μuh diversity!"

I guarantee that there was some kind of "Here's what a GOOD character design looks like" template shown at a game developer seminar somewhere. I feel it in my bones.

Kratos is probably their most iconic mainstream character because of the red stripe and blades.

M8, three out of seven don't. One of them isn't even black. In fact one of the latter three is one of the first four with a different hair style. Three of the ones with afros take place in the 60s. In short, this pic is a mess. Also, what is bottom left even from?

>I have to be able to wank to literally every female character in a game

He is just tired of your shit Sup Forums.
Just because you wont accept him doesn't mean he isn't the one true icon.

Sweet Tooth from Twisted Metal maybe? He is the only iconic character since Playstation 1 that is still around.

Ricky Bobby is never tired

sony has too many popular characters that not a single one can be considered its mascot.

I don't know that a game released 5 years ago, which itself was kind of a nostalgic fanservice nod qualifies him as still being around. The last game before that was Black 11 years prior, unless you want to count the PSP game.

>sony has too many popular characters
So does Nintendo and Sega but still have their mascots.

Ricky Bobby.


There are so many beautiful black women out there, yet these developers insisted on making their black women as ugly as possible.

Two of those aren't out, the Battlefront 2 protagonist isn't especially similar similar aside from being a woman, and the character from Mafia 3 in top-left doesn't actually look like that in the final version.

What even is bottom-left from?

>Stale 2006 memes

Beautiful women are problematic to SJWs.

Yeah. I want to say people are avoiding saying this on purpose though.

U R NOT (red) E

>Want another Sly Cooper game
>Look at what they did with GoW
>Look at R&C
Fuck sake.