What's her name, Sup Forums?

What's her name, Sup Forums?

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on dark souls I stopped at the last boss because i was stuck. I couldn't beat artorious either, and then i traded my ps3 in because i was a drug addict.

Dark Souls
Got sick of the game after beating Demon Firesage, all the stray demon fights are pure fucking garbage cheese, people kept telling me Smough and Ornstein would break me but I'd rather fight more iterations of them than ever have to touch another stray demon bullshit fight. Fuck it.

inFamous 1

And by 'finish', I mean 100% it by getting all the blast crystals

And by 'never', I mean I did it last week bought the game on launch

Have to admit, Dark Souls as well. I fucked up after Sens fotress of wacky fun and when that wizard asked me to free him I thought I had to open the cage with an attack.

He turned hostile and I didn't fell like grinding a fuck load of souls to calm that fucker again.

Finished Blood Borne tho, but BB is easier by a large margin to be fair.

I understand how you feel cause that fight is real bull, but there's only two real stray demon fights (as in not including the asylum demon) and yhe rest of the gsme is definitely worth it.

Darkest Dungeon

Metroid Prime 2

Skyrim and Fallout 3.

Cave story true ending

I loved Bastion and Transistor even more, yet I can't get into Pyre

I have too much autism and want to max everyone's traits and level, but the game needs you to send people away before that is humanly possible (conversations that grant traits are randomized and you can only really powerlvl one charachter before each liberation rite)
Fuck it

Witcher 3. I keep reinstalling it but just never dig back in.

>unironically thinking that Dark Souls is too hard to complete

Dust Force. I'm just bad.

Witcher 1

Witcher 1 & 2

Just too clunky after having played the third for 20 seconds

Dark Souls

Crypt of the Necrodancer. FUCK Aria.

Suikoden. Everyone told me to start at 1 but it's pretty boring.


Witcher 1. Fuck this bugged piece of shit.

Diddy Kong Racing.
Fuck that pig fuck.

disgaea anything I want to though

instead of saying the word unironically you can just say nothing

Darkest Dungeon
Breezeed through it at release. I have a completely full roster of maxlevel characters and all there's left to do is to kill Drowned Crew 3 and do the darkest dungeon. But I stopped playing because a lot of interesting shit was releasing and I had little spare time. Then I lost motivation and constantly reading how most think the game was great up until the DD, which is supposedly pure horseshit on a whipping stick strangled the remainder of drive I had to play. About a gorillion Patches later, none of my compositions or strategies will work anymore either, I wager.

Fire emblem 2007. It's a damn shame too. I had a lot of fun with it.

if i remember correctly witcher 2 is pretty damn short and easy.

Turok 2.

Until the Remaster came out.

viewtiful joe

Persona 3 The Answer

Metroid Prime 3
I´m stuck in the first boss.
Also waglan shit

disgaea 3 for sure. no way I'm going to be able to do it.

mount and blade
dark souls 2

Trails in the Sky SC

I loved the first game and I always tell myself I'm going to start playing SC again but honestly I know I never will.


Is there even any wagglan in that game? All i remember is swinging the nunchuck to throw the grapple beam.


Final Fantasy 5. I got to the last save point and haven't fired it up since

God Hand
I fucking love the game, started and dropped it half a dozen times over the years but I'll never be able to actually finish it

Pick one. My job has been a pain in the ass with overtime.

>dragons dogma
i want to kill myself just thinking of starting that game up again. jesus christ cant believe i got tricked by Sup Forums.

Some parts of that game were hard AF man

Get the elves. And Viktor.

And name your castle something badass

Many games because I have a lot of freetime as I am self employed but the dread of finishing games got to me
I finish games too fast because I ahve free time and then I realized that I can eventually run out of games because there is not actually that much shit that I really care about playing so I would have to start playing average trashy games if I keep it up at this rate

So is the Demon Firesage the last of his kind? Because I was pretty much frothing at the mouth by the time I got that shit done.
I think you're missing the point. It's not that it's le epin hardest game ever us gamers rite??? xd, it has more to do with I, personally, have found it to be so distasteful at times that I question whether or not I want to continue to play it to completion.

Tales of Vesperia and Last Odyssey.

Tales had difficulty spikes and kind of at the hump before the climax.

LO was like 3 disc. I can't ...

Pretty sure this thread is about good games you won't finish, not about terrible bait where you go "I hate this game and will never finish it, fuck you Sup Forums"

Most likely Baldur's Gate, I get hyped up to play it but once I actually get into the game it sucks all of my soul at once and I can't be compelled to even try.
IF I somehow do play for an hour or two then it's real easy to get sunk into it though.

Bahamut Lagoon because

1. I'm not really interested in tactical rpgs
2. Spoiled by Sup Forums about the unavoidable NTR

Cold Steel 2
I just stopped after 30 hours. It had barely anything I liked from the first game and trippled down on everything I disliked. Couldn't bring myself to do another 30 or 60 hours of this.


drakengard 3

Demon's Crest. Specifically this fucking guy.

Witcher 3
Tried it 3 times now, just doesnt grip me for some reason.
I've gotten to Novigrad each time and then just petered out - the graphics are lovely, but the combat and menuing is finniky and repetitive and the story just hasn't grabbed me as much as it seems to everyone else



lol matelite gets cucked hard

If you did Asylum 1 and 2 and Firesage, yeah.
He gets a rematch as an optional, weak-ass pseudoboss in 3 though.

I've done every-fucking-thing in Breath of the Wild except level up the amiibo armour sets and collect the Korok seeds and I'm sitting at 40% completion. This game can go fuck itself with a rake.

I don't know why I keep doing it to myself

The Witcher 3
Dragon Age Inquisition
Watch Dogs 2
Sonic Mania
All Neptunia Games
Any GTA game
Mordor & War
Darksiders games

I'm with you. Did all the routes but the last. I will not fucking grind for those weapons just to play an even worse rythm game and see more cutscenes of the worst girl in the fucking franchise

F Zero GT

As a child, I was so frustrated with this game that I slammed my hand on my desk, hit the corner at a weird angle, and developed a ganglion cyst as a result. I downloaded it for my Gamecube emulator recently and still have not beaten it

Deus Ex HR. Fuck the whole aesthetic of the game is just so ugly.

Persona 3. I could pull through if I had just a bit left, but going by the calendar I'm only halfway through after 60 hours and I can't take another 100+ levels of Tartarus.

Don't own it anymore. Was stolen oddly enough. Here's all my ps3 shit minus the other shit.

All of them

Come the fuck on man I didn't even need a guide to find all the cages.

Frogger: The Great Quest

This is no place for the weak or the foolhardy.
Hold fast... or expire.
The Darkest Dungeon isn't that harf
Except for the seond quest. fuck that shit.

I can't stand the witcher and have tried it a few times too... characters don't grip me and the game feels so shallow.
It's like I've seen it all before or something.

Ogre Battle 64. I can't even play it proper anymore since I can't hook my n64 to my tv

Every Hyper Dimension Neptunia game. I finished the first one and I have no drive to finish the other two. So fucking bland.


Kingdom Hearts 1

final fantasy 8 on xbox 360.

got stuck at the last part of the game, and had a mental block so put it down for like 3 years.

now i'm lost, and every time i think about finishing it i get sweaty and agitated.

Who does these comics, I've seen a couple now and they're generally cute.

>wasting holy water on the Collector

Hotline Miami 2.
I lost my hard drive and my save maybe 70% through the game.
I don't feel like I have the energy to restart it, levels are way too long, and it's just not as fun as the first, specially with the way they handled masks.

Let It Die. The grind is unbearable.

Reverse search is your friend.

Where there any warning signs your HDD was going to die?

Any of the classic Mega Man games. I usually beat the robot masters but I never feel like doing the Wily stages.

It's not too hard, I pretty much admitted that I gave up cause I fucked up myself.

My whole steam library

All of them.

It was a 3yo laptop, that was the only sign. It just refused to start one day.

Dragon's Dogma

Firesage is the last one. There are only three in the game and one is optional.

persona 5
the game gets worse the more you play it

I finally have some time off work and college
Pick one for me to finish Sup Forums:
Fallout NV
Deadly premonition
Serious sam the second encounter
Just Cause 2
Stalker soc
Hotline miami

I come to Sup Forums to be spoonfed, you fucker, making me do actual work means you've lost your reward of Darkest porn in thanks for information.

The memes are true and I lost interest in Dark Souls after Anor Londo.

Golden Sun. Everybody speaks so highly of it I was really excited to jump into it. I found it pretty boring and was literally falling asleep in the towns.

Final Fantasy III on SNES. I do not understand the high praise that game gets, considering it was competing with Lufia and Tales of Phantasia, both of which I played this year and loved.

It requires literally one click you vacuous dolt. Much less effort than typing out your reply.

Mines six years old...........I"m sure it'll be fine

Of course you had backups right? You know how Sup Forums always says to backup?

>Basic Christianity


>Hotline miami
knock out this one, it's really short. i beat it twice in a few hours my first time

Majora's Mask. I sincerely appreciate what the game does and I get just a bit farther every time it seems, but the playthrough always falls apart when I start connecting dots into a fuckhuge spider web across the three days in an attempt to solve everyone's sidequests, and I kind of drop off and lose interest since the game doesn't really make the requisites apparent. Fierce Deity or bust.

Horizon Zero Dawn, it's so fucking repetitive. I had the same problem finishing Mad Max and Ass Creed.