>hero has evil powers
what games fulfill this trope
Hero has evil powers
that's debatable
Kotor 1 and 2, Dark Forces, Jedi Knight 2, Jedi Academy
>Kotor 1 and 2
i have both of these but never played, are you interpreting hero as simply protag?
you can be a Necromancer in Divinity
the force unleashed, ghost rider, dmc, idk
>evil powers
The fuck is that even supposed to mean? Powers are tools.
t. False gods
like dark magic but not exclusive to magic
Playing through this right now and its better than I remember. Hoping to start 2 soon.
>That's the same power that put Orca into a coma!
The bracelet in .hack isn't necessarily evil though. Salvation or destruction at the whim of the user and all that. Could be evil though.
Should have posted the daedra at least or aedra, Voryn is no better than them.
It was Dagoth Ur that told Nerevar not to use the tools. Not his fault that Nerevar came down with a sudden case of dead.
Powers usually used by evil characters, you fucking moron
MAN do i HATE that fucking game
you always take forever to get decent minions and then they just all run into water and die for no reason
fucking pissed me off
I believe OP meant protagonist/player character(s).
The darkness
Jak 2 and 3
Jak II and III
It's not your fault
I got all the minion types in 3 hours and I was taking my sweet time. Also the minions don't do anything other than attack nearby enemies without you telling them to do so, so if your minions drown themselves its your fault for not leaving them behind before walking through water.
Basically, don't be retarded.
Castlevania x of sorrow
Except that Voryn Dagoth was still the first one to tap into Lorkhan's heart, motivations mean little here.
Am I the only person who liked the gameplay of Prototype 2 more than the first? I mean, it got rid of some powers, sure, but mostly redundant ones (though Armor looked really fucking cool) and added some new shit. It also made the locomotion so much more fluid that I can't go back to the clunkier original.
I mean, yeah, Tyrone Wewuz Kanggz was a less interesting protagonist, but it's not like the first game was fucking Shakespeare.
dark sector kinda
Demon Gaze does that. Not well, but that's not what you asked.
Although the MC being that way makes the final dungeon pretty rad.
Super Mario Odyssey
Best $5 bargain bin game I ever played.
Is Warframe any good by the way? I hear it's super-grindy and not at all friendly to noobs. I tried playing it before but for some reason I couldn't connect to any games, or even see them.
>no enemies nearby
>walking away from water
>minions purposely walk into a tiny spec of water to die
this shit would keep happening one level, i quit after that
Shadow Hearts
>Is Warframe any good by the way
Well, he is on the grey area, but i think his moral alignment tips slightly towards good, at least in the first game, not the abortion that is the second.
>Make Mercer an anti-hero in the first game and give his character a tragic flavour by establishing that pretty much the only thing left of him in that body are his memories, everything else is the virus.
>Make him go full villain for absolutely no reason in the second game and only attempt to explain it in a comic that no one read before the second game came out and even then it's still not a reason because it was dreadfully contrived and shit.
Thank you to the user who told me about the comic all those years ago, I've been told by scientists that I can officially declare myself an extension of the dead sea purely because of how salty I am.
>warbros tears
Keep crying about getting banned for being autistic sperges
Agree, but some powers have stigmas.
Necromancy, tentacles, body horror, assimilation, all are associated with evil characters, although it might not be the case.
>I've been told by scientists that I can officially declare myself an extension of the dead sea purely because of how salty I am.
That is an understatement.
Such a half-assed excuse. Even the ending is pure dogshit.
I didn't ask "are the forums good" I asked if the game was good.
If it's basically more Dark Sector I'm on board.
>butthurt CMbabby still mad he got btfo at every turn for years and is now even more mad when people are warned not to play his his shit game that sold out to Chinese
break out your controller, because while 1 was made for "pc and console", 2 was made for "console" with pc as an afterthought
the gameplay design, and especially control scheme, will make this extremely apparent
Typical n00b
The power to gain health by eating people is arguably not a good power
I wouldn't even be so mad if the second game tried to answer shit from the first one but it's like they didn't even acknowledge it.
I loved the loose threads of background plot you got from the Web of Intrigue shit in the first game and all they had to do was tie that shit together in the second game. Making the protag of the second game a rando soldier who was looking for muh daughter not only made Heller boring but took away from anything interesting they could've done with that story.
>Remembering the days of InFamous vs. Prototype wars
Simpler times.
Azure Nights
Entomorph did this pretty well
Metal Gear. They're all killers/cyborg murderer.
>Using my right mouse button is too haaaaaaaaaaaaaaard
Yeah no shit, right? Overlord is easy as fuck.
Did Prototype 1 ever got HD remake by the way?
Does Drakengard counts? Is pedophilia an evil power?
Thanks for the tip user.
He literally infects NY at the end of the first game, are you retarded nigger?
the REAL villains are blackwatch
Yeah, but that guy is dead. The actual MC, the blob that inherited his memories, is actually not as bad.
The entire game is pretty much a bunch of villains fighting each other. Its all question of who is really responsible.
Also, at the end your realize its not actually Mercer, its the virus that ate him
That was the actual Alex Mercer, the character we play as is a virus wearing his body
Velvet's power ain't evil. Their kind of daemon that I know forgot the name kill beasts and suck their malevolence in order to awake the Inominath, that ain't an evil being.
In Velve'ts case, the evil thing is herself, not her powers.
I thought the sequel to this was very underrated.
if the game is so shit and they refuse to fix it, yet you keep playing, that makes you look like the biggest tools on the planet
You can take darkside powers as a jedi. They just cost more force if you are lightside.
Jak from jak and dakter can use dark powers if I remember correctly
You can chose not to be a hero you idiot
>can't into reading comprehension
Devil May Cry 1/3/4
Final Fantasy XV
Infamous Second Son
Yea. 2 played better but had less moves you could do. So its the case of, "neither one is completely better than the other".
Which i kinda prefer, because then it gives you a reason to go back to the older games.
The combat and gameplay I felt was just as good as the first, if not better in certain aspects.
But like others have said the characters and story took a nosedive.
He's better intentioned that literally every other character or entity in the game
Would have been better if he had completely abandoned the mercer persona and become "Blacklight" after learning the truth
How so?
I failed to explain properly I mean that the game should have gone in a more "comic book" direction rather then the gritty edge story it went with.
Yep, and it was awful along with 2.
It ran worse than the previous gen versions.
>Infamous Second Son
Smoke? I guess I can see that, but the others not so much
the darkness 1 & 2????
Fair enough.
I always wanted to disguise as a super soldier
MGR Raiden