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Video Games #3988
Video Games
Fiction isn't reality, so it's okay to sexualize women in games. Just don't forget that fiction is not real...
Pokemon: Gale of Darkness
Why don't we do Sup Forumsingo anymore?
Is it worth buying now if I never had one?
Now that Shadowverse got powercreeped to hell how long until the same happens to Duel Links?
Is Bloodborne the most kino video game? post kino vidya
Indie Game Communities Compass
Get attached to character
What did Valve mean by this?
DaS 3
Pat's house 3 top 8 Melee thread
Post 'em niggers
Should female led games have fap breaks?
Who's your favorite video game brown girl?
*gets announced tomorrow*
Buy 60 dollar game
Credits music is best music in game
ITT: Characters that will NEVER see the light of day again in their respective franchises, not even a small reference
Nintendo is for little ki-
Just build a gaming pc bro it's like legos!
Post your TOP 5 Most played games on Steam and be judged by others
Any of you guys play FFXI?
ITT: Characters that did nothing wrong
Do you miss it bros?
ITT: Forgotten games
Why was Crash Team Racing so good bros?
Sup Forums
What are some games that really test your thinking skills?
Ultra Beasts
I don't get it
Puyo Puyo + Tetris
Uncharted is the best thing to come out of the "cinematic era" of gaming and 4 is the best finale to any game series...
Can we have a comfy discussion about Xbox one x and how we are patricians enjoying true 4K? No trolling allowed
Dragon Ball FighterZ DBFZ
*loads shells*
I'm sorry, the Temple of Dibella is closed. You can receive your blessing, if you wish...
OH SHIT, its actually a Drakengard thread
Fuck off shill
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Enemies can open doors
Why do girls pretend to like video games?
Best map in TF2, no contest
I know why Sup Forums doesn't play fighting games
Remember to buy her game Sup Forums!
This is what peak vidya weather looks like
Back when I was a 400lber and really into vidya (I had to quit for my health) I used to LOVE this 'game fuel' bullshit...
What the fuck do I do?
The absolute state of video game journalists
So what will the next Danganronpa game be? A fighting game? UDG2? A dancing game? What?
What are some games where the protagonist throws away their life and hobbies to be a human spambot?
What is the video game equivalent of this?
Why did this game review so poorly?
No seriously...
So what games are we gonna shit on after Xenoblade 2 phases out?
Giant Bomb GOTY
Buy ps plus
When did you realize Majoras Mask is the best Zelda Game?
What's the coolest creature in Fallout lore?
Why aren't you sucking on a thick veiny cock right now Sup Forums?
Say something nice to best girl
ITT: Pleb Filters
Did you play her game, Sup Forums?
Fact: Microtransactions are part of the freemarket. Don't like it go to North Korea libcuck
The Sims 4 Thread
Confess. Fuck of mods
Tfw 24 and live on your own
Would you pay $500 for a Nintendo?
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
What the fuck was her problem?
Are there any good video games where I can play as a little girl?
What are some good atheist games?
What's the difference? Is one okay but the other isn't?
Dayz is a scam
Say something nice
Game advertises being long as a good thing
Why is this Nintendo's best home console to date ?
Does Gen Z have better games?
Now that the dust has settled, why did it fail?
What are some games that would be vastly improved if the main characters were girls?
Get girlfriend
This feels like a $20 game
Now that the shitstorm is far behind us and the game is dead, with no future updates, patches or DLC in the future...
Second game
Witcher 3
What's the appeal?
Can we talk about FFXII? I'm its biggest fan yet its most ardent critic. However, I think it, more than any other entry...
Gamer fuel thread
So did it flop or was Sup Forums completely wrong yet again?
Have you ever been mad at a video game?
Sup Forums will defend this
90s hacker aesthetic
I was gonna make an alt steam account with all my duplicate keys to farm the cards off them...
You are transported to the world of the last game you just played
Video game reaction images
Why is DriveClub still the best looking racer in 2017?
Is this what love feels like?
He says ouch irl when he gets damaged ingame
I just want her to be happy Sup Forums
Finally start my first play through of pic related after hearing it is a good rpg experience
Reddit made a Fire Emblem 6 Tier list
Have graphics become too realistic?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
What are your favorite Dragon Quest games Sup Forums?
Most fantasy settings have a short race like Dwarves, gnomes, etc
Can we stop pretending that we hate this game now?
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
ITT: playtimes you do not regret
He actually thinks Talos is a divine
50 word essay due in 48 hours
How do you compose yuorself in a fast-paced game...
Pokemon game on the switch ends up being a Yellow remake
Is he right, Sup Forums?
Save Germany from the Fascist Threat:
Our boy Maximilian Dood has made a list of his 5 favorite video games of all time
Now the dust has settled, which BASE game is better?
All these Xenoblade threads have made me think about how we design women in general, when it comes to video games...
Webm thread, post vidya webms
ZOTAC CUP Masters: Starcraft Remastered Day 2
This is a Nintendo Switch game named Xenoblade Chronicles 2 in 2017
Personal GOTY 2017
ZeRo, Smash Bros. Pro, says Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is the best JRPG he ever played
FFXV: Will it be fixed in updates?
Reminder that Kingdom Hearts 3 comes out in 2018
Do You Have A Problem In Finishing Every Game You Play?
Name a better vidya related online show
What music albums would make a good video game?
Hey, is that dog!
Uh, excuse me, sir?
What does Sup Forums think about this series?
Tsunade's Strength
How are Let’s Players getting fucking crisp graphics in Xenoblade 2? It’s fucking blurry as fuck when I play
We can all agree this is the best in the series right
How do we fix Tekken 7?
Which of these two liars is the worst?
This releases in the same week as Dragonball Fighter Z and MH World. How fucked is it?
Works for me
You bought a Switch Pro controller right before the Xenoblade version came out and fixed the d-pad
You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like
ITT: Games that are Impossible to Discuss on Sup Forums
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
The Dark Project > Gold
Westerners in charge of character design
I had fun with it
Let's have a gamer fuel thread, which mana type you use user?
Hey, Sup Forums
Now that I owned one for a bit I can safely say that I bought a handheld more useless than the vita...
This is your squad for today's mission
How would you fix the MOBA genre?
"Lmao let's just leave this isolated and safe place filled with water and food!"
Top 5 Sup Forums happenings
Blatant mary sue characters that ruin the game
Are those writers of legal age?
I want to play the trilogy for silent hill 1-3 but christ it seems so convoluted to buy...
I turned 30 yesterday. I was too big of an apathetic/depressed loser to post yesterday. Instead of killing myself...
Post the best character designs ever conceived in vidya
Come down here to the Puyo Thread
Link is such a manlet
Why aren't you playing it?
A perfect game
Could they have their own game?
Do you miss your simpler taste from when you were a kid?
*blocks your path*
Which one do you think would make for the best eShop-tier spinoff game?
Christmas hats
Mods: please ban all anime fan pics that are meant to be adult porn shitposting
Daily reminder that it's okay when Nintendo does it
Aw shit
There Xeno 2 fags, I fixed your titty monster
Why do yuropoors have such backwards taste in video games?
Left or right?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
MFW Mass Effect will never be this good again
Which tropico game is the best
The great debate:
L4D clone
Tell Santa what you want for Christmas
Recommend some games?
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 thread
What kind of outfits do you love seeing in games?
Did Aldrich eat Nito too?
The beat up game developer committed suicide
Who is the strongest male video game character?
PlayStation 4 thread
December 7th
This is Dahlia, she is cute and very good at triggering nu-males
Want to play an old game
This is Olivia. Say something nice about her
Just bought this piece of shit
Come back to FFXIV after not playing the month of Stormblood's release because of the Free Login Campaign
And the 2017 goty is
Humble Yogscast Bundle
Guilty pleasure thread
ITT: Sup Forums memes you don't get to post anymore
Would you rather...?
How are elves supposed to look Sup Forums?
Sup Forums has decided. Those are Sup Forumss offical picks for each game of the month
What does Sup Forums think about this game?
Why there are so many blacks and asians in this game and why do they speak in American or awful fake Russian accent...
All memeing and shitposting aside, should I buy this game...
Free keys for my game part 2
I'm an old fart trying to get back into vg
Games: Pokemon
Reat in peace sweet prince
How to I rescue him?
Can you imagine genuinely holding the opinions of Sup Forums? You'd never fucking play anything. Years would go by...
Probability of Percipitation
Post kino cover art
WatchMojo's Top Ten Games of 2017
Inspired by some recent rumors and leaks
Lunar Appreciation Thread
What is the worst case of buyer's remorse you've ever had with vidya...
Reminder that only SJWs and liberals have a problem with the female character designs like this. The game is fine...
Dragon Ball FighterZ
TF2 and Overbotch are overrated. Dirty bomb is the best shooter out rn
Why do people jerk off obsidian but hate Bethesda? Obsidian is honestly overrated...
ITT soyboy repellent
Who is the prettiest vidya girl?
This is honestly amazing
>rated E for Everyone
Gamer Fuel Thread
Some Free keys
Golden Sun Thread
Hardest difficulty is called "nightmare"
Well, fuck
Have you ever fallen in love with a girl from a videogame?
What went wrong? This shit is so unpopular it doesn't even have an English language walkthrough
Which has the better fanbase?
Death stranding
Post underrated GBA games
How often do you put off responsibilities like work, school, and taking care of your pets to play vidya and shitpost...
Minecraft comfy buildings thread
What is Doomguy's alignment?
Sony Won!
Post kino moments in video games
Game tries to be funny
Bloodborne 2
Nintendo of Europe "not as talented" as Treehouse/Nintendo of America
People on this board actually think Undertale is a bad game
ROM Hacks
Are you okay with this, Sup Forums?
What are you playing tonight, Sup Forums?
Does Overwatch take the TF2 formula and improve it?
Nice cover you got there, America. Maybe if the Switch launch edition wasn't so bad...
Bad guy defects and becomes a good guy
Why do girls like Zelda?
Post guaranteed assist trophies for Smash Switch
You know how there's a bunch of Dwarf Fortress ripoff games? Are there any that are good?
What went wrong?
Recommend me some good modern dungeon crawler
You DO still own a CRT TV, right Sup Forums...
What went wrong?
Do you agree or disagree with this image?
Is time
Why is she so perfect, Sup Forums?
Is this the most overrated game on the entire PS3?
3x3 thread, but we also make fun of each other
What the fuck could be an ''insane'' franchise...
What went wrong?
Sup Forums hates good character design all of a sudden
Will it be good, or will they soy it up?
Are you still waiting for yours?
Does anyone else find this game extremely cringy...
Tfw we will never get a game where we play as old grizzled war veteran Shepard because Mass Effect has been tainted by...
Who was majora?
Tfw no stronk fighter gf
Should I get a ps4 or xbox one please help
Lets not forget what tomorrow is
Four more days until Death Stranding
Duel Links
That 30th anniversary Mega Man stream is totally gonna be about that upcoming animated series. Calling it now
Timed exclusive
What are you planning to play this Christmas?
God damnit what a fucking letdown to the trilogy after 2 great games, what the fuck were they thinking...
Were you one of the vocal minority that actually wanted this shit...
Soul Calibur 6 announcement soon
Pc master race here...
MGS is one of the greatest stealth games of all time..MGS 5...
Find a fault
Devil May Cry 5
It wasn't that bad
What is the best Star Wars game?
Reminder if you think these games have a good story/setting you are a marxist furfag
Is he confirmed for KH III?
How's your game coming along? You ARE making one, right?
Best Danganronpa Character
Less than 24 hours until pic related gets announced
The greatest debate
Sup Forumstard here, can someone tell me how the flying fuck this game got so popular?
Does anyone else think that the Xbox Play Anywhere program is the most retarded thing a gaming company has done in...
Mega Man 30th Anniversary Livestream
I fucking miss it
You do use an arcade stick, right Sup Forums?
Never owned a PS2 until now. What are some must-play games?
Are there any western games to look forward to?
Bought the game near PC launch, but haven't played it yet
Sup Forums here
Has the buyer's remorse kicked in yet?
When does it get good?
Some details have come forward about the nature of RDR2's microtransactions
Is there anything wrong with this?
How much do you see it influencing open-world games from here on out?
Who was in the wrong here?
Why do you hate me, Nutendo fans?
Do Half-Life and Doom take place in the same universe???
The biggest game in history, now at 4k
Is there any good video game YouTube content...
Siege thread
Early Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumskend
What are you pirating and playing on your freshly modified Playstation 3, Sup Forums?
This fucking thing has ruined my ability to play on any other platform
Why do you still pay jews for your entertainment Sup Forums?
Is ok when Sony does it
Why is this series so, damn, SOULLESS
Why do the Japs put baseball a sport no one but America plays in their games?
Which one Sup Forums ? Suggestions
When was the last time you played a game?
Alliance gets both Chad-Elves and Alpha-Dwarves in a single expansion
The original pay2win
Where should the next elder scrolls location be?
What am I in for?
Filename thread
Usually not into RPG's because I hate micro managing things. Will I be able to enjoy this?
Name a game with a better OST. I'll wait
Steam santa hat thread
Game has morality system
We are so thrilled to announce our next presenter for Thursday night: Hideo Kojima! The legendary game director will...
Because of all these XBC2 threads lets have a thread dedicated to Japanese character designs
Characters like Lillie (pronounced Lili-eh...
Can we have a mature discussion about this game
A game dedicated to turning into a sissy
This is a Japanese sword
Why aren't you playing tf2 right now?
Want to like 3 better because everyone says it's better
Game about dinosaurs
It's only bad when Nintendo does it
Pacman King. Who else is watching the eSports event of year, the Champions of Fire?
Why is "Linear" a bad word now?
Why do americans love nintendo games so much again
Witcher thread
Tfw an RPG this good will never be made again
Favorite racing vidya
Can we all agree that this is the soyboy of the soulsborne series?
How big are video games in Ireland?
WoW Legion
Where were you when gaming forums died?
I got one of those as an early christmas gift and played a couple hours of mario odyssey. I don't like it...
Nintenbabies BTFO
Video games will never look this beautiful
Meta Gear 2
What the FUCK was his problem?
The Witness
Well designed female characters
So when will they announce a FOX engine remake of the original Metal Gear duology?
Are you ready bros?
Bloodborne II
I have a theory about the hatred for this character
What sound does it make, Sup Forums?
Come on user, it's just a meme, there aren't really any shills here
How many more months until it is physically impossible for a video game to not force something political on you...
Reminder that we do NOT want this game
Daily reminder that NuLara is the absolute best Lara
Why don't you own a Switch yet user?
Where should it take place?
Hey user
Saturday, December 9
Why did she break the mirror? Why is TP the best 3D Zelda?
Reminder that the average gamer is an Adult Male
What are some really well designed enemies?
Fire Emblem Heroes
Tales Of Neptunia 2
Starting Pillars of Eternity up. What class should my pale elf be?
Vidya is art?
Objective: go home and be a family man
She's right you know
Insect-Infested Consoles
Do you know any girls who actually like video games?
How many versions of Skyrim do you actually own?
Valve were the pioneers of "games as a service", F2P, "loot boxes"...
Itt: cancer that is killing the video game
Seifer got his scar in the same incident that got Squall his, right...
Zero interest in recent or upcoming games
Why all the hate? It's just like the original but way more accessable and easier on the eyes
Shrines and Koroks
He is right, you know it
How's that youtube channel holding up Sup Forums?
Long link
Replace "i" with "y"
Nintendo DS Supercards
What's everyone's thoughts on Dauntless?
Anybody still prefer consoles?
Gwyn did NOTHING wrong
Opening cutscene starts with the definition of a word
DICE knows how to make a beautiful game
Are link and zelda brother and sister?
What’s the best way to get dusty tokens?
Will the future of Japanese anime games be full of huge tits?
The Flat Knight
When was the last time you were legitimately hyped about a game?
Why white hair girl is the best?
Since Sup Forums won't shut up about hot Xenoblade designs, I'm curious about the games these hot characters are from...
Drift Stuff
Nintendo Switch firmware version 5.0
YES, a new video from cinemassacre!
*summons Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon*
Is civ 6 decent besides muh women leaders?
As much as Naughty Dog might want to deny it...
Has streaming made gaming better or worse?
It's up
We know ALTTP is a better game than OOT
When did you realize Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is shit and cheap?
Hey, I'm gonna start a Thief thread on Sup Forums. Wanna come with?
Are continuously increasing install sizes of games becoming a problem?
Final Fantasy XV
2017 was a good year, but what can we expect for 2018?
Will Miriam's game be successful?
Character design in 2017 ladies and gentleman
Total War had a new historical Campaign DLC coming out
Why do people here hate this game again
Can Infinite amount of perfect clones of Shadow, Metal Sonic, Chaos, and whatever else he wants
Post your idle animation
MGR thread?
Play jrpg
Xenotrash 2
Is there a rich singleplayer RPG like Skyrim out there that I havent played yet?
OTP Thread
You are my prisoner
Why do you kids hate this?
Phone games are esports
Why does this trigger the Sup Forums so much?
Post your skill-related embarrassments
I beat Jetstream Sam on Revengeance mode no problem, why the fuck can't I beat Vergil on normal in DMC3?
What comes to mind when you see a dragon?
Play retro games
This is Geralt, say something nice about him
Finally a realistic representation who you feel playing shooters on consoles
This is Kokoro
"u mad"
Street Fighter V... is it good?
Video Game Graphics
Is this the most overrated game in the history of mankind or what?
Battlestation thread
Why are you allowed to date women over 10 years older than you in Persona 5? It's disgusting
Which to play?
AC Origins
Fuck this game is fun
What was GOTY? 2017 was fucking bleak, might as well give it to fucking Cuphead
How jealous is Sup Forums?
Game set in near future
Devs release a new class that is fucking useless when built normally
Mfw reading my game reviews from 5-10 years ago
SUB ROSA thread
Friendly reminder that Nintendo got away with selling hard mode as DLC
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
I just logged into Guild Wars 2 for the first time in around 2-3 years. I feel completely lost...
Brutal Legend
The most important things about a fighting game today are
This picture triggers the Sup Forums contrarian
Mobile Games
Ds thread
Profile Pic Thread
Play Blazblue
What's going on with Monolith?
Caroline or Justine, Sup Forums?
Would you save her endlessly, Sup Forums?
Dokkan Thread
Can anyone help me find a good prebuilt gaming PC for under $1000...
Why has Gothic 2 replaced Morrowind on Sup Forums?
How do I make video games have the same magic as when I was 12 years old
Hey Sup Forums what's your favorite roguelike?
Whats the most fun you had playing Local multiplayer?
Worst community of any game ever
Just began playing my newly installed NierAutomata, when the fuck will this faggy looking manlet quit hanging around 2B?
Lokir of Rorikstead
Hitbox thread go
How you enjoying your Nintendo Switch Sup Forums?
Here's filter that gets rid of most of the cancer, shitposts and clickbaits right now here
Game released in 2004
Wanna jump into Final Fantasy series. Which is the best one to start with if I wanna have a good first experience?
This is Sorceress...
Gamers are gay
2 > 1 > V3 > Trash > 3 > Liquid Diarrhea > UDG
They can't keep getting away with it
We're going to try and appeal to a broader audience
WoW: Battle for Azeroth
Get in here my Neverwinter Niggas
Nintendo whiffs again
Let's talk about good Gamecube games!
Which version should I play?
Does anyone else find this game extremely cringy...
Comfy RPGs! Go!!!
This is the best vidya generation yet
Prey was a good game and its a shame people didn't talk about much past its launch week
How many lives have been wasted because of compulsively feeling the need to unlock all achievements in as many games as...
"So, about that gamepl..."
All Nintendo games will be filled with tits and ass from now on. I don't care about the opinions of you filthy gaijin
Is this Nintendo's tactic to win over the Vita audience?
Just bought pic related, what am I in for?
Has any fighting game ever even come CLOSE to this perfection?
Party members sacrifices himself
What are you guys doing up?
We will never get a true halo game after reach
Is Melee dying?
Dokkaebi is CUTE
You get put on the team with underage retards who literally have no played a game before in their life
Which game REALLY has the highest skill ceiling?
PC gaming console style
Why is she so perfect, Sup Forumsros?
FFXIII and FFXV are so bad that it's making other JRPGs get more spotlight
How can real women even compete?
Sexy women who don't look like whores
ITT: "Villains" who did nothing wrong
How can they follow up Bloodborne?
How can any other fighting game even compete?
Been a consoleman most of my life
Deus ex
What's the vidya equivalent?
MMO Thread
Why did you join the EDF?
Name an animal crossing villager and i will rate her/him on cuteness and how fuckable she/he is
Chris and Ding Dong have potential to be really funny (and incredibly entertaining with a third party, e.g. Lyle, Cory...
Anybody else still prefer consoles?
Tfw remembering that one girl you were married to in an mmo
CNN Tech just rekt Sup Forums, what do you think?
Guess what game journalist I am
Overrated garbage
Filename Thread
Play video games maybe 1 hour every month
Why was Sup Forums triggered by this?
Played any Christmas games user?
Press X to reload
What the fuck is their problem?
PS3 broke before my PS1 or PS2 did
Which one was best girl?
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
I miss Lee
Who will you main? Less than 2 months left
Remember when Blizzard used to care about lore?
Creepy File Found in Half Life 3 Source Code
Post examples of censorship that made the product better
There will never be a sealab 2021 game in the vein of space station 13
AAA is bad, indie developers are goo-
Went after every major publisher, EA, Ubisoft, Take2, Activision
Shitch has no game-
Army gay here, got paid yesterday and willing to buy first trips a game they want. Good luck
I hope net neutrality goes away. Not only will it give me a reason to stop going online...
Persona 3: Summoned your Persona by shooting yourself in the head, signifying accepting death...
MGS V was overrated, boring, repetitive, and dull
Give me one reason why anyone would play League of Legends over Dota 2
This guy said Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is tedious, frustrating, and ultimately disappointing
Vidja Girl thread
This is bad luck right?
You have ten (10) seconds to explain why you aren't playing the best game on Switch right now
How is this game?
There's no such thing as a perfect gam-
How would you fix the MOBA genre?
Thoughts on the Zero Escape trilogy?
How come Smash 64 didn't have any Rareware characters anyway? No, Donkey Kong doesn't count
Favourite Dragon Ball game no BT3 edition
Find a flaw
Ocarina of Time is not good
How do we fix the holy trinity?
Did you play video games with your father Sup Forums?
Risky Rain thread
You can't beat sony
This is actually impossible
Death stranding thread
How do we fix Sup Forums?
Remake ruins the original's artstyle
How would you have handled Battlefront 2 to make it a good game?
Muh psychological horror xD
So Sup Forums, do you think we're going to get a remake of this next year?
Hear me out
Name a more delusional fanbase
Is this good character design?
What're some video games where the bad guy was just doing his job until the protagonist interefered and made the entire...
Bought nier on sale and really enjoying it, just completed route A...
He refers to Steam as DRM
Genuine question for people who never owned one of these
Pick one
Do you know any girls who play video games?
Hero has evil powers
Save town from ancient evil people
Comfy Minecraft Thread
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...