I spent 60 bucks on elder scrolls online and played it for 5 minutes and I can't return it
Every time I replay Red Dead Redemption 1 I end up masturbating to the "Hanging Bonnie McFarlane" mission. The random hangings taking place in the game world too if there's a female victim.
And I also keep beating off to my gfs mother and she knows it and doesn't stop me
I have never actually completely finished any video game.
i didn't catch them all
I put the rumble pak in my dic forgive me
I bought three games in the last steam sale and have no intention to play them anytime soon, but I felt if I didn't I'd regret not having them later. Does that make me a consumerist whore?
I draw art for a game I don't play anymore
I haven't played a game in god knows how many years. Last console I bought was a gamecube,
I bought dark souls 2 four times
If a game has an isometric point of view I won't even consider playing it.
stop making this thread
I pirate all my games...
Achievements the primary reason I play any games other than my 3DS and PS2.
I think about my mom when I have sex with my wife.
I don't like waifushit but I bought Persona 5 last week
I gave up ranked two years ago after not hitting gold. I have way more fun in normals now.
I litteraly couldn't get past this QTE so I used an external program to cheat my way past it.
Thats a lie
I've spend 200 bucks on Battlefield 3 and 4 and I didn't play either of the games for more than 10 hour.
It's a nice game
I think Drakengard 2 is a much better game then 3.
I've purchased Metal Gear Solid 2 a total of 6 times (and beat it every time)
PC, Xbox, PS2, PS3, Vita, and legacy collection.
i think Sup Forums in its current state is the antithesis of what it used to be when i joined 4chins in 2005. i could go to my designated geriatric containment board /vr/ but i've grown to genuinely enjoy the anger and despair that only aimless browsing of Sup Forums can bring. nothing is as cathartic as the righteous indignation brought about by reading threads praising halo or runescape or cod4 nostalgia threads.
I will buy a game solely because you are able to gay romance. Especially if you can gay romance anthropomorphic animals.
there's a free weekend on steam right now too :X
Im bad at video games.
you can just mash all the buttons
Your gf or her mother knows it?
>Few times i accidentally tried to confess to priest
>Kept pressing back
>It didn't go out of the confess prompt
>Press yes without reading
>It turned of the game
>All progress lost
I savescum in Doom
Nothing wrong with Runescape.
I can't play online multiplayer games because i keep raging like a faggot
How exactly would she stop you
i bought overwatch because i liked the killfeed font
have 1 hour in it
I've started New Vegas many times but never played past a couple hours
I bought another shitty $1 humble bundle with games I will never play
PUBG is probably the best game I've ever played even though I'm complete shit at it
I think anyone who criticizes it as not fun is either 12 years old whose mommy won't let him use the credit card to buy it, or don't even own a PC
Which one is hotter?
I'm always bragging here that graphics don't matter but they do, I can't play FFVII for this sole reason
I never finished HL2.
Never got past Ravenholm.
Apparently you need really good observation skill. :c
Once you get good at the game the elements you can't control become a source of frustration, and there are many.
The start of nv is pretty overbearing honestly.
I rarely have time for video games anymore, so the idea of starting new ones scares me. All I play is TF2 because I'm decent at it and I can jump in for two hours with little commitment
I play all games on the easiest possible setting because I want to feel powerful, since I feel so powerless in the real world.
I also savescum constantly on everything.
I finally got CFW on my PS3 last week, I'm about to put it back into storage after only spending maybe two hours playing OPPW3 because I just don't really care about going to the effort of finding active torrents for the games when they'll just run like shit anyway. The only thing I've played in the last six months is Stone Soup for an hour once or twice a month.
He's a priest, not a therapist.
I sniped The Boss
I have yet to do it but im SERIOUSLY considering starting Persona 3 again just because I wasnt at Smart in Intelligence, and therefore im not going to be the smartest in class after the Midterm tests. I know its not important but I want my playthrough to be perfect this time.
I like open world games.
I perchanced Battlefront II: Elite Trooper Edition, refunded it after unlocking the good guns and star cards, and repurchased it at the standard price. I haven't even played it that much.
how, its not even randomized like with the boulders its literally just run run run, left, right, both at the same time, mash that button, and you are ready to go.
best =/= fun
the game is objectively garbage.
I think Call of Duty is one of the few remaining shooters that hasn't lost sight of what made killing people fun in the first place. It's quick deaths with nice sounding weapons in a relatively fast-paced game. Advanced Warfare was my favorite because of the boosting and all the techniques you could utilize such as stomping down.
My favorite Tekken is 4 and I'm still buttmad that they removed dynamic stages, position switching and reverted the sidestep mechanics.
The first Battlefront reboot isn't really THAT bad. But it could have been much better and had larger teams
I unknowingly completed Gothic II NOTR with a glitch right at the beginning section of the final area with the Orc Colonel secret door. I transformed into a scavenger so the orcs wouldn't aggro, I explored a bit and found some letter signalling that there's a hidden door behind the colonel, went to his room was just behind him and when I cancelled my transformation I clipped through the hidden wall which I was supposed to activate through some ez puzzle.
Oh well at least I didn't use the Claw of Beliar
Roman Catholicism is a false religion
I know who you are, that isn't even a secret
20 Hail Marys for you, user.
I've tried playing through DMC3 close to ten times and I always get bored around halfway through and end up dropping it. I still haven't beaten it to this day. My attention span is too small for a fucking Platinum game.
What happened to Father Hulk?
I bought Cod Advance warfare (not infinite war)
I bought LBP3 full price on launch, A part of my gaming soul died.
I bought PvZ:GW2 Deluxe edition because I loved gw1 so much, another part of my soul died. Fuck gaming seriously
I never played a Resident Evil, Dark Souls, Uncharted, or Sonic game. The only Mario game I ever played was Galaxy. When I was a kid I spent $200 on ingame stuff in TF2. I played 500 hours of Overwatch, most of that time I was hoping it was going to get better. I think competitive Rocket League is a joke that has gone too far. Also I genuinely think the only reason why esports Overwatch is a thing is because the players would be payed less if they played comp TF2 and not because Overwatch might be a better esport game.
I started but havent finished games like
>Tales of Berseria
>Hollow Knight
>Stalker SoC
>Deus Ex GOTY
>Fallout New Vegas
and many more
but I insist on playing osu! for hours
I don't care for the Dark Souls games and have never beaten a single one of them because I find them too difficult and infuriating. I also have only gotten about 2 hours into the first one before giving up, and 5 hours into the second one before giving up.
I do like the world-building, lore, and artstyle.
no you have to make it fatter
What went wrong, bros?
I play every game on easy because I have more fun being "muh cool guy' than with overcoming challanges. Especially if only thing difficulty changes is enemy hp bar/damage they deal.
Also ever since going to collage I have been drinking regularly because that's the only time when I feel relaxed and I hate being around people but I'm miserable on my own.
I couldn't make it to the first boss in Bloodborne. I got tired of continuously trying and losing my souls, so I traded the game in. On a positive note, though, I got back more than what I paid for it.
I started to occasionally browse on NeoFag in 2012 and at one point did wanna join the forum.
Bottom line is Christianity is an Arab/Middle Eastern religion from modern day Palestine. Even the before picture you posted is just a made up version of Christianity. Orthodox Christianity is the closest thing left to the true path.
I think FFXIII is a very good video game with the exploration being the only flaw
I bought WarZ at release because friends convinced me to.
i had fun and played until they completely ruined performance
i also bought Nether because of the same friends
i liked lightings armpits and thought snows design was cool
I keep buying games I never finish
I'm trying to get away from PC gaming. I have so many games that I want to play on my PS4/Switch, and all there is on my PC is PUBG, Civ 5, Fallout 4 and Witcher.
I'm crazy.
Hope my dad lets me back home soon.
Wanna vidya... real freaken bade!
I played eso beta, bought it on release, played it solid for a month and got mmo addiction.
Kicked the addiction, 6 month later I payed $9 one month to play it again, played it for 5 mins and quit because it had changed so much.
Then last year I was a fucking idiot and bought it for PS4, and bought a copy for a friend.
I have been playing it for an entire year, but obviously it's not my only vidya, though unfortunatly my it is the first mmo for my friend and he is addicted beyond belief, even spending all his money on ingame cosmetic crap.
fucking game
Truthly, I dont think Dead Space 3 is bad besides the shoehorned action bits and the poor handling of characters like Ellie and Isaac. The weakest of the games for its untapped potential but not a bad game all around, I even enjoy the optional side missions. That said some guns feel weaker than they did in DS1 or 2.
user, I have an entire steam library and console vidya collection because of the sane reason.
I try not to waste my cash but there is no harm buying things for the future because it is on sale
I like to pretend I'm a girl on the internet, for the attention it gives. It's come to the point where it's more of an alter-ego to me with fake pictures and everything.
Though I have no desire to be a girl IRL.
Right before each boss in Nioh I pop an Extraction Talisman and Carnage Talisman, and then I activate Living Weapon once the fight starts
>tfw you spend 20 dollars on keys for tf2, thinking you can make up all of that so you can buy the 15 dollar game + more
>tfw you get 2 bucks out of it
TF2 is shit
I bought Cubeworld
>Especially if only thing difficulty changes is enemy hp bar/damage they deal.
I prefer a balance of challenge without becoming frustration. So most fps games I play on hard straight away. Fucking fallout 4 is so retarded I put that shit on easy and steam roll it.
Enemies just become bullet sponges who 1 shot you it's stupid.
I also use the fallout wiki in locations to tell me what notible loot there is as it is frustrating having to search for and loot everything
I spent 10 bucks in Digimon Masters Online, knowing full well how shitty it was, just because I wanted one of my bros to be playable. I pretty much only have the urge to play the game every six or so months, and then ignore it after a week. I just want a good Digimon MMO.
I enjoy videogames
are you the fucking retard who keeps begging for random hangings with women every RDR2 thread?
I jerked off 3 times yesterday.
And two of them were to renamon
And the other was to the xcom 2 viper
I have about 4k games on steam from shitty indie bundles and I keep buying them, I don't really have any intention to play them, just use a program to farm cards to get more indie bundles
I like DaS2 the best of all the Souls games, including BB
I have never beaten a Final Fantasy game despite owning every one besides the MMOs
I bought a PS4 a few months ago and got like 25 games for it, but have only played BB, Miku, and a bit of Patapon, then just ignore the thing and went back to Dorf Fort and Rimworld
i never finished darksouls or windwaker
I wouldn't call it "begging" but more "wishing to see" because it would complete the Wild West experience of the game for me.
>be wild west cowboy
>riding horse in the desert
>hear woman screaming
>shes being hanged
>get dick out
I’ve bought Skyrim three(3) times and never got pass whiterun in either of them.
is it me am I getting too old?
videos games aren't fun anymore
but I wish I had fun playing them.
There's nothing wrong with this.