Bought the game near PC launch, but haven't played it yet

Bought the game near PC launch, but haven't played it yet.

How long is the intro/tutorial part of the game?

Why would you buy this game?

Refund it.

Give or take 20-30 hours.
The entire game is boring and piss-easy.

Better played with friends, the tutorial is short but kinda good.

About 30 minutes until you have access to a Patrol area and have a bit of choice about what you want to do to

>He fell for destiny 1 and still buys destiny 2
Is like people literally likes to be scammed

We believed 2 would have learned from the mistakes of 1, not turn them all to fucking 11.

>I will blindly buy a sequel of a shitty game without watching gameplay of it, that's a wise decision

Then you're fucking stupid.

What is so bad about?

Planing to just play trough the campaign and never touch the multiplayer stuff.

Post yfw you didn't fall for Destiny 2

The campaign is hilariously easy and boring.
That's my biggest issue with it, even with friends it's so monotonous.

If that's all you plan to do then you'll be fine. People are complaining because there is next to no-post-game and the PvP is stale.


This. Based hopeful poster. We were...twice betrayed...


The tutorial/intro is honestly the best part of the campaign. Best musical soundtrack, and not a bad way to "reset" everything imo. Too bad the rest of the campaign falls short. It's about half an hour/45 minutes depending on how slow you take it.

I'd wait till Tuesday before you start playing it. The DLC launches and even if you don't own it you still get the balance patch that may or may not come out but probably will but we're not going to know because bungo doesn't do patch notes for some fucked up reason.

You are dumb, these days you should watch a fucking wakthroufgh of thwe game to avoid being scammed, rather spoil the game a bit than to be fucking scammed.

save your money it's crap


>Bought the game near PC launch, but haven't played it yet.

Why would you buy a game at (or near) FULL fucking price if you're not going to play it?

I mean, I have games I never played in my Steam account, but those are just extra games from Humble bundles and therefore cost me approximately nothing. I can't imagine paying $60 for a game and then not playing it.

I don't feel like it

Patch notes will be up the day of the patch, they always put out patch notes.

>buy game blindly because dev made other good games
>It's a scam
>Buy sequel for that game blindly because there's a chance they fixed it

If you already bought it you may as well play it. The campaign is alright despite the story being a bit bland but it ends very strong. The post-campaign game is all about playing with/against other people, though.


Warlocks got fucking SHAFTED when it comes to armor design. Although I do feel like all of Destiny's 2 armor design is inferior to 1. All three Iron Banner sets look good though.

The enjoy wasting your money on shitty games.

it ended in the most obvious possible way are you kidding me

>tfw all my friends tell me to buy it
>don't buy it
>They stopped playing it after a week
a well spent $60 lads

FWC looks good. Ego Talon looks good (but is a bitch to get because you're limited to the amount of Ikora's tokens you can earn each week).

I might get the Nessus set and see if it looks good after shaders have been applied

Do sets really mean anything at all when can't keep their appearance? Everyone I see is always a mix of random items

I was surprised Ghaul was actually killed at the end of the campaign instead of achieving some kind of "final form" that you have to fight in the raid

I'm mostly talking about the 1AU mission, which I thought was pretty great. Also I thought the giant cum monster was funny.

There is no set bonus, no, but each set comes with a certain stat distribution. So if you really want a lot of Recovery, you'll run a full Recovery set. People mix and match to get the stats they want.

A full set lets you min/max the stats

I've watched my friends play co-op and it seemed like the most underwhelming game I've ever seen.


>Have a go at the trial
>Cutscenes rendered in real time locked to 30 fps
>Missions consist of going from room to room and mowing down enemies that run into your line of fire
>Weapons lack feedback and kick
>Story is com
How do people enjoy this? Checking off weekly laundry lists with friends?

I'm just hoping now that the live team has control they can unfuck this mess in time for the fall expansion.

It's every bit as shallow as it looks. I honestly couldn't believe it when I heard the paid DLC would be coming out already.

I will

It is the same amount of time as between vanilla Destiny 1 and it's first DLC.

b-but I played Destiny 2 for about 150 hours now and I'm still having fun

It's artificial fun

All you had to do was wait and watch gameplay footage. It's mindless crap and worse than D1 somehow, despite being entirely recycled.

So you just have shitty taste, it is fine faggot
I enjoy MMOs myself


I hate artifical things. Which vidya game can I find real fun in?

I wish trials of the nine wasn't such niggerballs. I can't find super competitive pvp enjoyable in this game. Regular all random pvp is fun, but as soon as it gets organized, it drains every last drop of fun out of it, I'd honestly play any other fps or overwatch competitively.

That's fucking irrelevant. If your game desperately needs improvement you don't put a cost on it, the base game needs to stand on its own first.

>I enjoy MMOs myself
honestly, Destiny 2 revived my love for mmos. I basically got burned out on everything available on the market, but D2 is casual enough and allows me to do what I enjoy with minimal amounts of time investment needed.

A Nintendo first party release

The point of Destiny is to sell garbage and "improve" it with DLC.

We already had this argument during D1, Bungie will not ever learn or this is just on purpose.

I haven't enjoyed those in about 5 years. Except Mario Kart 8 maybe.

Trials is bretty gud this week though. Small map with a lot of flanking potential in Deadcliffs. Besides, it's survival instead of countdown.

$60 for a week is actually kinda par these days.

Seriously, I have way more fun in OW competitive than Trials, it was kinda fun when it first came out with HoW.

>4v4 PvP with terrible spawn system that doesn't even let you pick which game mode you want to play
>Shittier loot system locked behind grinding tokens
>Prestige Raid is not only supposed to be harder than the normal Raid, but gives all the same rewards making it pointless when the normal Raid is faster
>Story is an improvement, but does nothing to solve the plot points from the first game
>Weapons having fixed rolls means there's even smaller weapon variety than the first game
>A good portion of exotics are useless
>Literally nothing to do after clearing the campaign and the Raid
>Everything you could hope to discover is marked on your map for you anyway
>Learned from the mistakes of 1

It a kind of cool. You're exactly who the vanilla release was targeting. I'm excited for the more expansive features now that everyone has got a taste though.

The point of TotN is it's a gathering place for all the tryhard MLG types so they can show off their e-peen at how good they are at a garbage PvP game.

>he thinks hardmode in video games is pointless
shitter detected

>Friend is so desperate for anyone to play this game with him that he buys me it for me.
>Tells me it's fantastic, better then Destiny 1.
>Play it.
>Get through the main story and kill Ghol in less then 4 hours.
>Game forces you to level 20 immediately.
>Only thing to do now is replay the same content until I get max level gear.

Blizzard really phoned this one in. Like god damn.

It's still just who gets the 1 power ammo first, the game where you can get shredded in 0.1 seconds if team shot, and takes about 2 seconds to kill anyone solo.

Like I said, I'd rather play any other game competitively, because at least other games make it fun.

There's zero incentive to do the hard mode since it doesn't give you different rewards aside from the whole "yeah i did the hard mode" boasting

you are an actual brainlet

what a sad existence you must be to have the need for a carrot ingrained so deeply into your personality

>friend buys it
>day 1 he says "it's really good user, buy it!"
>tell him i'll wait a month or two
>speaks to me a few days later
>"the game is shit and i've already run out of things to do"

How did the same people who made halo 3 make the god awful PvP in this game?


every map is long hallways

the only way to kill someone is to have 2 or more people fire on them before they strafe out of the hallway

oh by the way you can't flank, because you have omnipotent "radar" that shows anyone flanking you and what direction they're coming from

I'm taking a shit right now. While I was reading your post my gum dropped out of my mouth and into my underwear. Should I still chew it? It still had flavor.

It was made by Bungie and Activision. But these days with Blizzard under Activision they are kinda shit too.


They obviously regressed it to a vanilla Destiny 1.5 so they could re-sell everything that made Destiny 1 good to the PC crowd.

As a PC player who never played Destiny 1 it's the only explination I can think of. That or Bungo is just halariously incompitent.

Considering what type of game it is that's pretty fucking funny for you to say

So you would go out and work a 12 hour shift job for no money/proper reward at all?

You stupid nigger.

Not that user but if my "job" was enjoyable and fun and I could do it for however long I liked and stopped whenever I wanted to then sure?

Who's forcing you to play a game you don't like for 12 hours?

Not him, but post-Halo Bungie can't make a hard mode worth shit. The first game's hard mode raids just had the enemies do more damage and you couldn't be revived if killed. However this was easily circumvented thanks to them literally having a class with an ability where you can come back to life. Hard mode isn't pointless unless it's hard mode that isn't even hard

>comparing hobby with work
found your problem

>Considering what type of game it is that's pretty fucking funny for you to say
Maybe I'm playing the game wrong, but I haven't chased any carrot a single time since it came out on PC. I managed to reach ilvl 305 anyways.

If you play the game for the gameplay you're pants on head retarded

You're stupid if you belive this unironically.
Enjoyment to the hobby is the reason in first place why you're playing the game, but if there is no proper reward to it - if you don't get the feeling of achiviing something, you will eventually get bored of it really quick and drop it in a matter of times.

So no, you would never ever work 12 hours a day on a job just for the sake of fun, thats a blatant lie and you should be ashamed of lying in the internet/not properly selfreflecting upon yourself for stating such bullshit in the first place.

I have this friend insisting that I get this game and I almost did since it was on sale. But I looked at the price of the DLC and the amount of current content and fuck that shit.
No game should require 3 DLC packs to become a complete game. Besides I heard the PC version was gimped compared to the PS4 one.

I'm not playing the game for gameplay
I'm not playing the game for rewards
I'm not playing the game for work

I'm playing the game for fun

lol sell your pc you fucking retard

rewards in a hobby do not need to be extrinsic like you expect them to be


You know I want to call you out for "only enjoying a game if you get some kind of reward or progression from it" but when i stop to think about it I'm the exact same way.

I've been enjoying the attack on titan videogame recently, but the 'enjoyable' gameplay untilatly results in me increasing the strength of my gear and unlocking more missions and level-ups. I think that's the reason i haven't played games I really like such as Titanfall 2 or Destiny 2, because in the former I have everything i want unlocked and in the latter there's nothing TOO unlock.

Fuck me man.

>Not understanding that hobby and work are basically the same, with the only difference that you actually enjoy doing it, because you chose to.

is that ALL the sets? really???

so this guy is why games are trash today huh

true, I'm a millionaire, I don't understand the distinction. Everything I do is because I so choose.

>enjoyable and fun
pick one

They really don't as much as in regular work, that's selfexplaining.
But they ARE needed and the very reason why nobody can enjoy vidyas over a long period of times anymore. Because there is nothing to really to get out of it. Nothing really to work for.

Don't be upset, user, this is how people work.
If developer would get their heads out of their asses, they would maybe try to think of creative and better ways to achive things in games that have nothing to do with lootboxes which come along with one-dimensional-stupid-ass grind bullshit which is outdated as fuck.

Not everyone is a poorfag like you.


>But they ARE needed
no they are not. Take any kind of sports activity you partake in without attending tournaments.

>Because there is nothing to really to get out of it. Nothing really to work for.
nigga I miss this shit. I just want to play the game for the game's sake. I'm so sick of having to grind or level up to get all the items in a game. I can't stand it anymore

Friendly reminder that these guys are taking care of Halo now.

Being this much of a brainlet..

>Take any kind of sports activity you partake in without attending tournaments.

Going to the gym, for example? HMMM. THINKINGFACE.JPG
Why would people go to the gym if there was nothing to achive there?!

Of course there is a reward to it - and that is:
>You being fit
>You being able to lift more
>You beneftiting of all the chemical procceses that are taking place in when you lift
>You getting a selfconfidence boost by not being a lazy fuck and getting out there doing something
>You getting to know people, possibly aquiring a few gymbros, socialising, stopping isolating yourself etc
