literally whos

Literally who?

Oh boy another movie trailer

They are just presenting awards ain't they? Doesn't seem like the place to announce Steel Cog Liquid.

>two hacks


Why is kojima trolling us. He posted some silent hill gifs today

You need to leave board if you don't know who hideo or kojima is

>movie guys at a video games award show

fuck del toro

he's another anti-white SJW, I can't believe Kojima is teaming up with him for anything

Does Kojima hate white people too?

2 talentless hacks who both got lucky once and made something good.

Pale Man is a direct allegory to Nazis you fucking retard.
>inb4 some kids defend Nazis

Kojima does everything his Hollywood idols tell him to do.

Nazis did nothing wrong

but del toro is a hack
all of his recent work sucks

>implying Del Toro isnt white
>calling """"minorities"""" and women helpless

What a fucking racist sexist

DC is adding a new character?

never follow people who made something you appreciate on twitter

Kagina never wanted to make games. He wanted to be hollywood famous.


>"i will never work with vidya ever again"
>"jesus goddamn they make billions, sign me up again"

even if it was a new trailer or gameplay for death stranding, why didnt they announce this at sonys e3 or their psx event?

Who cares? Just separate the content from the content creator.

Remember the time his dad was kidnapped and he said how he hated mexico cause of all the crime?

Kojima and Dorito Pope are good friends, Kojima is basically doing Pope a favor and giving his show more buzz and significance. The ruse started at Pope's show in 2012. Now it ends here.

I don't know. Next update is Mom stuff, and I guess there's gonna be a minor character added (a mechanic), plus a shopkeeper. So, maybe?

>it's another Geoff won't stop fellating Hackima's cock awards
I swear to god if a single non-Japanese game gets an award I will be very angry.

I used to meme about Kojima making shitty movie games but seriously there's no way Death Stranding isn't going to be a shitty movie game

What ruse? can you explain it properly.

wow another trailer for a game that won't be out for years

>'femnazi' is bad
>'nazi' is not bad
really jogs the neurons...

Jews are pale.

Go ahead and explain why contrarian, without resorting to meme buzzwords like movie game

A Mexican weeab and a Japanese westaboo

Just epic

>implying the people who say "nazis did nothing wrong" use the term "feminazi"

the strain S1 was good, it went to shit afterwards

Kill yourself, you whiny Sup Forumscuck.


Playground are showing their new game?

Shape of Water was good

wait, what


>everyone pretending to act surprised when Death Stranding gets another trailer at TGA like it did last year

Why? What do you gain by acting like retards? You knew this was going to happen.

Are Hideo and Kojima separate entities now?

When did this meme start?

yeah nazis sure are thriving huh? what with there empire completely toppled and being the most vilified political ideology in modern times.

2013 I think. Maybe 2014.

The theories for MGSV made everyone into literal retards, I’m ashamed to even say I played the games now because of how bad the fanbase turned out.

the pale man is also the fabrication of a mentally ill girl

>When did this meme start?
I'm afraid it's been, 5 years

>Caramel still believes in "the ruse"
what a pathetic faggot

go back to tumblr

Nah dude it was all real.

Tell me how you will reflect on your life when I turn out to be right.

Kojima and Guerilla cant compete

t. movielet

Based caramel

The movie had nazis in it, you know.

Yeah, you told me the same for E3, you absolute retard

I thought Toro wasn't involved ever since the whole Konami debacle.

>exploit non-whites for centuries
>mad now suddenly the tables have turned

gee wee what are the chances

gb2 >

That's nice and all

But how do you explain Guillermo del Toro saying Fuck Konami for cancelling Silent Hills?

I still believe in this theory. There's no way as a doctor you're going to try to legitimize your head transplant thesis with an image like that.

you really think someone would do that? just go on the internet and tell lies?

>good friends

The friendship is more from Pope’s side than from Kojima. Which is obvious and awkward as fuck.

The same people who call Del Toro Brown will call George Zimmerman a White "Hispanic"

Makes sense, somehow

Who is Kojima and who is Hideo, do they have any discerning qualities?

>Fat white soyboy hates le evil white males
when will it be revealed that hes a rapist

Toro doesn't know Kojimas masterplan

>But how do you explain Guillermo del Toro saying Fuck Konami for cancelling Silent Hills?
>why would someone in on the ruse say something that perpetuates the ruse
This is how fucking stupid you sound.

Despite how "awkward" your autistic mind perceives it, Kojima still throws Dorito Pope a bone, hence why he debutted MGSV at the VGAs and will now end it.

He's not white

Will this still be an xbone exclusive though?

lel hes whiter than trump

Yeah because Geoff is somewhat of an influential guy in the industry. But to say they’re good friends is really autistic. But that’s expected from someone who trips on an chinese noodleshop and says something like that is great friendship lmao

Can you explain me that pic?

they are an independent studio so theres a chance it wont be

The ruse cruse of Joakim Mogren.

So, death stranding is next Silent Hill or Metal gear?

I thought they were part of MS Game Studios?

>People are actually excited for this """"game"""" which is nothing more than two incredibly vague movie trailers

>People call this guy brown

So micheal jackson is white?

wait what?

Well you see, there's this demo which was one released on the PSN store called "PT", you should've played it while you had a chance.

You're the only autistic one here, complete inability to see the obvious.

how do explain how konami would be okay with being bashed in the public eye. It doesn't make any sense to me. Even Reedus got in the fuckonami bandwagon.


Konami don't give a fuck about a bunch of nerds spamming their Twitter and Facebook. When the truth is revealed everyone will love Konami more than ever before for daring to along with an artist's vision. Their stocks and profits have done nothing but improve since Kojima was "fired". The controversy was spread using rumors and second hand sources. The truth will be spread using the biggest gaming event in the world.

Fuck Kojima and his fat fucking spic friend.

Niggers would do the same if they could, but even a gorilla is smarter than a nigger.

nope, i can see why you would think that though. literally every game they have made so far has been forza.

It's a fucking joke you prude

Turn10 are. Playground only does Horizon because MS pays them. So if MS doesn't buy Playground chances are it's gonna be multiplat, but if MS buys them it's at least still coming to PC.

Konami stocks skyrocketed after kojima left, they don't care how they are perceived

Niggers are exploiting themselves in Africa you fucking loser


And what about the video with andrew house and the new kojima partnership with sony. Is sony also in on the "ruse"?

I would not be surprised if genetically he has more european ancestry than most Americans do.

Neat. Wonder what they'll do with it.

your bullshit ends here.

You would be slightly more believeable if you didn't keep locking yourself into comfirmed days this shit would be announced (e3, tgs etc)
I mean, if this is going to be announced on the "biggest gameing event in the world", why even claim he was going to do it at the others?

What makes del toro not white. If 2 white people moved to mexico and had a kid would the kid suddenly not be white? The fat fuck is pale as shit and has blue eyes

What is it exactly that attracts failed directors to videogames?
Is it because they can get the adulation of an incredibly basic audience with little effort?
Or are they just too lacking in self confidence to deal with real actors and all their bitching?
Or is it the pretty CG effects?

I've been pondering about this since a decade or so and I still haven't been able to find an answer.

>being this delusional

They probally skyrocketed because the money drain was fired