Why is DriveClub still the best looking racer in 2017?
Why is DriveClub still the best looking racer in 2017?
It set its rendering budget for 30fps and cheated the hell out of environment assets not close to the road.
dirt rally looks better and it's 60fps
Literally looks like a PS2 game, not exaggerating.
This and some really fancy tech that other engines just haven't bothered trying because consoles wouldn't be able to do them at 60fps.
I turned on the motion blur. Does it look next-gen now?
I still don't know why they bothered with procedurally generated volumetric clouds for DriveClub. Complete waste of resources for a driving game.
pretty sure thats just because the car in that webm is blocky
Turn off that motion blur, if your graphics are so great
he's just looking for a reason to post the .webms he spent a long time rendering over and over again.
Technically I love that really clean, smooth look 60 fps grants games. That is an understated effect of higher framerates.
I can see why someone would prefer Driveclub if they prefer a lot of effects.
liar, you are exaggerating.
That might actually be related to their lighting engine. Needed proper clouds for accurate illumination/scattering, procedural since there's a day/night/weather cycle and all as well.
Anyway, other games have done them and calc time is
Then how would i perceive fast motion?
Dirt Rally wastes it's resources on car physics.
With your eyes you silly bitch!
>have vive
>try assetto corsa VR with my racing wheel
>its hideous
is that witcher 3?
controller user confirmed
it's like they plucked down two supercars into a unity asset made forest. total dogshit
Your eyes can't see motion blur naturally if you are looking at a still moniter you twat
The cars look like they're poorly photoshopped in.
I have more fun with it than with GT Sport. Also, I opened Project Cars 2 PS4 demo and it genuinely looks last gen, what the FUCK happened?
i say nfs 2015 looks great, partly because its always night and you cant see shit
looks like a PS2 game with motion blur
1st gen VR just isn't good enough for driving/flying games where distance clarity is a necessity.
Somewhat hoping there'll be a new panel tech come the next-gen VR headsets where they can cram more pixels towards the middle where you focus generally is, instead of an even spread where the majority of them get wasted in your peripheral.
It'd solve the resolution problem and give you more detail straight ahead for shit like cockpit sims.
Damn you guy(s) got me good
Looks great on pc champ
She looks great on my PC
One day racing games will make extensive use of parallax mapping to make the roads look less like flat textured surfaces.
>Project cars 2 looks last gen
I said on PS4. They didn't even bother maxing the system, considering GT Sport on PS4 looks MUCH better than Cars 2 on PS4. They should have made Cars 2 PC exclusive and make it even better there, instead of half-assing it on PS4 and, probably, on Xbox One.
>30 frames per second
>no style or design, just scanned assets
>looks realtic, read- ugly and brown
Not even the best-looking on PS4. Hyper-realism is a meme that becomes obsolete when new heights are reached, but art direction lives forever.
Yeah, as much as I enjoyed the first and second project cars, slightly mad studios are kinda shitty.
GT sport isn't a sim, and it doesn't look as good as some pc racing games but damn is that game fun.
Went in the atenza for the FIA race and I could not keep up with the meganes on the straights at interlagos, managed a 3rd from 5th so I'm happy.
I got wipeout omega on sale, it's fun and I'm struggling to relearn the handling, also I think I prefer the original transmission is to 2048's
Original tracks* fuck phoneposting
>me when i see a rallying thread to shill in