Persona 3: Summoned your Persona by shooting yourself in the head, signifying accepting death...

>Persona 3: Summoned your Persona by shooting yourself in the head, signifying accepting death, the inevitable and things you cannot change
>Persona 5: Summoned your Persona by taking off a mask, or stripping your ego and inauthenticity to unlock inner power
>Persons 4: You...uh, use a card? I guess?

Why is P4 so shit not only story and character-wise but also thematically? It just shit the bed so hard.

They made it up as they went along.

>signifying accepting death, the inevitable and things you cannot change
Only applied to the MC, every character did the same thing and all other party members survived
>stripping your ego and inauthenticity to unlock inner power
MC has no personality/ego to strip off
You're reading into it too hard

>Video game centers around death with themes surrounding it including a mechanic where the characters continuously shoot themselves in the head
>"It's just a game bro! xD"

I'm guessing you dont read much.

Except it was literally just a meme because in the early 00's Japan's teenagers had a high suicide rate
Read the news/stop being underage


3 was your persona coming out to protect you because it thought you were a dumb fuck.

>Only applied to the MC,
How? What OP said about P3's themes/messages is undoubtedly correct, those are the themes spread throughout the whole cast and even the strangers in town.

I believe they were supposed to shoot themselves in the head to simulate a traumatic experience. That's why the evokers had to feel, weigh, and react like normal guns to have the user think it's a real gun they're putting to their head.

the cards are tarot cards. It represents subverting fate you fucking brainlet.

P4 missed an yugioh battle system opportunity.

Why was there a high suicide rate amongst teens?

That's funny though because japs don't know dick about guns

P3 was literally a JoJo reference. SP protects Jotaro from Shooting himself. This is also confirmed.
Lot of japanese stuff is just "stuff that looks cool and will fit in somehow ", just look at the """"""deep""""" symbolism in silent hill and listen to the designer.

>suicide is a meme because early 00's Japan's teenagers used to do it a lot

edgy desu senpai

"Meme" doesn't mean what you think it means.

Yeah, meme only means funny jokes on the internet.

>Persona 3: Summoned your Persona by shooting yourself in the head, signifying accepting death, the inevitable and things you cannot change
Nah the Evoker was just so you'd freakout and stress, causing you to summon your persona in response

What will P6 have?

they'll just go straight to the dancing all night game and you summon your persona via interpretive dance

Meme is darwinism term that means "repetitive behavior" or something like that.

I was thinking the same when I was playing P5. But then I thought that maybe in P4 case the card can be thought as "revealing the card" as in "revealing your true self".

But I don't fucking know.

t. Reddit who actually doesn't know what a meme is


>start studying analytical psychology
>personas and shadows are actual concepts
>archetypes/collective unconscious explained
>negotiating with shadows is a real thing
>Persona is pretty much just Jung: The Game
I feel stupid for not knowing this earlier

Jesus christ user
To be honest I only saw it in my P4 playtrough. P3 didn't really use Jung stuff that well.

I'd never heard about any of this until recently, they didn't teach psychology in my school.

You forgot they used eyeglasses in Persona 4 for the metaphors and shit.

All games have them, why are they used to summon personas in 4? Explain please


Doesn't matter because 4 had yukiko who I will one day marry.

Pretty much this. There wasn't really a good way to show a concept like truth in persona summoning so they used the glasses instead

Snake charming

wtf is Persona and why should I play it?
pcfag here

Something to do with chains

4 and 5 were the good ones. 3 was shit

because p4 theme is specifically more connected to the tarot than the others.
it follows the fools journey step by step

p3 is overrated because "muh downer ending"

It's like Pokemon, but with more things to do. It's kinda fun.
Emulate P3 and P4 on the PS2 emulator, but for P5 you'll have to either buy a console or get a PC with a powerful CPU and wait until the PS3 emulator makes the game playable.

It's a really shallow interpretation of it, it's basically "psychology for dummies" level.

>Persona 6: Summon your persona by shooting your load, liberating your true desires from the cage of physical body

The strongest protagonist will not need a gimmick to bring forth his persona

If they make the next wild card a godslayer as well, he'll like be able to not have to do anything but raise his arm or give a stern look

adults with this little of an understanding of media should be euthanized

You're summoning your Persona in 4 by Reaching Out To The Truth.

Anyone here emulated P5? last time I checked it ran decently well on RPCS3


>4 better than 3

>yukari: dad dead
>junpei: waifu dies
>mitsuru: dad dies
>akihiko:whole family dead, best friend dies
>ken: mom killed
>shinjiro: fucking dies
>durr hurr only applies to the main character
and that's not even covering the npcs. you're a fucking faggot, dude.

>That pic

Heh, I like it. Each arcana should be based off a non-socially allowed fetish.


say after me Sup Forums:
I wanna ____ that cat!

>Persona 4
>Simplified physical attacks to be one type
>Took away battle bonuses you'd get in P3
>Introduction made absolutely no sense
>Themes aren't as strong as P3
>Instead of getting healed for going to the main floor, you instead pay a shitload of money to some lol xD randumb fox
>Brought back direct commands basically casualizing the game, breaking immersion and throwing away a unique mechanic (underage fags and casuals will say this is a good thing)

P4 is just a more casual version of P3, get over it.

>muh direct commands!


There was an interview for P5 where it was mentioned that they took the same approach to making it that they did with P3, which was a method they ditched for P4. It made making the game a pain and resulted in the game's theme falling by the wayside the way it did.


So we all agree that P4 had the best concept for dungeons, but P5 had the best dungeon level designs?

>There's a furry level

P3 had the best cocnept but Taratrus was utter dogshit. The P4 dungeon were shit and weere a mixed-bag conceptually. The P5 dungeons were fun and were also a mixed-bag conceptually, but I'd say more of them were good in this regard than P4's dungeons.

>>So we all agree that P4 had the best concept for dungeons
>Have to go back to dungeon you already cleared in order to grind


>Koromaru: owner dead ;_;


Really made me think.

Fidget spin or vape

feed sushi to

I don't even know what you mean by concept. The theme of the dungeons? They were so forgettable.

Also, they took away customizable weapons.

>characters take a red pill to summon personas

So is Mona actually a cat or human? I never get around to finishing Persona games.

We'll be living in Deus Ex reality by the time P6 comes out. It will be normies vs. augments again.

You're telling me you remember the Billy & Mandy Kabbalah Tower sections but not the castle, sauna, strip club, facility, heaven, inaba and nocturne ripoff?


Heaven and Izanami's funhouse were the only good ones though.
And even then, P4 didn't really do enough to really differentiate the dungeons.


>wanting the games to be even more of a 1-to-1 analog of each other
You wouldn't be a very good writer.

No, P4. P3 didn't even make an attempt, but that doesn't mean P4's dungeons are anything to be praised.

you summon a persona by dabbing

I would ironically enjoy this.

button mash


This is the kind of person you share this board with.

Persona 4's theme is supposed to be finding truth, which is what the glasses were for. The glasses afford them the clarity and capability to find and confront the truth.

But yeah, it was really not executed very well and the visual representation of this was incredibly boring.


The symbolism is all there in P4, but it is really lame and messy and just comes off as an excuse to look cool with a vague philosophical motivation.


I'd rather share it with them than with you meme spouting faggot.

You can't apply mainline logic to persona, it's not gods those you are killing, it's personifications of human desires. There will always be a 'mask' to stick with the theme.
p3's gun - self preservation, fear of death
p4's tarots - truth, fate
p5's mask - society, the masses

"Oh my god is this stupid nigger trying to kill himself again? Jesus christ I can't believe he's making me come out of here and save his- oh shit, monsters"

>P4: they unlock their persona (facade, another self) by facing their Shadow and accepting their ugly side
>P3: uh, you just have the potential lol, shoot yourself my man

>had to grind in P4
Nigga what

To fuse high-level Personas.