Game advertises being long as a good thing

>game advertises being long as a good thing

dumb ADHD frogposter

Dumb frogposter
Dumb anime avatar weeabo poster

Like clockwork

>implying attention span is the problem and not that I have other shit I want to do

Sup Forums is an anime website retard

But that is a good thing.

Imagine you woke up one day and you put a video game in a Consul and then you realize that this video game just never was going to end you kept playing the game and you kept playing the game and you kept playing the game and then eventually you fight the final boss or what you think is the final boss and then after that another level unlocks and then in Everett leather leather what level unlocks and then another that the other than on Knox and then another f******I swear to f****** God if someone doesn't come over here right now and just suck my cock I'm going to be so f****** angry I just want to play a video game I just want to get my money's worth why do all Nintendo games cost $60 don't you think that's kind of a f****** rip-off don't you think this is kind of a they're stealing our money I swear they are I swear to God none of these games are worth the f****** price that they try to make us pay it's absolutely f****** ridiculous I want to go I want to get a AAA I want to get a AAA Alpha game I want to get a video game that actually make sense 101 I want one of these video games that actually make my money worth post

t. retards

>poster stating that Sup Forums is anime board in a desperate attempt to defend his overuse of anime avatars
Exactly as predicted

Wow, you sure got me there user! How will I EVER recover?

Sup Forums is an anime website.

>game advertises voiced dialogue as a good thing

Imagine being this upset about someone posting anime

In some cases it is. Just look at Deadly Premonition.

>Unable to defend his own position and proceed to post more anime avatars
Precisely as ordained.

Giant a are you faggot fucking

>are you
>not you are

You had one job to bait, but now you just look like a dummy

>I have to defend my anime posting

Based anime posters

>Implies his position is infallible and posts more anime

I have no plans on stopping

>having to defend the posting of anime on an anime website

anime posters won


OP is right, though. A quality of a game is not determined by its length. In fact, large length is very often associated with terrible amounts of padding.

>based 4channers beat newfag ex-redditors