Would you pay $500 for a Nintendo?
Would you pay $500 for a Nintendo?
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I would pay $500 for you to kill yourself
I wouldn't even pay $500 for ownership of the whole company.
I doubt that.
I'm not gay but $500 is $500.
Mainly because I'm too dumb to own company so it's better for me to just hold onto the money
My wife loves the Retron 5
She must be very proud of you. I wish you the best.
I might if it was 100% accurate, but it even has sound inaccuracies. Why pay that much for something that isn't even perfect?
Because that's literally impossible? You Cannot, recreate an analogue sound chip digitally. if you're talking about the FDS audio being inaccurate then just plug a Ram adapter with a FDS-Stick & you have curate audio out of that.
Would you pay $500 for a Sony?
If you're going to try and go the casual route just buy a SNES classic and put NES games on it
No, but I may spend $189 on a Super Nintendo.
Fuck no. For that price you could buy a real NES, and a flashcart and it would be better than that fucking thing.
I respect your realistic view.
In 1989 it was a Nintendo you better respect that or ill slap you so hard you would never want to use this website again
I don't understand people who don't just play on emulators.
I probably would pay that much for a hardware perfect PS2 with the ability to output in 1080p.
I guess I sort of did already when I bought my PS3, but I'm worried about what will happen when it fails.
>a Nintendo
For me my collection is already sizeable so it was a matter of just continuing with what I had. What I don't get is people jumping on the physical media without owning any already as they're going to be paying out the ass for games priced way too high by scalpers, shitty collectors, and people who follow asshole youtubers that ramp up prices on their channels. If you don't already have a collection always emulate otherwise you're in for one hell of a bad time.
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but doesn't it have an SD card slot for 'upgrades' that allows it to easily run any ROM you want off the card?
I think the SNES one will be the same way. Though that could be weird for games that include extra hardware. I'm not sure if in those cases the system would be trying to use the hardware in the cart, or running it in the FPGA.
If is correct there are sound inaccuracies so you'd still be paying a shit load of money for emulating badly but with a flashcart using original hardware it would be perfect emulation at a fraction of the cost.
Well to be honest, my pc is worth more than that and I use it to play Nintendo games.
The problem is the original hardware is getting to be decades old. I'm ok with emulation generally and I've got a Raspberry Pi, but the idea of a FPGA based system for as accurate as can be done is intriguing.
There's no way I'd spend $500, but the $200 SNES one they're launching will almost certainly support more than just SNES if you get the right stuff onto the SD Card.
Those people are just too stupid to go to flea markets. You can get some pretty killer deals there, but you need to dedicate yourself to going every week.
>The problem is the original hardware is getting to be decades old
Not really a problem for us. By the time they all stop working we'll be dead.
I still call them Nintendo tapes. I guess I'm old but fuck you, it sounds better. they made the thing look like a VCR, they knew what would happen.
>tfw I still hear people use Nintendo/Playstation/Xbox as a generic term for video games.
I tried Flea Markets. Nobody spoke english. Flea markets were all just mexicans selling bootleg beats by dre headphones while everyone ate corn out of a styrofoam cup. hot cheets bags, EVERYWHERE. Now maybe if we get that wall up fine, but right now there's no way to get deals at a flea market. Those days are over.
Maybe it's different in the northeast, flea markets still have some good stuff in them out here.
How far north east? Chicago is basically Mexico at this point. I bet it's nice up in vermont & Maine. They're like 90% white up there.
For me, out in the suburbs outside of Philly, like Bucks or Montgomery county. Basically anywhere outside of urban centers.
>anywhere outside of urban centers
Oh, ok. That's what I've been doing wrong. Guess I need to go out in the country for a good deal. I haven't see any cheap nintendo games in years & I guess that's why.
Not that user but deals can still be found at flea markets if you look hard enough. I'll admit it has gotten tougher in recent years, I used to be able to get shit for pennies on the dollar in the mid 2000's. Nowadays I have to haggle unless I get lucky enough to run into someone who is completely oblivious.
Only thing I ever find at flea markets for good prices are VHS tapes, & even that's getting hard.
If it came with at least 100 randomly selected games, sure.
I'm glad to see that Nintendo has never stopped being absolute faggots.
It apparently is an issue though, the original systems they sold were basically the original hardware refurbished and put into an expensive shell with a bit of extra hardware bolted on.
Then they ran out of the original hardware and started using an FPGA to stand in for the hardware.
I would take his money and follow him around.
I feel like a lot of people don't understand the point of this thing
Go trying buying an NES with an RGB mod. You're paying just about as much as you would for this (300+). Then add on the cost of a decent flashcart (70-100). Then if you got a toaster unit you have to constantly worry about the shitty pins and probably need to get them replaced at some point
Or you could just buy the analogue NT, get hardware perfect emulation, it comes with both an RGB and HDMI port (if you're into that sort of thing) and has a built in flashcart. Plus you don't have to worry about pins, and you get the multitap functionality if you play any games that use it
It's really not that bad of a price if you're wanting to play NES games on your PVM
>Or you could just buy the analogue NT, get hardware perfect emulation
Except it isn't perfect. Try again shill.
Could you point me to a list of inconsistencies?
Its not emulation, the hardware is literally the same or as close as it can possibly be.
Its chip basically loads a file that has the design of the original hardware and reconfigures itself to match.
>not just buying a controller adapter and playing the games on pc
>b-but collectors!
fuck you i can play nes games on my calculator
Dude my fucking nes and snes work fine since launch. Fuck off.
That's just a general statement. Is there a video or something showing the sound inaccuracy between the NT Mini and an original NES?
>wanting to use an NES controller at all
It was only good back then because it was the best we had. Nowadays you're better off with a fight pad or even just an SNES controller.
i didnt even really specify which controller. you could use an xbox or gamecube controller for all i care, theres no reason to buy an nes or nes clone thing for $300
>/vr/ shitposting on Sup Forums