Is Bloodborne the most kino video game? post kino vidya

Is Bloodborne the most kino video game? post kino vidya


it's retard fap bait for faggots who can't get over their freshman year lovecraft boner

what games do you think are good, user?

sasha mendan
ni no kuni
tales of berseria
secret of mana

respectable 7/10 games but BB is a 9/10

now i know enough


>BB is a 9/10
BB is a 10/10

unironically go read saya no uta

nioh did the souls formula better with a more interesting take btw

i like bb but you actually need to kill yourself

that's a curious opinion there

Unironically go meet a woman.

how can you just nonchalantly recommend saya no uta you sick fuck



final fantasy viii is some straight up 100% kino with the cinematics.

Also that scene where yuna does the sending in kilik or whereever it was in ffx was amazing. That was emotion and beauty x10

>thirty frames every second
>le kino

where were you when you realized Sup Forums was complete dog shit

nioh changed more than it kept with guardian spirits, ninjutsu / onmyoudo / skill points and with the DLC gave a lot of reason to keep playing

if you're into lovecraft and nipponese shit you gotta know saya no uta


>ni no kuni

I don't know, I'd give BB a solid 7.5 out of 10.

It's my favourite souls-esque game, but I think the souls games are extremely over -rated in the first place.

>Le funny 30 frames per second = going through life blinking fast.
Just stop

literally what

I'll keep your words in consideration