We know ALTTP is a better game than OOT,
But is it a better game than BOTW?
We know ALTTP is a better game than OOT
in some aspects it is. But in most it isnt.
It's the best Zelda game and the one that put forward the formula that would last up until BotW. BotW's formula probably won't last as long.
You wish nigga
Botw formula is staying
depends on how the island based windwaker-like BotW thats coming next will be perceived. They went with the old formula so long because all of the games got top ratings and sold tons of copies. This is already true for BotW, so if Breath of the Sea does the same the formula is here to stay. Also they can reuse the engine one or two times which is nice.
Wind waker IS basically the Botw formula already
Only difference is the "plot" islands had to be done in order
aLttP is the best 2d Zelda
So it depends if you like 2d or 3d zelda games more
Definitely not for as many games as ALttP's did.
>we know
You and Arin of Game Grumps I assume?
Doesn't matter when Link's Awakening is better than both anyway
I'm not a Zeldafag. I liked Wind Waker, never finished by enjoyed MM and OOT, never finished any of the 2D ones.
BOTW is the best Zelda.
This is an interesting opinion to me. Tell us more! What did you l enjoy about it?
I just recently tried to play this game but got fucking bored. The plot and gameplay were not enough to keep me going. I still think Majora's Mask is the best Zelda. Bite me.
ALTTP > Zelda 2 = LA > Zelda 1
TP > BOTW > OOT > MM > WW > SS
Personal opinion, and only counting the games I've played. I don't like to rank 2D and 3D on the same scale but I do like ALTTP the most out of all the games, probably.
my favourites are WW and BotW. I guess i just like openness and cartoon graphics
>my favourites are WW and BotW. I guess i just like openness and cartoon graphics
Same but dropped ww(hd) at the triforce shard quest
ALTTP is fine but it's in the same low tier as all the 2D Zelda games. The Zelda franchise really came into its form within the 3D world, and broke technical barriers along the way
T. 1999 kid
>Same but dropped ww(hd) at the triforce shard quest
yeah its kinda sad that they had to rush parts of that game. Aonuma even said he wishes he had more islands in that game.
Why is 2D Mario and 3D Mario generally considered seperate series while 2D Zelda and 3D Zelda are lumped together despite being very different
Imagine WW on the scale and complexity of BOTW.
Because Mario improved
since its confirmed that they will use the BotW engine for their next game theres actually a slight chance that we get this.
>Next game is Botw on islands
>Link insta drowns in water
T-Thanks monkey paw
We'd need to be able to frolic in the water. Infinite swim near islands, stamina bar in the open ocean.
yes its the best zelda