did you play her game, Sup Forums?
Did you play her game, Sup Forums?
did anybody
why is her mouth so droopy
Yeah, ape escape was great.
I love how devs always try to make black females as ugly as possible
What is wrong with that creature's eyes?
What horror game is this?
are you implying that gif is an attractive black female
because none are
get the fuck out.
Your insecurity is enough mr stormfront
No need to imply anything
you have to go back
I fucking hate that most Neogaf refugees came here, now Sup Forums is full of sensible pussies like you
get the fuck out
Too easy
quiet nigger
i did. it was ok/10
Which one?
There's like five with this exact character
i dont like monkeys
Shut up nerd.
Fuck off, nigger
kys you dumb fucking nigger chimp
>white america tho?
The shills on Steam say it’s the greatest game ever made, but I’m bored of shooting Nazis, commies, zombies, military men.
I unironically enjoyed odyssey’s tank shooting sections more.
>newfags complaining about a group of newer fags whose existence they've been tricked into believing
There's a wave every year, and it's always satisfying to watch.
>being this neogaf
if mods started banning for trolling, half of the board would be gone. I'm sure this is your fantasy
those rules are supposed to be coverall rules for dumbasses who rule evade
I did. It was pretty good. She was the worst character in the game easily, and the politics overall was pretty hamfisted. But the gameplay was good and the writing (outside of the political parts) was good.
Again, too easy. Stop taking obvious bait.
>make an unfunny joke
>fuck off retard
>make an unfunny joke that happens to be racial
>fuck off retard
When will these obnoxious faggots fit the noose around their fat necks already, holy christ.
>let's light this bitch on fire
>it'll be hilarious lol
Leslie Jones should sue that guy
>hey guys I did it, I got the (You)s
>now don't reply to posts I make again
it's called bumping without saying "bump", you should learn this skill for future usage
I did. I was pretty disappointed overall. I can tell you though that its painfully obvious 95% of posts bitching about W2 are from anons that didn't play it.
>mfw some user the other day said he had to play it like a cover shooter
There'd be no way to advance on any difficulty but baby mode.
there's no such thing as "obvious" to these retards. this is the same group of people who don't understand satire.
Post afros.
To be fair, it is pretty hilarious.
>gb2 Sup Forums
if you think that is Sup Forums you need to get your ass on back to plebbit