Predict its lifetime sales
I doubt it will break a million tbqh
Predict its lifetime sales
I doubt it will break a million tbqh
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Never played Xenoblade, but that girl is cute as fuck.
I'm playing it and it's my first Xenoblade game. It's kind of amusing that she's a "sword" as in a literal weapon. Jap developers make their female characters literal objects.
Also for fucks sake, why did you have to take away Poppi for this segment. I need my dedicated tank so I don't get killed.
As a person who loved Xenoblade 1 and is a fan of the series, it will never sell one mil. In fact, not a single Xenogame has sold that well.
Xenoblade 1 sold over a million
Xenoblade X sold over 500k apparently
>A Wii exclusive sold a million
what an accomplishment
Actually it is tho, considering it was a new IP and Nintendo wasn't interested to localize it (thanks Reggie)
Yeah, I can see this doing 500k again. XB1 sold a million because it was an excellent game that got a lot of well deserved praise.
This one is more like XBX in that it's mediocre and inoffensive.
Switch games have an absurdly high attach rate
I don't get why people are pretending a Nintendo exclusive is going to underperform on a console where more people owned Zelda than people who owned the console itself at one point
X sold nearly a million. 1 sold close to 1.5 million.
1 is the weakest game in the series. It's the most overrated JRPG since FFVII.
ebic shitpost thanks for the contribution
I bought Standard Edition, Special and Digital.
So at least 3
>no 'fix her spine and it's perfect'
shit poll
>bunny girl
I don't care about the balloon tits, but her design is ugly to me. It's the colors I think.
X didn't even get close to a million
Except it did.
This, someone only edited her spine/back and it made the blade look a lot better.
It will, just because the switch is hot right now and there's not a lot of games like it, not to mention Nintendo is promoting it directly.
freezing vagina blast?
I hope it fails so badly that I never have to hear about it or look at this dumb weeb shit again
please tell me you took a lot of pictures.
nope, she is about to literally thrown an ice fastball.
I did
It sold roughly 500k
>10 hours in
>only plain blades
>no special blades or cute blades
It hurts to live
It sold nearly 500k in NA alone.
how did they get away with this
Wrong question, the good question is, why didn't they didn't try it sooner
another question is why they made the XBCX models look like they did
NoJ has NoA by the neck and NoE doesn't give a fuck
1.2 million.
It sold 200k its first month according to NPD but I didn't see anything about lifetime sales.
who thought this was a good character design
Are the blades your party members or something? They're random?
There has been absolutely no indication of the lifetime sales of those two games. Why are you posting bullshit?
good, amerilards shouldn't let people like jim sterling censor video games
Can you put her in a bathing suit like in xbc
>he actually thinks this game will sell ARMS/Metroid numbers
Fucking lol
i do retard
They're weapons, and more importantly, styles in combat. They have either dps hlr or tank spec, and you can switch to them mid battle, and time combos between them on top of topple/knockdown/launch combo cycle between them as just 1 character.
It's amazing fun.
>He thinks a Xenoblade game released in the consoles first year right before Xmas won't sell well
It'll outsell ARMs easily.
Pretty much the blades are the weapon you equip and they have a human/robot/animal form like Pyra in the OP. The common ones all look the same.
Everyone not gay does.
Nintendo has never published the lifetime sales of any Xenoblade game
Translation: they all sold less then a million
>hold still while I glass you
You need to pay attention.
Fucking LOL
Xenoblade 1 passed a million thanks to the 3DS port.
Someone edit this to have her throwing a (you) at the faggot OPs
why isnt there more lewd art of the girl in the train conductor outfit
You act like it being a Xenoblade game matters.
You act like Mario and Pokemon won't dominate this holiday
The female common blades are super cute
>Hey this other game will sell better so the game you're talking about won't sell at all!
Go away child.
You'll get some uniqued later but I've had tons of luck getting rares on Nia.
Bird time
ARMS sold less than 1,2,Switch, friend. It won't take much beating.
How do I get Ice Bunny Waifu?
>Nia...are you...
>I won't tell anyone
D-does Nia have a cock
How does this game work? What with the talk about blades and blade switch?
Look up a YouTube tutorial, Opie.
Women as objects is dehumanising and misogynistic
It's Fi all over again
Blades are like Stands, they're humanoid beings that are tied to specific weapons, switching them out gives you a new weapon and a new Blade partner in combat
But it didn't. ARMS is very clearly going to pass it. 12 Switch just had a head start.
Also fucking lol if you think Xenoblade will outsell 12 Switch
>Blades are like Stands,
I'm sold
>MC can change costume
>I doubt it will break a million tbqh
I don't know. I mean, what else are Switch owners going to buy? There is some competition but the switch marketplace isn't flooded with cheaper games at the moment.
T-that's a boy?
How is he in combat? I haven't gotten a chance to use Hammer weapons yet.
Hey, the numbers speak for themselves. There's nothing to suggest that the holiday will sell XB2.
Probably not. It alliterates though.
They got big tiddies, this makes Sup Forums mad
Xbx and xbc dual pack when
You know in Japan there is also shows and games where they have hot sexy men as blades for fujishoji
And guess what, unlike you faggot SJWs I will provide proof.
He can auto cancel for quick attacks like Pyra, and he's pretty decent at tanking so far so i think he's good.
and fuck off troll.
Time for brown town
>taking the bate