Let's talk about ROM hacks
What are your favorites?
I'm about 112 stars into this one, just have Bob-Omb Factory and the final Bowser stage left, it's really good. Feels like it could have been the sequel to SM64 if it had just a LITTLE more polish. Some of the stars and enemy placements are quite bullshit (BEES).
SM64 has probably the best hacks out there, but there's so few of them. SMW has a fuckton but most of them suck. Sonic strikes a nice balance I think.
ROM Hacks
Other urls found in this thread:
>console games
>console games ruined by "fans"
> hack the game that already hard and make it even more fucking harder with impossible to beat boss fight
Project M is better than any official Smash game
Based solely on character diversity yes. But this creates the issue of having really gay shit like Snake, Ivysaur, and G&W.
Ivysaur is not gay bruh
G&W is the best the fuck you talking about
There is no such thing as a good romhack.
>What is the OP image
>What is Sonic Megamix
>What is Super Mario Call of Cthulu
Last Impact is actually really gud
Also majoras mask is a romhack of OOt
Case in point.
Makes HG/SS into a 10/10.
>what is Pokemon Brown
Neat, thanks.
A shit hack. Every single romhack I've ever played has made me wish I was playing the original game instead, because the original games were made by talented professionals, not talentless amateurs.
I never got into ROM hacks aside from playing a bit of Kaizo because it became a meme. Might try Star Road this week, have to get used to SM64 controls again though.
>Oh lets add a bunch of random types just because!
Fuck off, you are a talentless hack that couldnt even managed to make your own custom pokemons
Try Star Road. For the most part it's very professional (sadly that makes the more amateurish parts stand out)
I think you might be thinking of Prism.
Nope, mother fucker added "wood" and "gas" and some other shit
I really like Pokemon Reborn. I mean, it's absolutely awful in terms of writing. But the best kind of awful.
Any good castlevania hack?
That's Megaman Battle Network 6 there was a lot of rom hack version in this game with new battle chip and much more difficult, i haven't try all verison yet.
There's a good one for the NES, called Chorus of Mysteries
None for SoTN/Aria though
I've played like 10 different versions of Touhoumon, start to finish.
Is it possible to make checkpoints in Super Mario 64 without having you go down a pipe?
How m8? The grind on some of them is plain inhuman.
Brawl Minus is better
The only one I had to grind in was one called Touhoumon Insane, viridian forest was now a massive maze covered in darkness and you couldn't get flash to help you out yet, it only gets worse from there.
All the other romhacks were pretty simple and enjoyable, no grinding required. However all the ones based off the "official" 1.8 version done by the japs had that weird new type system, you know the one that has "heart", "wind", "dream" etc. Had to grab a type chart from the internet and get used to it.
I made a SMW hack demo once. Anyone interested?
Wheelchair mario is best
Definitely play Hyper Metroid, Super Zero Mission, Darkholme, Ice Metal, Phazon Hack, and Escape II.
don't spoil the maps.
Which one is that pic?
Post links nigga
dont listen to him user
It's a bit on the rough side but I'm pretty proud of the level design.
>those custom types that are awfully similar to the original types
>can't tell what the fuck each touhou's type is by just looking at them
>those difficulty spikes
I really tried to get into this game but I feel like you need a lot of previous knowledge about Touhou itself.
I know what you're talking about. Big dark maze before the first gym is not fun.
It took me a bit to get used to the new typings as well, especially with that wonderful design choice of making one of the starters weak to one of if not the most common early game attacking moves.
>I really tried to get into this game
There's 50 versions done by tons of people, which one are you referring to? If you want one that has the original pokemon types just play the original Touhoumon Fire Red.
I played the Emerald one but thanks user.
You mean Purple r is there another variant I'm not aware of?
Yeah it was purple.
I like the graphics
Levels are pretty good so far
Why did you remove the spin jump though?
Super Mario Power Star Frenzy
Any updates about the Link's Awakening hack being done with OoT?
There's a bunch. One is straight up Touhoumon Emerald which was the first one based on that game as far as I know, no weird new types since it was done before 1.8 and the guy thought he should change the game's dialogue for a "humorous" one instead. Then there's Purple. And there's World Link which is this one, it has Hoenn, then you go to Kanto and then a new region made up by the author.
are mods allowed?
Sure? What are some god tier doom combos?
>Traiblazer/ComplexDoom with colorful hell
>Zdoom Wars with colorfull hell and big maps
I think he decided to not say anything until it's finished because of the Nintendo takedowns that were happening
Smart move imo
Recently a version of Ultimate Torment and Torment was released without the custom monsters so that people can play it with weapon/monster mods. Try that with a gameplay wad.
Goddammit everyone always asks me that
Mario in SMW has extremely precise controls PLUS the spin jump allowing him to negate any spiky or fiery enemy that would've otherwise been formidable. I wanted to bring a bit of power back to them but I didn't want to nerf the spin jump because it'd feel even more jarring than if I removed it entirely, so I just removed it entirely
Colorful Hell definetely needs to be played alongside a weapons mod to avoid the game from straight up stopping whenever a black/white monster appears, even in online servers with 10 people shit just stalls from how tough those monsters are.
>There are people on Sup Forums who haven't played Rockman 4 Minus Infinity
Newer Super Mario Bros. Basically is a sequel of NSMBWii with 128 new worlds, a new item, new bosses, a mario world-like map, secret exits for some levels that unlocks alternative routes for other levels and more shit without feeling like a cheap hack.
>Colorful hell is one of your favorite mods
>no Zandronum support save for a very early version
Fucking kill me
The Gameboy games are harder to be honest.
ok that makes sense
Oh yeah a new Complex Doom version just came out, none of that legendary addon shenanigans that adds 43 new weapons and just makes everything bloated.
I did this too years ago. Was pretty fun.
What programs are recommended for modding games including 6th gen console games?
Some interesting RPG mods.
Some Doom mods.
basically depends of the game you want to mod. doom, pokemon, mario and gta games are really popular in the hackrom/modding scene and have more developed tools than other games
I thought this one was pretty good
>SM64 hack shares a Good Name and therefore also save files with the original Super Mario 64 hack and every other hack that's retarded enough to do this
Really sucks my ballsack
>the original Super Mario 64 hack
i meant the original Super Mario 64
I'll suck your ballsack if it's not hairy.
does this count?
Have they added later girls into Touhoumon yet? E.g. Anything after TH14
Dunno, last version I played was with TH13 addons. I've seen the sprites for the TH16 characters though, but since the "official" team moved onto to create an actual non-sprite-based fangame (Touhou Puppet Play) rather than a romhack I'm not sure if anyone's even added them.
I see, Ten Desires is what I remember too. I should check out Puppet Play.
Makes me want to play Moemon again.
too hard for me honestly
i'm not actually good at video games
Wait, nevermind, it is sprite based, and it's called Puppet Dance.
Are there any good Fire Emblem romhacks? I played The Last Promise and it was pretty good, but I couldn't get past how cringey the story was.
no idea what this is but it looks interesting.
Isn't that Ancient Stone Tablets?
god i fucking wish
i don't get how there's so many hacks and it's so easy to mod it but none of them are good
PM G&W is the best thing ever, suck my fucking cock dude
MK404 :^)
how many of these would work with that multiplayer mod?
Ah, a man of taste.
The Shadowrun race hacks. It gives you more choice, doesn't saddle you with the retarded default builds because all of your stats start at 1 and skills at 0 and gives you karma to buy your stats up with instead, and lets you skip the early game grind because it gives you enough money to instantly buy access to the room to kickstart the plot and buy equipment/magic on top of that.
there's a list somewhere
this is pretty good.
I've been having a swell time with Metal Sonic Rebooted.