Pc master race here...

pc master race here. how did you console faggots manage to get a game that looks better than anything my 1080 Ti can push out?

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demo scene black magic knowledge transfer from sony's santa monica studie, and it's easier for devs to develop a game for only one platform

Did you select the wrong image?

it's called bloom+depth of field and a view range of 50 meters.

SWBF and AC Unity are unironically better looking than HZD.

By removing all fun gameplay, interesting characters and detailed story.
Game is basic openworld garbage

This. Demosceners are wizards when it comes to making one thing look really good on one set of hardware.

Sweet false flag. Stop acting like a chuff.

Because developing for a specific set of hardware allows developers to fine-tune games and better optimize them i.e. "code to the metal".

that doesn't look good at all



imagine playing games under 144hz and thinking you have "good" graphics

Art direction + Single hardware to work on + Lots of Sony's money

filters, shit draw distance hidden with dof and high resolution character models(which every game has these days because of how easy it is to implement), BF2 looks basically the same if not better

>develop a game for only one platform
This is the real reason the game looks and runs great. Also SonyAPI is on par with DX 12 in performance and is easy as shit to code with.

>silky smooth 11 FPS in favor of doctored bullshots and exaggerated post processing effects
You sure told the mustards.

>Make great graphics
>Waste it on ugly face

I see a whole lot of bloom and a whole lot of ugly face. Coming from a console owner.

AAA pc gaming is dying big time.

Didn't a Steam survey say most PC gamers play on hardware even weaker than the consoles?

PC games won't sell if they can't run on potatoes so that's what gets made, only worth while advantage is high frame rates really.

>Also SonyAPI is on par with DX 12 in performance and is easy as shit to code with.

30 FPS


contards everyone

That bullshot sure looks beautiful. Shame the actual game doesn't even look half as good as that though.

talented devs
no amount of gpu power on your pc can make a dev a good artist.
most people play Dota, CS:GO or whatever shitty gamethat can run on any PC.

the bullshot meme wow

The game looks great but the facial animations are atrociuos

Not sure what you expected when most PC gamers have oldass setups. And pc games in general arent as optimized

This sadly, and Aloy always looks depressed as fuck.

you know they paced that shit right

One system to work on. I wish steam machines became a huge thing so PCs could work the same way.

The whole game looks like that.

All cutscene animations look bad. Everytime someone moves they shake a bit and look really unnatural. Looks decent in combat, though. The rolling and running and stuff. There's a weird animation when you shoot your bow really fast, however.

Great gameplay and graffix

shit story, animations, characters, writing

8/10 best enjoyed on mute with your own music playing

Extreme optimization for one platform. If someone optimized a game solely for the 1080ti you'd get better but no one does

It's all about the engine babyyy

4k or performance settings? I have a 4k TV.

Non meme answer. Locked hardware specs. 90% of the issue with making an engine is getting it to work with a whole bunch of different hardware.

Some side quests were kind wonky but the main quests rarely had "atrocious" facial animations.

They've also done a huge amount of improvement in the DLC. So at least that's something they know they needed to fix. Also I get the feeling a lot of turds here just think "ugly non-white characters = ugly animation" without actually considering the objective aspect of it.

But given the recent revelation of what they did with the DLC armors, it does seem like this Decima engine has a lot of limitation than previously known.

No game developer makes game for ultra high end hardward like a 1080Ti, it doesn't make sense to do so.

You pay an insane premium for very very little eyecandy.

I literally just aimed, turned on photo mode and spun the camera around.

FFXIII tier management. You put the details on the things that really shows more on the screen, like the main character, while decreasing detail on everything else.

For example: When you're on dialog, all the scenario loses detail, while the MC an the character he is talking to increases.

>why there ain't more PC games like this?

There is, but console ports. When people make a game since the beggining on PC they don't really give a damn about resource management, because they think people will just bruteforce the game.

Even on a 1080p screen the 4k option is recommended. It has almost no effect on performance while giving much better image quality.



What did they do with the armors?

What I don't get is the amount of fog the game has at times. The LODs are great and the only ugly thing it hides is the ground textures that are awful at times and still slip past.

>"story is bad" meme.
It's not great but it poses questions and answers them in not stupid ways. How the robots came to be, that all of them serve a purpose and their designs, which seem silly at first, start to make sense is pretty good.
It's all quite believable and separates itself from other post apocalyptic enough to not be stupid.

>pc master race here
Stop falseflagging you console nigger

This is made on 5 year old hardware

A great engine. It's a real shame it's proprietary as I'd love to see what it could do on top hardware.

Photo mode increases graphical quality.

So a bullshot. The game outside photo mode doesn't look nearly as good. Photo mode turns up the effects as there a lot more headroom since fps means nothing when nothing is moving.

ITT: Sony soyboy shills

>playing games for girl and soyboys

>that disgusting DOF effect that 90% of Skyrim modders crank up to the max

>It's not great

It's great

It's less about the specific writing or nitpicking every word. But finding out what happened and having that "Ah ha" moment when something ties to something we know today. Like finding out what's in the mountain in Frozen Wild for example

Also that isn't even as good as it looks, the raw PNG was 15 megabytes so I literally can't post it here.


nice meme

It is the Sony ICE-team.
The Naughty Dog guys, the Sony Santa monica guys and Guerilla games have some of the wildest wizards in the industry.
It is quite entertaining to witness.

>litearlly posted a shitty David Cage movie
The absolute fucking state of sonybros



Pic not related i suppose? Because any modern AAA game has those waxy graphics.


so you are going to start spamming your shit now get it all out and fuck off

>post a webm of a different game
>that powerpoint tier FPS

>copy all Horizon screenshots to USB
>estimated 3 hours remaining

Guess I'm not using my peeesss4 for the rest of the weekend

fucking world of warcraft has better grass than that

why is this webm always posted
its just a guy skipping dialogue

you retarded or something

Not in Horizon Zero Dawn it doesn't.
Through settings, you can
>add depth of field outside of dialogue (you'd notice, like pic related)
>change aperture
>change brightness
>add borders
>change pose and face of Aloy
>add the game's logo
>add instagram filters (posterize, monochrome, sepia etc)
And some other shit that doesn't matter. It doesn't affect textures or model quality like in Uncharted 4.

DOOM on PC looks better than that without even trying

>t. OP


its the only one he has

I think it's about Aloy's robotic movement.


True, but the gap between console and PC on those games is not huge.

It absolutely does. When you take the actual screenshot all details are cranked up. That's why it takes so long to save the shot.


Remember when Sup Forums was UTTERLY CONVINCED of that fake spoiler where everyone in Horizon was a robot and that one minor Mudslim woman was the MAIN scientist?

Actually, I think Sup Forums still thinks that woman is the main scientist.

where are you getting this shit

If this had released as it looked in the prerelease footage it would still have been unsurpassed.

That would be good bait if it didn't literally take 1 second to save a screenshot. Instead all you do is tell me that you haven't played the game.

its some crazy shit

>you're in the Club and this man slaps you're waifu's ass
>wat do

If you're that retarded then take a screenshot through the photo mode and then quit out of it and take another one with PS share button. Compare them and quit your whining.

Nice samefagging and plebbit spacing faggot

Read retard.

>add a bunch of filters
>great graphics, guys!
This is why this generation was so embarassing for AAA.
HZD is actually one the best looking games this year, I would be crazy to deny that, I just don't like the road devs have taken to improve graphics.

>Being PC Master Race
>Not owning a PS4

You are not a true master race


Already have. This is without photomode.

>pc master race here
>consoles better than a 1080 ti

And this is with photomode.
WHOA. Are you shitposting about a game you haven't played on a console you don't own?

Yeah, and then post the same screenshot taken with photo mode. You have to be blind not to see a difference.

Take them with better lighting faggot

>Sup Forums wouldn't this cutie




So it turns out, two robots turned their heads, the grass moved slightly and the game has a slight blur on the lowest part of the screen without photomode.

You do that. Those shots are good enough to tell that textures don't change, foliage doesn't change and models don't change. It doesn't even load better LODs for the trees.

>Buy my boring ass bow and arrow girl game!
You're gay as fuck. At least shill good games on the PS4 instead of this shill-pushed trash.

>that character model

Doesn't even look much better than a game running on fucking ID Tech 5
