Witcher 3

Why is everything in the DLCs much better done than in the base game, Sup Forums?

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how the fuck would I know?

The whole shabang is dog shit, my dude.

Because it went out like a year after.
Also they're more dense and short.

Because you can't do something worse than rockbottom.

This user knows. The main story was alright but it was so stretched there really wasn't any climax and it all felt kinda bland. I feel that the game was so vast they didn't really have time to concentrate on anything specific, whereas the DLCs were shorter so they could do a better polish.

thats why your parents had another kid, bitch

I don't know, I thought the Hearts of Stone wasn't all that great really

Blood and Wine was fucking 10/10 though

fucking rekt

Because they listened to feedback and used it to improve the game.
>actual boss fights that require learning patterns and exploiting weaknesses
>more varied quests
>BaW runs noticeably better than the base game
shit like that, they are a company that really cares about what their audience thinks of them

Because the stories were short

>the selloutest company that made a god-tier 10/10 pc-first series into yet another run-of-the-mill triple A open-world action """RPG""" console-first trash "really cares about what their audience thinks of them"

what games do you consider better at that genre?

TW1 and TW2.

But Wticher 3 is simply a better version of those games, so why don't you like it?


kys, i gave you a chance, try harder next time

>significantly worse gameplay
>significantly worse story
>significantly worse writing
>significantly worse world design
>significantly worse monster hunting
>significantly worse quests
>significantly worse choices
>somehow superior
Consoletard fuck off.

TW1 is significantly different, a great game, but a lot worse for the majority of people. To the small niche of people like me, its the best of the 3, but that doesn't apply to most people. TW2 on the other hand is Arkham Asylum compared to Arkham City. The later game is so much better in every aspect except the short condensed story that is better in Asylum/TW2.

the only thing that is significantly worse is your opinion fatboy

the witcher 2 was the most consoletard game of all


>Worse graphics

No thanks. Witcher 3 is so much better.

>significantly worse monster hunting

This one was my biggest letdown.

>significantly worse gameplay
Stopped reading there, that shit is provably wrong fuccboi.

can you have anal sex in this game?

Underaged consoletard tears are always yummy. Now if only your ilk could vanish all at once so that videogames can stop sucking cock.

You're the one sobbing that your ilk didn't get pandered to by a game studio.

le epic trolel

game's studio should perhaps cater to the loyal fans instead of the wider audience don't you think? Probably not since you're a cod-addicted console kiddie.


Underaged personal computard tears are always yummy. Now if only your ilk could vanish all at once so that videogames can stop sucking cock.

cater to a small population and go bankrupt cause or change your game a bit to appeal to a wider audience so you can keep making games, hard decision isnt it

cause low income*

>cater to a notably volatile small population that regularly performs and promotes piracy of media when they feel slighted

>fanbase has been not only very profitable but growing despite having no advertisement to speak of and the franchise being completely unknown outside pooland
>1.1b profit is not enough, we must ruin the game for that extra 0.1b profit goy
>how dare you not accept that bad goy!

>what are salaries
>what is production cost
>le rubbing hands merchant boogyman

games are made from thin air huh?

Do you ever pirate games? for ANY reason?

Why wouldn't it be? They have more experience and are able to improve on the DLCs based on the criticism the base game gets. If a dev makes DLC which is worse than the main game they're doing it wrong.

because game development is a learning process