Death stranding

*sniffs chopsticks*
what did mads mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:

He's probably thinking about the ways to use chopsticks as eating utensils when dining on Kojima.

>Kojima just fucks around with his Hollywood celebrities instead of working on the damn game

Feels good man

Imagine being Mads and having to endure the company of this annoying redditor taking pictures of/with you every 5 seconds and bothering you with dumb questions in the most broken engrish possible


Kagina never wanted to make games. He wanted to be hollywood famous.

*sniffs dubs*

Sniff this 6 bitch

Sniff this 4 glitch

>No one will ever love you as much Kojima loves Mads.

God i fucking hate westaboos

Sniff this 5 snitch



tiny baby

Japanese food is disgusting.

Kojimas English is fucking horrible I feel bad for anyone who has to hang out with him

Where are his eyebrows?


Let me teach you how it's done faggots.


Hmmm, that's a 3.

I am STILL convinced Kojima had a hand in this

Mads is probably being paid a fortune by Kojima to be in his video game dressed movie. As long as Kojima knows his boundaries and doesn't try to suck Mads' dick in a spur of the moment, they're good.


There are more ways to communicate in person, so bad English is actually easier to understand there than just reading the text.

>tfw danish
>grew up watching danish dark humor movies
>mads always playing some psycho
>suddenly he a bond villain
>now making vidya in nippon
They grow up so fast.

haha maybe he scratched his butt with them

>Kojima had a hand in this
>His name is not written in the middle of the screen every other minute

What kind of jacket is this?

I see you guys are short numbers.
I'm willing to sell an 8 for a good price.

>that description

Is Kojima wanting to taste the danish dick?

I woudn't be surprised, Mads a cuttie.

Say what you want about Kojima but at least he has good taste, his actor and music choices are always on point. Even if Death Stranding turns out to be bad it'll easily be the most aesthetic game of the year.
>Films that women will never understand

it probably would if it was produced by KojiPro instead of Ridley Scott's son

I'll steal your 8

Fuck you man I was gonna post that.

Hated how the brother didn't come out and say "oh, yeah, I showed my 5 year old sister this porno mag. derp! my bad"



the only thing i can think of when i see this picture

I'm just waiting for Madds Mikelsen to be one of the dudes being accused of rape, so Kojima has to cancel the game.


He meant "Dattebayo"

My 8 now.

The Hunt


If any of Kojima's celebrity friends were going to be ousted for something like that, it would probably be Reedus.

>Implying it won't be Mads accusing Kojima of raping him, making both Reedus and Joosten have the courage to speak up.

tfw every danish movie mads mikkelsen is in is great but every foreign movie is bad

what's the deal with this guy?

sure, i'll buy that 8 off you. thanks!

kojima wouldnt give a shit
he'd probably put a rape scene in the game just to fuck with everyone

He's always typecast as a villain in American movies. To his credit he is very good at playing them, regardless of the quality of the movie.

Yeah, to be honest his sudden forgiveness felt undeserved. So you beat up your best friend a church and now everyone is cool with you, the same people who killed your fucking dog? Okay. Still a great film, just think they could have handled that part better.
Jagten (The Hunt), definitely give it a watch if you can. It's extremely relevant in our current society that is much more eager to side with the hearsay of potential victims, and what can go wrong with that.

The Joost will accuse Kojima, and Mad will drop the game like the alpha he is.

What do you think a game director does?
He's literally an ideas guy, nothing more.
He tells them more or less what to do, every now and then they show him the game and he tells them if it's okay or bad, that's it.

Smells like kojima.

>Mads: "Kojima? What's a Kojima? Is that some kind of Kangaroo?"

>americans will never appreciate mads mikkelsens performance in the green butchers. at least his villain typecast allowed him to shine in the hunt

It's a reference to Hannibal obviously

Yfw Survive is better than Death Stranding.

>yfw Survive IS Death Stranding

I'm interested in this.

dig this ditch nigger

>his sudden forgiveness felt undeserved
There's a title card saying "one year later".

Nice try

How about you sniff this 2 grinch

Why is Kojima's English suck so much?

trigger this figure 8, bigger


Forgot that Survive exists.

>implying Kojima has not become the best of friends with Mads using his natural charisma

Twice shy

Mao about to gift this bitch

By falling for the Mads Mikkelsen meme you're every bit as bad as the people lining up for the latest Chris Pratt flick. These men are marketing tools, not actors. The Hunt/ Pusher are a hollywood shill job made for the express purpose of creating a new "legitimate" actor to be used in subsequent capeshit releases in order to attract the "film buff" demographic to maximize profits. This happens all the time in hollywood. They pluck out a new star with an inoffensive face from obscurity, put them in an indie shit on the cheap, and bam, they now have "legitimacy" "wow look at this hot new talented actor" appeal and can now be a new "artificial star" to hinge your summer tentpole release on.

It is all fraud, a manipulation. Mads Mikkelsen is no more an artist, no more a human being even, than the new mcdonalds festive hamburger promotion. He is smoke and mirrors, a light show, a pretend actor.

Exact same career progression is true of all of the shilled meme actors of late. Lawrence, Fassbender, Hardy, Pratt, Isaac. By supporting these "lesser known" critical darling you are only enabling the pre-production marketing phase of the capeshit machine.

Mikkelsen is lying to you with his very existence.

I like how Kojima always refers to him as "Scandinavian" instead of "Danish".


>please watch my gaem awards you guise

>use closed captions
>it literally just shows what it thinks they're saying without translating it
Always delightful. At least it got "desert eagle" correct.

>not liking Mads and Fassbender
Yup, this is a bait


>tfw too intelligent for Mads

the hunt was produced by zentropa and distributed by nordisk film

He didn't get to that position by posting in an scandinavian wine tasting bulletin board either, but by creating several masterpieces.

Fucking faggots watch this.

>liked the hunt but never spent a dime on capeshit
Guess I'm immune to the jew.

>everything extinct
>new technology
>travel between space and time
>use checkpoint as doors
>needs to create checkpoint to extend explored field
>there's a way of bringing back stuff by "numerizing them"
>technology got stolen
>bad guys use it to jump in the future

Exactly, his friend suddenly decides to forgive him, I guess because he knows deep down that he couldn't have done those things, and that's the end of it. As good as the church scene was, all the suffering that him and his family had to endure felt like it was tied up a little too neatly if you know what I mean. Those people would have to had admitted they were wrong within that year, and you didn't get to see any of it. I liked the symbolism at the end that he'd always have to watch his back though.

No shit.

Wow it's like all of this happened before.

So who was it that tried to shoot him in the end?

>Geoff is a youtuber
>he needs a audience

Holy shit you're alive.

I thought it was GOD?

What does it mean?

I'm still waiting for the live Seppuku.

Kojima's twitter says he had them specially made for him out of ebony wood which I guess has a very nice smell to it. I feel bad for Mads always having to deal with Kojima beating off his social media followers while he's there

from the name ill guess hes from scandinavia, who deals with alot of diffrent wood types
>what is Wood Odor


May the 3 used to make this post rest in peace

>Geoff is actually on time to his on event this year
holy shit its actually happening

Ruse cruise is finally happening


Prepping for Hokage jacket.

what the fuck...