No seriously...

No seriously, how the fuck did Automata get so much praise when it goes against everything the soyboy journalists believe in?

Did they have a pow wow to decide they would give it favorable reviews so they don't all appear WEST GOOD EAST BAD like usual? Nothing adds up. I can see why they would praise Persona 5, because the premise is basically going after Trump if Trump was Japanese, but not Automata.
>b-b-but its actually GOTY
No, no its not. Platinum doing the combat makes it enjoyable as opposed to tedious like all other Taro games, but it's nothing to writ ehome about.

tl; dr

fuck off

I think it just lucked out with its release timing. There was a big wave of decent japanese games coming out at that time so there was an easy to push narrative about Japanese games being back and the PS4 flourishing back then.

I thought the game was good but very overrated.

Soyboy journalists loved all the yuri art.

the game is so good even paid jornalists paid to shill for agendas like it

Take some time off the internet, fucktard.

the game is musou easy to control and people where impressed by the aracde stg rip off segments because they never played a shmup before

journalists only played through route A and thought it was a dumb happy-go-lucky game with no substance so they praised it

Same exact thing as Dark Souls 1

first one came out and they all bashed it for the most part, then when they became cult classics reviewers gave the sequel a higher score in order to appear like they "get it"

Definitively one of my favorite game ever. I'm glad it got some recognition despite its flaws.
I don't see how it "goes against everything the soyboy journalists believe in". This game doesn't concern itself with anything that they care about. None of it matters. It's 10000 years in the future in a very odd setting. The themes are fairly abstract. They'll probably agree with a lot of the social commentary in the game but it's so far removed from present society that it doesn't matter. This game did not politicize itself. And for now, they still tolerate this sort of neutrality.

>comparing P5 to trump
fuck off

You are incredibly dim. Like seriously, there is NOTHING up there. I'm amazed you're even capable of breathing. Never post again.

>how the fuck did Automata get so much praise

Did it really? I didn't see it


I was going to play this game but it seems very anime and cringe. The soundtrack is great though.

play the first nier (gestalt) instead, it's not that anime and has an actually good story

Fair enough. I'll give it a look.

It's good, play it.

I'm not really into the anime type stuff. It's just not my thing desu.

I don't like anime but I pushed past it and decided to give it a go. One of my favorite games now.

user you mixed up the time lines. They only played Route A of Gestalt. People actually finished this one thanks to the "keep playing retard" message at the end of Automata's Route A.

Hmm. Well alright then. I'll give it a go I guess.

Don't do it bro this game turned me into a weeb.

Only if you play it with japanese voices on.

I think it literally be impossible for me to turn into a weeb. My younger brother watches anime and whenever I walk in on him watching anime it makes me cringe. It's all so terrible.

Yeah, same. I actually tried to get into anime and I can't do it kek. I liked a few like LOTGH though. I just don't like how Japan does stuff generally.
Automata isn't particularly anime though I don't think. It has lots of anime tropes but it deconstructs itself as they say. It's more weird than anything else. The beginning was the most cringy for me. Especially 2B's monologue at the beginning. And 9S trying to be cute. But it's not as it seems. It's taking you somewhere.

I know this is Sup Forums, but shitting on an entire medium like this is stupid as hell. Anime isn't a genre, this is like saying film is all terrible and cringey because you walked in on a shitty romantic comedy.

>game is good
>gets praised for it
strange world we live in, eh?

Do you think 2B and 9S are holding hands happily as of right now?

I hope so.

Do you think 9S eventually told 2B that he yoinked her hand?

>as of right now
but they aren't created for another 9000-odd years

just finished Ending A

Is ending B very different compared to A story wise?

They got strong armed into pretending to like good games, says a lot about the state of games journalism.

One of you has really shit taste.

Route B is ending A with extras + other perspective.
Route C is where you actually move on to a new segment of the story.

Not really. You get a few extra things bits of information, but its just something you sort of have to push through to get to C D and E which are amazing.

Just finished route A last night, man that game is like 90% side quests. I like some of it, but gameplay wise its pretty ass. Music ranges from okay to great. Story seems like babbys first existential robuts. I'm surprised people complained about playing as 9S, seems fine.

When does it get good? So far it's been mediocre with moments I enjoy like BECOME AS GODS

The main story is mostly the same until 9S gets kidnapped, then the story diverges. Still it's worth paying attention, you might notice that something is off.

I'm only here for video games. I don't browse the other boards.

>game play wise its pretty ass
How so?
>Story seems like babbys first existential robuts
Wait for it. You'll see later on.

ignored for shit like wewkillnazistein or wester flavor of the year creed or shit like wow mario is so fun 10/10 i love my switch (same rehash again)

>why so sexualized -2 points

Think of the endings as different chapters rather then playthroughs, that's really what they're meant to be. You finished route A, route B is the same events but from 9S's perspective so you get a lot more information and some big reveals toward the end of it, and route C is a continuation from those.

>Automata isn't particularly anime though I don't think

>Almost all female roles were leaders or strong independant
>All males in the game were either villains, pyschos, or incompetant goof balls
>Lesbian vibes among YorHa

It snuck under the radar

Combat is really simplistic, actual minute to minute isn't anything to write home about. Almost all side quests send you over to fetch something. Not trying to be reductive, but it's pretty underwhelming, even compared to other platinum games.

Yes, they are holding hands
while having cutesy sex in the missionary position

i'm pretty sure journos didn't notice this because to angsty about 2b in skirts

Fucking philistines.

I was impressed by those infinite airwalk and climb and combos. Too bad none of it is usable in the game and its all for show.

You think so? I found that there's a lot you can do with the combat system, but there's nothing in the game that lives long enough to warrant using most of it. Just mashing light attack while tilting the analog stick towards your target will get the job done.
I personally didn't mind all the side quests since they expanded on the world or the characters and every once in a while pushing forward the overall plot of Nier .

There are a handful of skips with infinite airwalks.

What do you mean? The only time you need the mechanic is for getting weapons on the arch in forest kingdom and submerged city.

>game isn't goty

t. soyboy

I don't know how this meme that retard journos are biased against Jap games came into being, they overrate everything regardless of origin.
Even complete garbage like Star Ocean 4 or Tales of Zestiria get into the mid 70s range.

It's another "underage tries to apply his new ideology that he thinks makes him look smart while he babbles like a fucking brainlet about things he doesn't understand" thread! I'm putting "nu-sage" in the Options field so this gets two bumps instead of one.

It should be illegal to post on Sup Forums if you dont like anime desu

I hope this wins at least one award at The Game Awards and I get to see Yoko Taro and his Emil mask up there.

this would honestly have solved so many problems

It should win soundtrack of the year if thats a category.

I do remember there being one review that had very clearly been written after beating A. That message definitely saved the critical reception of Automata though. I wonder what percentage of the reviewers hit E?

It's competitng with Cuphead and Persona 5 in that category which are honestly tough competitors, but Automata should win Best Narrative. Tge system is literally rigged if it doesnt since the others in that category are Wolfenstein TNC, Horizon Zero Dawn, Hellblade, and Edith Finch.

If it had to take a guess though, Hellblade will win because muh brain problems.

Why is Horizon part of best narrative? I don't remember the story being anything to write home about.

I fear Edith FInch might win Best Narrative but indie games don't usually get awards against AAA games.

Nier winning RPG would manage to blow my mind since Persona 5 and Divinity is there and that's tough competition.

I see Horizon's story being praised as good, outside of Sup Forums that is.

reminder this game as the weakest gamplay of platinium games

almost nobody denies this, but combat also isn't the reason people praise Nier.

Anybody got any tips for playing this game on hard mode? Normal is just boring, but on hard bosses can 1 shot you with basic attacks.

Already got melee/ranged defense chips and anti chain.

slightly above-average game. i like the characters

