Is there any good video game YouTube content? Does any one have any good channel recommendations that aren't filled with inane gamer culture shit where everything is fucking Minecraft, Overwatch, sick memes or Let's Play clickbait that pander to actual fucking children. Where the fucking hosts aren't the literal embodiment of "lol check out my Triforce hat, us nerds rite?". There has to be good content out there I would hope.
Is there any good video game YouTube content...
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There is, you just have to go find it in a sea of pandering garbage.
For example, this is one of my favorite reviews that goes super in-depth and comes off as legit and intelligent with a mature presentation:
Of course, it doesn't have as many views as it actually deserves because it isn't generic clickbait youtube fodder. But that's just the way the landscape operates.
SnesDrunk is pretty good. Give him a try.
GVMERS is good if you want basically just documentary style videos about games or series.
SummeningSalt if you want indepth timelines on speedruns on certain games.
apollo legend, cj, crowbcat, danielfromsl, joseph anderson, rwhitegoose, uncommentatedpannen
I like design analysis vids.
GMTK is good.
And also Ahoy is really great for history vids,
Game Makers Toolkit and Ahoy! are literally the only decent videogame channel I've ever come come across ever
i like watching projared, he just is himself and thats it. but most of the game are oldschool, if you are into that give him a shot.
also cause I see you have grumps in your feed, it is barry's birthday today... does anyone hate barry?
What are the best vinesauce streams?
What are the best panoots streams?
He plays A lot of really interesting old dungeon crawlers too.
This series was really interesting.
>keeps his intros under 5 seconds.
>His reviews are rarely over 5 minutes.
One of my favorite reviewers.
Don't know who the fuck Barry is but that's not my feed. That's the gaming trending and thus inspiration for this thread.
I've been checking out each channel one at a time and I'm really digging this GMTK channel. GVMERS looks like it has potential.
I recommend all of his Let's Plays.
Gamer with a Backlog is great, no intros, no talking, they just play the games. Uploads regularly too. Plays a bit of everything by the looks of it.
>part 16
What are they even doing?
They literally only do one stage every video.
>joseph anderson
This was terrible
hard 10 minute per episode cuts.
Jebus they're really trying to wring out that youtube money.
Downward Thrust
Game Makers Toolkit
Metal Jesus Rocks
All comfy vidya channels that aren't cringe and they actually have a real interest in videogames unlike all the other LE GAYMER CULTURE channels
My nigga. This guy knows how to produce quality content.
who's crowbcat and is Sup Forums hating him?
I only care about DocFuture.
Game Sack if you want dad humour.
>nearly 30min
There simply has to be a better way to condense your shit. It's important to respect the viewer's time as well.
yeah, the series are pretty chill, right he is celebrating d&december, is going to play alot more of these kinds of games
pic related
Is there anything like the old gametrailers videos where they broke down every games lore and shit?
That or AI vs AI stuff, can't get enough of it
damn he hairy
Ignore this idiot OP, Jesus chris you might as well add game theory and pewdiepie
It's called playing video games yourself you fucking child.
If you enjoy seeing things you weren't supposed to or learning about presentation tricks in games, seeing the seams, etc.
Boundary Break is great
He's male you idiot.
Accursed Farms
MxR Mods
Gaming content on Youtube is so vast and subjective that anything anyone posts in this thread could be either incredibly cringy or just the kind of videos they want to watch
If you enjoy Jojo, fighting game references, and people who actually know the industry because there are two former game testers on their team, Super Best Friends are a good group.
>Accursed Farms
The Dementia 2 parter was honestly one of the most interesting vidya videos I've seen, that game is a wreck in so many ways and I feel richer knowing about its existence
Only the most entry level meme knowledge
>people who actually know the industry because there are two former game testers on their team
That knowledge being relevant for maybe 3 total playthroughs. And one of those 2 can't even tell his left from his right
Fuck you, I've wasted 6 years in the SBF rabbit hole. It isn't worth it
Dead channel.
If you're interested in obscure vidya check out LGR. If you just like Ross's style yeah you're not really gonna find anyone else
A little of column A and B honestly.
Classics of Game
Games Are Art
Stop Skeletons From Fighting is good.
Raycevik is great if you want long form videos about games within the recent past.
Vinny slept with the (now ex) girlfriend of Mike and claimed it was ok to do so since its behind his back.
Vinny is quite the cunt
If you liked Nick Arcade, there is a weekly show run that is very similar and it sticks to /vr/ content. It's called Arcade Pit.
>says sonic the hedgehog the porcupine 50 times in a 3 minute video
Comedic Let's Plays everyone
How do you even know that was Vinny
It just seems like a random forum post
Is that some Madrinas?
They're good boys.
>AI vs AI stuff
I remember like a year ago some guy streamed an ai v ai tourney for nunsg
feel like I hit a weakspot... don't have to be ashamed
If you want to listen to a perma-virgin who thinks he can program because he made a bunch of pixel shmups talk extensively about DOS games and shovelware from "1000 GREAT GAMES ON ONE DISK!!!"-CDs then Pixelmusement/Ancient DOS Games got you covered:
because back in the older days (2012), he used to talk about this problem, that he wasnt the best of friends and did some nasty shit with the girlfriend of his best friend.
Considering Vinny used to live in Texas, there is a very high chance that this is him.
It might not be, but he did admit once himself that he fucked the girlfriend of his best friend.
I would be ok if Vinny fucked me
He said he lived in Texas? I don't remember him ever mentioning that
The same guy who does Arcade Pit does a show called A. I. Arena. He runs a bot that lets you bet on who will win and gives out shit at the end of the month to the top scorer. Tons of different AI vs AI games.
>Vinny opens his front door
>A stray (You) girl is there
>he dies while laughing like a hyena
>carries you to his bed
>he than ask chat for advice on what to do now since hes stuck
>"oh, right. The condom. Totaly forgot about that"
>applies condom to his penis
>suddenly everything corrupts
>"Oh come on! Now's not the time for my passive!"
Videogame dunkey and hbomberguy
Fags started shilling his Switch video for console war shit.
Fuckin sick, cheers m8
is a very hypocritical cunt.
In one video he is joking, in the next he wants to be very serious.
In one video you KNOW he is on a payroll and in the other video where he tries to act smart by making a statement, he fucks it up big time (Metroid Moment)
>30 minutes
>a long time
If you have ADHD maybe.
It is a long time, both for a YouTube video, and and for a game review.
gaming historian
that's.. about it
IIRC 30 mins has been show to be the best time for youtube monetization. Its generally why Lps stick around that timeframe
Classic Game Room is hella wholesome. Mark just really loves games.
> Little bitches ask for something that does not have certain "qualities", so it's up to real men to suggest whatever may please the beta cuck
> Men with big balls ask for a specific thing, implying they couldn't find it themselves, being humble yet proud.
Are you telling me you are a little bitch, user?
You are like baby
If by Lp you mean let's plays, aren't those pretty much always ~10min?
we going raw jebrony
>*infernal duck noises*
The majority I've seen and watched tend to be in that benchmark.
Gaym Grumbles is the big exception
accursed farms is great
jerma985 too
if i ever do end up watching video game related stuff its from these channels
Unironically Chip and Ironicus
>casual talking about a fighting game
Alpharad is pretty funny
How does he do any of that if he died while laughing? Was he so persistent that his spirit refused to rest?
Neat, anything with like RTS ai v ai?
I love this guy's stuff. Did he ever mention where he is now?
>Has interesting content
>Has a completely cringe Youtuber personality
Robbaz is pretty good, if you can get used to his fucking annoying accent.
well what do you watch, big boy
Who's the Irish guy that has some decent sonic videos?
Smight doesn't run anything that would take up too much time, since audience participation is the focus in A.I. Arena. Sorry man.
Just thought I share this.
These dudes are pretty funny
>5/12 is his birthday
Alpharad's pretty fun to watch.