How's that youtube channel holding up Sup Forums?

How's that youtube channel holding up Sup Forums?

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Growing so fast to the point of being overwhelmed with attention.

I don't have one, so at least my mental heath is all-right.
fuck you and your 3k subscribers.

Are there any gaming channels that aren't absolute trash?

3million views down to like 1,000 a day now

Not video games.

How do I get recognition without being a sellout?

It can be. People here watch gaming channels I assume, it's a video game topic if you make it.

y-yes user, please check out my channel, I'm doing a free gift card giveaway if you subscribe with notifications on.

You might like someordinarygamers. He knows about about many rabbit hole games that most people who think they know video games don’t. He doesn’t take anything seriously, he’s pretty chill

If your videos are the kind of thing people will actually search for or click then the views should come eventually.

how the fuck do you want to be a sellout when nobody would buy you.
The answer is you fucking don't.

i'll subscribe if you give me a picture of your butt.

You mean the indian guy who did 1000 part series about browsing the dark web. Fucking please.

I'm just so bad at games, I don't know if I should make one.

>Just be urself brah :^)


Yo don't need to show off any actual gameplay, it could be an analysis channel or just one featuring your highlights or even edits if you can do that.
There are far too many channels that ONLY show off gameplay with commentary anyway, do something different

Bretty Gud. Have been spending a lot of time in After Effects and Premiere as of late making custom transitions titles and such. I think I have my content creation pipeline down now to find some viewers.

87,000 subs, It's a korean-focused channel. Lots of f2p mmos that pop up pretty frequently here. I cover stuff like TERA updates, maplestory updates, DNF/DFO updates and more. I get like 30,000 views when I release a new video, most popular one was a video where I was showing off some of maplestory's 5th job stuff when it first launched. I got almost 800,000 views on it in the span of a month.

I'm getting slow but steady growth now, it's fun. I don't advertise so I don't grow as fast as I probably could now that I have the audience, but I also don't monetize, mostly because nexon's told me I can't monetize their vids, and I get a stable 30k views on nexon game vids, and only around 20-25k on stuff like netmarble, pmang, hanbiton, etc.

>did videos on obscure games no one else gave a shit about because they'd get shit views
>turns out when you're the only provider of a video on it you get good views

I'm in a similar boat. I've made 6 videos so far and have settled on a kind on routine/format. It's just a case of actually getting myself an audience

Just got over 40 subscribers which is cool.
Also did a video yesterday.

I do longplays

IMO the hardest part is finding your own style and format. Once you do you can easily find ideas for videos you want to do and how you would make them which is personally my favorite part.

I love how these threads are always full of shameless plugs of shitty channels.

I could either:
a. Upload a video once every day with a Lets Play channel for like three years and get about 83 subscribers like my friends
b. Get a regular job and make WAY more fucking money without having to rely on my audience

Gee what am I gonna do??

Possibly no. I thought I found one which was good but after a while I've seen some cracks. For example, he states.
>Developers fucking hate making exclusives.
>The reason publishers make exclusives is to reach a wider audience.
Some leaps in logic are made just because the channel owner has a platform of choice. He doesn't like exclusives because he wants the games to come to his PC, which is selfish, but says exclusives are for a wider audience, which directly contradicts the original statement he made, because he is wishing for the game companies to go for a wider audience by making their game multiplat in the first place. Also, the claim that developers hate making exclusives.

Then again he hated Breath of the Wild. You could show him a good exclusive and he'll be cynical about it. He blinds himself to reality that exclusives can make for higher quality content while preaching about his imaginary ideal world.

I got my first 1000 views on a video, a guide on how to unlock the bonus material in Metroid Samus Returns:

Uploading every day is hell to the algorithm, and makes the service not advertise you or recommend you because you're flooding it.
Objectively, three videos a week will get you the most advertisement from youtube itself.

And your shit

I started a twitch... but nobody showed up.

What are you playing?


Streaming can be really rough at the start you kinda have to keep showing up though. I never really got that into it but I heard that the best thing you can do is to keep a steady schedule and not divert from it.

That's probably the truest shit you've ever been told about streaming. Keeping a steady schedule, not taking a "break" off schedule, will lead to more people showing up. But ify ou stop streaming for even ONE day when people expect you to show up, you'll lose 80% of your viewerbase. That's why I see retards fall into the pit of giving away games and thinking they're getting viewers, when in reality they're all leaving as soon as the giveaway ends (and 90% of those "viewers" are just chatbots farming loyalty points).

I also recommend people just buy viewbot up to 40-50 viewers. It's low enough that twitch won't pay attention to you, and it's high enough that most games, unless you're playing fucking pubg or something, you'll be brought into the top 10 and have people actually watch your stream.

This, stream something people will actually show up for, have a consistent schedule, interact with people in the chat, and maybe after a couple months you'll garner a small audience.

Went over 9k subs today. Feels good.
I'm getting ~70-100 subs a day now. I wouldn't be surprised if I passed 10k subs before the end of the year.

My latest video is getting around 5k-8k views a day but I'm sure it's only because the next Star Wars movie is coming out in two weeks. Still, it would be nice if this video got over a million views. I have a few more videos planned but so far, it's going well.

>40 minutes long
Jesus Christ how long did that take to make?

Two months or so if I include writing and editing etc.
I also made a two hour video and that took me around five months.

It's my magnum opus and I'm very proud of it.

Good for you user. Niche videos are a great way to nudge your way into the game and build a viewer base. You would be surprised how many people are interested in obscure stuff. mainly because nobody else covers it.

Fair enough. There's this channel called BDobinsFTW that I really really like. He does video essays, and I was thinking of going that route.

Never bothered with doing a YT channel, mine it's just a favorite videos repository.
I do make videos for a living tho. Trashy marriage music-video-tribute things in exchange for cash.

oh jesus. That must be hell.
How many times, if you had to guess, have you had to do a video with 'wind beneath my wings'?

This user is right. There are way too many "lets play" channels out there finding something unique that you enjoy doing is a better way to get viewers than doing what everyone else is doing.

Nah man no english songs to be seen here. I'm from Italy, precicely the deep south. Only the trashiest local dialect songs. I've had "My heart will go on" a couple times tho. I mean it's okay money and doesn't take up much time since the standards here are incredibly low so I'm good just making slideshows in Vegas.

Yesterday I found the youtube channel of a girl I went to school with. What do I do with this information?

>”eceleb shit”
>but when user wants to become one, it’s alright
Do you giys never comtradict on anything?

Is she cute?

I know that feel.

Well hey, at least you're able to make some money with it. I did that for a few friends' weddings and it was just god awful. The parents wanted specific songs for specific pictures in a slideshow, so it was just an awful mishmash of garbage and everyone but the parents hated it. But hey, they were paying.

My most popular video has over 1000 views, I'm proud of that.


Good job user. Keep it up.

My most popular video had 4K views and took zero effort to make.
The videos I actually put effort into get 150+ views a month

Yeah absolutely, in the end it keeps the money going in, I ain't complaining. These last few times I got commissioned I didn't even rewatch them, and I get the "thanks user it's amazing" every single time they watch it. Sometimes I'll take a video editing class and step myself up though, can't do this forever.


I made a dumb ass maymay video about a 10 months ago, got 200k views, and I haven't done shit since. It's hard making content worth watching.

Lucky you.
Went to college for this shit and can't land a single job.

What do when my vid has a really bad and noticeable typo in it?

Fuck off cancer, you aren't welcome here

fucking this

I post my channel each time these shit threads show up but I won't now.

It's never getting off the ground in terms of views but it's fun making videos and I'm getting better at editing slowly so it's teaching me somethings.

a portfolio is significantly more important in video editing/rendering, at least here in america, than a degree ever was/will be. My recommendation is to start picking a few nice couples who you like, and try to edit their videos well, and stick them in a folder to just have for reference in the future.

>terrible video of me being autistic about a bug or screaming
>300k and 800k views

>tons and tons of videos where i actually put a tremendous amount of effort into

Fucking this

This is literally not video games and it's advertising. Fuck off.

I have a video from 2007 with maybe 40000 views. Thats the best I will ever do. From back in the day when ordinary Joes like me could upload anime at 240p on YouTube and become a god among men, before YouTube changed design and started taking shit down.

People make video game content on youtube, this is also a thread about video game content creators.
Those self advertising should stop.

I just started streaming and already feel my channel benefiting from it. I made a net loss on subs, but eh, I'd rather lose subs that weren't into me in the first place than not be able to move forward.

I'm seeing streaming as a good foundation for my actual animations and editing efforts. It's stupid that it's come to this, but I'm gonna just have fun with it. Doesn't make sense to keep going with spending months on one video on the off chance it somehow goes viral on reddit.

It's daunting but I figure as long as I'm consistent at it, I can grow a little community of regulars.

I've started streaming on twitch. Whenever I streamed on youtube I'd lose some subscribers. It's hard to know why they subscribed to begin with.

It's doing fine but getting a real job took a lot of the time and energy I put into it so my next video will likely be next year.

I've seen your video on my recommendations list once. Good job. I didn't watch it since Disney took over star wars though. Not to look down on your work or anything.

Its a Sup Forums brand spin off. So it's different. At least that's what I tell myself.

mah nigga, WW here, love your good shit broski.

Really interesting.
They say "videos gotta be under X minutes" or "people don't have the patience for longer videos" and there you go, with a 2h video.
Good job, man.

Thanks. I'm glad you liked it.

I don't like Star Wars nor 2h videos, but I'm glad other people do. Keep it up.

Heh that was pretty good user

It's so difficult to keep a steady schedule and motivation at 0 viewers.

I'm uploading a video about the n64 controller as we speak, my most viewed vid isn't even gaming though (it's a fucking meme with almost 1,000,000 views)
Subs have been on the rise recently, almost at 3k! Kinda want to make pokemon card openings similar to MaxmoefoePokemon, used to open packs a lot with friends

Link to your channel?

I'm hesistant to post it because my older comic book stuff is REALLY BAD, I made the channel when I was 15 so the earlier stuff is cringeworthy

>tfw the most viewed video i have is a shitty meme about obese tails
>tfw i havent uploaded in about a month
Im about to delete my shit and reformat out of shame

My friend has been trying to make a YouTube channel for over a year but he keeps changing his direction. He will literally not make quality content and just churns out as much generic gameplay shit as he can. He's not getting anywhere with it but it's not any of my business so I just watch him flip and flop.

>vid related

Tbh, i lost motivation after cuphead because i realized i HATED the game and didnt want to play anymore. How the fuck do you get out of a series you don't want to finish?

getdaved but he's a literally who

My first video got over 100k, but I don't know what direction i want to go next so it's been like 2 months

I thought trailerdrake quit.

still dead
Planning to post footage of Sup Forums's party van server but the files are fucking massive and even after converting them down, it's still going to take a while to post them and with the fucking music Sup Forums blasted it's likely to be taken down

Small channel and do reviews on what ever takes my fancy

Any tips on how to make a channel like RinryGameGame, Super Bunnyhop and Jontron?

I remember you posting your stuff here before, it's good shit man. Keep up the good work.
Have talent

Be a genuinely hilarious person and have the skills and money for good production quality

Don't. Unless you get lucky and some fag shares your shit on reddit or something it'll never catch on.

If I see one more fucking "analyst" channel, I'm going to open fire.

You have to have money and lots of it with a good writing cast.
That's it.

Same here man, I'm just privating all my old shit and starting from scratch - don't care if I lose subs because of it, at least that way I'll know who actually wants to see my stuff

Here's mine
Open fire

I basically make edited videos, I'm running low on ideas so I think I'll just stop. Here's my latest video.

yeah, make a few clickbait videos. once you have a following, make patreon and post nothing but garbage, if anything.

I know what you mean. Any incentive I had to try one is eroded by all the clueless people shitting them out.