I don't get it

I don't get it

Other urls found in this thread:


What am I supposed to be looking at here?

It's a JoJo reference, isn't it?


How did OP post without a picture?

Why does the post count say 5 when I only see 4 posts?

Google tells me it's Fire Emblem related.

The OP is counted as a post.

Why're you posting a blank image?

This is a Fire Emblem thread?

Is that the X-01 power armor shell or something? What the hell is the joke here?

Post an image OP....

>saving thumbnails

My Beautiful Kind-Hearted Husbando. I see you Kellum, you’re not invisible to me!

the character in the pics gimmicks is that people barely notice him and forget he exists, like he's invisible

How do I blankpost?


It's easy, you do it like this.


I'm not getting the meme here. Is it referring to characters perceived as "blank" (whatever that means)?


Seriously though what the hell is with that armor?

Stop picking on the best character.

how did he start a thread without posting a image?

The only character in FE13 worse than Cordelia.Him and Tomas are easily some of the worst player characters in the series.

How did i get in here, there isnt even a thread
Where the fuck am i?

How did you roll trips on /Sup Forums?


glad im not the only one who thought that the article looked like that

Yeah real funny op, I have blank images too.

>it's a "meme character just does their one joke for the million trillionth time" support
Him and Setsuna can fuck right off

>expecting fire emblem characters to be anything other than cardboard cut-outs with zero depth

He explains it in one of his supports, the people in his village made it for him as a gift but got his size wrong and he just wears it anyway

only Dubs are disabled. Trips,Quads, and Quints are still possible

Only with zeroes though

yeah forgot that part

>OP posts no picture.

Is this supposed to be a joke?

Awakening was originally going to be a sci fi game that took place in space, but they scrapped the plan and kept the designs

Gwendolyn is the greatest unit Fire Emblem 6: The Sword of Seals has to offer.

These guys get it.

He's one of the most likeable characters though and, contrary to what his character is, he became memorable because of it.

Sup Forums is contrarian for the sake of being contrarian.

Why are there multiple blank posts in this thread
New Sup Forums fad?



this is the first time i see a thread without an image on first post, how u do it?

Fuck off, nigger.

Funny, could have sworn there was a thread here just now.

Can we throw in Illyana and Trec too

*Falls in hole*
Lol smoke weed erryday

>tfw cute character design ruined by being a meme

Who cares. As long as they are cute/good looking is all that matters desu.

>beam sabers
>lunar rover cavalry
I’d play Space Emblem

>get A rank support
>it ends with the characters going "I'm sure glad we're friends!"
why does this make me want to fucking puke every time

Is it worth trying to get all 5 houses in Ophelia's paralogue?

I feel like something or someone blocks my path.

There's only 4 of them and they're all pretty good, but they're really easy to reach in time except the top right one (the first target), but fortunately it's got the most shit reward, being only a Spirit Dust.
The other houses have Horse Spirit (bottom left), Lightning(bottom right) and Calamity Gate (top left) which are all gr8 m8.

Yes. Even if you don't use the Horse Spirit, Lightning or other rewards you can always just sell it for gold.

>*teleports behind you*


Lightning doesn't seem all that great from the looks of it.

It's a guaranteed double attack, which is extremely useful against things like Wary Fighter Stoneborn

What's with these blank posts?

Why are characters who are barely notice the 2nd worst gimmick with thinking hard causing issues the worst
>tfw this completely fucked wrestling for a few years
Can still feel its effects now

Right, he killed his family and hanged himself or something right? What was the whole story behind that, what's the going theory on what caused that?

I would feed her my cock if you get the drift.


Illyana is not for lewd

I can kill the initial spawns to the left and right, as well as the first wave of reinforcements easily, but as soon as I try to head up north to stop the thief from reaching the upper left house, everybody charges me at once.
Do the reinforcements who appear from the north and south try to go after the houses, or do only the enemies surrounding the boss do so? If they don't, it might be easier to just go full hyper offense to the right and kill everything there ASAP.

What if you filled her bread with cum

I bet she would trade sex for burgers. Fucking whore.

hahahaa epic!!! theres something strange about mechazawa xD

>Wary Fighter
Fuck me conquest is evil

You wouldn't?


There's an outlaw/adventurer who spawns on turn 2 and 4 that will go after the houses if you haven't gotten to them yet.

What if you stick your cock in the bread and tell her to lick it until the cream comes out

What chapter are you on in the main story
Kill them then killed self. Brain was badly damage from concussions. His brain was so severely damaged "it resembled the brain of an 85-year-old Alzheimer's patient." More actual wellness policy was implemented (there was a general thing before hand, but never really done), removed just about every violent attacks to head, and a whole "steroids are evil" thing to come out again. Also WWE pretty much removed him for a few years until they added a message on any programs containing him on their network s the short version of it.

It's characters that aren't seen or acknowledged in-universe, usually if they have "lack of presence" bullshit like Kellam/Saya/pic related

Top kel


>What chapter are you on in the main story
Chapter 20. I tried Fuga's Wild Ride once before deciding to finish some paralogues first.

The upper left house is the final one the enemies go for. You can get the bottom left one on turn 1 or 2, but mostly you should focus on pushing right. Groups of enemies spawn outside the borders to break the walls, and they're the ones who will loot the houses.

outta the way faggots, this is how you really post a blank image!

i want to fuck that blank image


Thanks for explaining, user

Oh yeah. is Bowbreaker worth it in Fates, or should I just turn Ophelia to a Witch immediately?

Fug, I went to a concert and someone stole my backpack and most of my 3DS games, including Awakening and now I'm sad. Should I get another Awakening copy or should I venture out and explore other FE titles? Which are good oens to get into? I really enjoyed the child-building mechanic, probably my favorite aspect of the game, but I love turn-based strategy in general.

Conquest, Birthright, or Revelations?

Kozaki doesn't know how armor works. I miss Wada.

If you're playing Conquest there are barely any bow users besides Takumi so just turn her into a witch but:
>using dlc classes


B-but it's free

Explore more titles. I enjoyed Awakening, but it's honestly fairly average/on the weaker side of the series. If you liked kids, try Fates.

what Metroid character is that?

The way Kellam looks he reminds me of a discount Roger.


Play Blazing Blade and beyond if you want to explore other titles, or play Fates if you want to kids. Only Awakening/Fates/Genealogy have kids.

so he is gonna be a free unit on April first i hope. they just put him in your barracks and not even tell you.

R8 my taste

Lol how the fuck is there no image

>mid tier
>not in the middle

>FE12 in good tier
You like your shitty OC avatar character that much?