Has any fighting game ever even come CLOSE to this perfection?

Has any fighting game ever even come CLOSE to this perfection?

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Hope they don't do the exclusive character bullshit again.

>single player mode is boring and has completely retarded bots
>casual players think beating said retard bots with a throw ring out is one of their greatest highs in gaming

yeah no its shit

>Playing single player mode
Oh sweetie

Patented Sup Forums autism. The purest kind.

It's become a staple of the SC series and bamco is going hard on the guest characters in tekken too. I'm sure if SC6 happens it will feature at least a few exclusive characters, or at least guest/dlc characters

SCV is objectively the best. SCII is good. SCIV for character creation.

I liked Taki but Natsu had the better move set.

>cleanest, most striking character iterations
>No stupid oc donut steel character maker
>combat focuses on being simple to learn and doesn't crutch itself entirely on 12 button long attacks that only autists enjoy or getting locked into infinite combos
Can't think of any

Yeah, exclusive characters is a cool feature. The only people who hate it are turbo autists who think restricting them from certain characters qualifies as abuse.

>Soul Blade/Edge
Lots of stupid shit but was overall a pretty good game, a nice start to the series.

>Soul Calibur
Fantastic game, fixed many of the problems with the first game and refined and expanded on many mechanics, looked absolutely amazing for its time.

>Soul Calibur 2
Horribly dumbed down version of SC1, focus on a "wider audience" gameplay depth was removed in favor of adding guest characters as a selling point, many bugs such as Gstep and 2G make this already painfully slow game even worse.

>Soul Calibur 3
HORRIBLE game received zero testing has even more bugs than SC2, completely unplayable mess. the
>Arcade Edition
fixes most of these bugs and adds new characters.

>Soul Calibur 4
Fixed various problems with the series but added a retarded physics engine that had no place in a fighting game, this led to many infinite juggles and instant ring out combos.

>Soul Calibur 5
By far the best game in the series, goes back to its SC1 roots, ads depth and solid mechanics over stupid minigames, expands on many of the original mechanics, overall a great game.

you sound like a complete scrub, thanks for the 200 word essay

You have no idea what the word scrub even means you casual shitter

Soul Calibur III. Chronicles of the Sword needs to be fleshed out more and return: youtube.com/watch?v=d7HoVV2wCXA

Soul Calibur 4 was decent

5 sucks my dick

>play as link
>spam the throw attack
>finally ring out everyone in arcade mode in one move
>stop playing forever

the link version was fun

yoshimitsu design in 2 was my favorite

t. single player baby

three was better

>I'm very salty about how bad I am at fighting games

I've been playing this a lot lately. How do I find Sophitiias 3rd costume? It's not in the shops at the weapon master mode.

Also, why did Cassandras 3rd costume cost 6x the normal amount? I mean, it's cute, but still.

Tekken 3. Kill yourself stupid faggot

Don't help that I've been maining the Alexandra sisters.

tekken 3 is a shit game

>Has a fucking street mode
>shit game
I'm just scrolling through the front page and I have to come in here and call you out on your bullshit man.

T5 > T3

Putting Link in SC2 was the best cameo a video game has ever had in term of generating interest in the series. Literally everyone I've met in my life that plays Soul Calibur said they started with SC2 because Link was in it.

Chronicles of the Sword was the best mode, I wished IV and V had something like it.

Quite a lot of fighting games are better than SC2

Some fucking casual retard actually came in here to post this.

If it's so perfect why does it have zero tournament presence and no one gives a shit

At least someone has their head on straight.

>dead fighting games
Never heard of em

wow, great autistic list of dead games

You have to unlock Alioth (the second sub chapter) first.

To get there, you need to beat Stage 3 of Chapter 4 while you're LV 72 or over.

And the costume costs 51000.

>tekken in mid tier
Where did Harada touch you?

Ultimate Ninja Storm is the highest skill cap fighting game there is

You're right mid tier is too high for tekken

>Also, why did Cassandras 3rd costume cost 6x the normal amount?
Because it's a cameo costume
Sophitia's 3rd costume is also expensive for the same reason

Tekken 7 is the best fighting game currently available and isn't built on a house of cards like fraudulent capcom games

I can tell that you and/or the person who created this image are an 09er baby faggot because
a) UMVC3 isn't in trash tier
b) MVC2 isn't in top tier

Except Marth and Roy in Melee singlehandely revived the FE series for better or worse

They had to dumb down II. One of the versions was made for Nintendies, after all.

5 surpassed it

Now this is bait

>buttmad SF fag mad that no one wants to play his shitty game

They didn't. They had no impact on the Japanese sales whatsoever. The only thing it did was make the west aware that the series even existed. Then they localized the series and the games all sold like shit until Awakening.

>Street Fighter V: 2622
>Super Smash Bros. for Wii U: 1515
>Super Smash Bros. Melee: 1435
>Tekken 7: 1278

Really makes you think

MVC3 and UMVC3 are almost worse then MVCI. This is fact.

>Budokai 3 shit tier
What? I remember it being nothing, but fun.


That's a lot of work.
Where is it from? It's really cute, Cassandras costume cost around 125 000, while the others are around 20 000

Can we stop the meme that SC3 had bugs? I know 5 people IRL who owned that game on PS2 and NOBODY had any issue with it

Tobal 2, Fighters Megamix, Bloody Roar 3, Virtua Fighter in general. Namco fighters are shit. But hey, at least it's not DOA.



Fuck off retard

>This will never happen to you

This shit's either on a shitty emulator or not the PS2 version. I had tons of hours in that game and didn't experience any of that


Cassandra is from Legend of Valkyrie/Valkyrie no Densetsu and Sophitia's is from Tower of Druaga
Both are really old Namco series that had most of their games never translated
Also IIRC you can find Cassandra's costume cheaper in a different shop later on since some costumes appear in multiple shops for different prices

>Registration is more than 2000 less than lest year for SFV while Tekken climbs from 543
Really makes you think

All of it is in the PS2 version you fucking underage retard, google variable cancel glitch

>Tfw remembering Cassandra sophitia taki ivy
So much waifu material as a young lad
>weapons having an affect
Also a neat mechanic

>love SC2
>date girl heavily involved in sc tourneys
>break up and the series is tainted forever

Well at least it's dead now.

Heihachi and Spawn > Link

As characters and as playable fighters.

Straight up his ass.

Sophitia has been my waifu since the beginning.
Literally the best girl.

Cassandra and Sophitia in SC2 gave me a sister fetish and a doujin of them gave me a femdom-on-futa fetish


Ah, I thought I had seen the design somewhere else. I've checked the stores a bunch but never seen they change. I'm doing the secondary missiosn now.

It's called Truck-01 and it's by the author of Black Lagoon

Was playing this yesterday. I forgot how amazing this game was

I have the game for some reason,even though I have never liked fighting games

Thanks man. Much love.