Back when I was a 400lber and really into vidya (I had to quit for my health) I used to LOVE this 'game fuel' bullshit...

Back when I was a 400lber and really into vidya (I had to quit for my health) I used to LOVE this 'game fuel' bullshit and had several of my own recipes, all named after games I enjoyed.

>Grilled Cheese Halo
Basically took a bagel, cut in half, buttered heavily and filled with slices of cheese then made a grilled cheese. HOWEVER to represent Halo I covered it in little blue gummy candy (to represent sticky grenades) and ate with a knife and fork, coated in cake frosting to look like energy swords

>The Orange Snack Box
Basically filled a cardboard box with cheetos, grated orange cheese, sweetened apricots, and reeses peanut butter cups (packaging was orange), washed down with store brand orange soda

>Metal Beer Solid 2 Yums of Liberty
Snack cakes fried in a sugar and beer glaze

>Grand Theft Eato
This was just a store bought cheesecake with 'GTA' spelled out on top in M&Ms, nothing creative just an excuse to eat an entire cheesecake every day

A big stack of bread (like 10 or 11 slices) each coated with things that look like zombie skin (ie fried chicken skin, marmalade with chocolate chips mixed in etc)

Haven't played videogames sincee 2013

Sounds awesome OP, good for you

I'm gonna try these. Thanks OP

I'll take the bait, any more?

no you didn't

>Metal Beer Solid 2 Yums of Liberty
probably my favorite title thanks op

Why not become a chef? You seem to know how to put interesting items together to make flavors greater than themselves.

>Eating a cheesecake everyday.
Holy God. You really had a problem.

>cheetos washed down with orange soda

So what do you weigh now?


315. Still big but eh i'm doing better than I was.


I don't believe this is real, but on the off-chance it is, you're retarded for needing to quit vidya to lose weight instead of just eating better (like eating an orange cut into a cube for Orange Box for your autistic snacks)

gain a little bit more from the grilled cheese halo to reach 343
then they will start to taste like shit

You'll make it.
We're all gonna make it.

OP literally made me feel better about myself

I might be fat but I'll never reach this level of fatness

I was going to skip lifting tonight until I saw this thread.

Thanks I guess OP. Ya fat fuck.


holy shit this thread made me travel in time to the early 2000s
I can hear the epicmealtime videos know

>tfw manlet at 5'9 and 125 lbs
I eat like a pig. Considering suicide.

i appreciated this comment

Doubt. How old? How many calories a day?

Pick up a sport.

You're probably just a faggot who thinks eating slightly more than a woman counts as eating like a pig.

Were you raised by a single mother? I bet you were.


Sounds like yum.

26. Between 2500-3000. I literally force myself to eat.

Eat more, lift weights. I used to be around 125lbs at 5'10" a few years ago, but since I begin powerlifting and downing protein shakes I'm at around 152lbs. I do admit that it has gotten harder for me to get into the 160s (I generally hover around 150-156lbs), but I'm sure you can at least gain a little bit more weight by focusing on strength training.


>Basically took a bagel, cut in half, buttered heavily and filled with slices of cheese then made a grilled cheese. HOWEVER to represent Halo I covered it in little blue gummy candy (to represent sticky grenades) and ate with a knife and fork, coated in cake frosting to look like energy swords
I know this is all fake but this still fucking disgusting

Nigger men are supposed to eat around 3000 calories a day just to avoid losing weight. That's your minimum caloric intake if you want to stay the same weight. If you're going to bulk you need 4000 plus and you need to lift.

I was right, you were definitely raised by a single mother. You limpwristed faggot you.

>tfw 6'3" 165 pounds
>can eat anything and not gain weight
>have to push myself to eat more after I feel full to maintain my weight
You guys don't know the struggle :(

you must not drink. Liquid calories and drunk munchies make me a real fatbody

How long have you been doing that for? That should only add a couple pounds per month if you're completely sedentary.

If you really want to gain weight, I'd recommend over 3000 calories a day and a 5x5 program. Make sure you're getting 150g+ protein in that. Whole milk is a really easy way to up your calorie intake.

Eat more salads and fruits, don't drink any soda, only drink water with your meals.

So this is what happens when you get BTFO in public, eh?

I have an unhealthy lifestyle however my migraine pills have the side effect of weight loss

Oh I drink. Not a ton, but I'll go through a 12 pack in a day or two.
I can definitely gain weight from drinking beer, but food not so much.

>tfw lifting and eating right got me from 80 to 130, then cut back to 110
Feels good being at a normal BMI after being raised malnourished

Are you a girl, or just 5' tall?

Guys, this is a shitpost. How is anyone taking this seriously?

Shit I wish i was that skinny.

Im 5'10 and have been stuck at 170 for 3 years

Should I be embarrassed if the most innovative I've gotten with food is wrapping my string cheese in cold cuts?

Got a lot going for me though. wink wink, nudge nudge

Sounds pretty good my man

Hilarious. What are you forcing yourself to eat? Grass soup?

>normal BMI

what kind of manlet skelly are you?

I'm hungry now.

All that sounds fucking disgusting

because its funny

>80 to 130
user, how's that reading comprehension treating ya?

For someone that's 5'6, 120 is the ideal range.
Got a whole bunch of other health problems. I was born 4 weeks premature. I'm just glad to be alive.

You're supposed to be 170+ at 5' 10 you faggot soyboy.

Listen you son of a bitch, what the fuck's your problem? You wanna sit here and say that I'm a god damn fuckin soyboy? You get in my face with that I'll beat your god damn ass you son of a bitch. You piece of shit, you fuckin god damn fucker. Listen fuckhead, you have fuckin crossed the line, get that through your god damn fuckin head. Stop pushin your shit, you're the people who have fucked this website over and gangraped the shit out of it and lost an admin, so stop shooting your mouth off and claiming that I'm the enemy. You got that you son of a bitch? Fill your hand, sorry but I'm done. You start callin me a soyboy, those are fuckin fightin words, excuse me.

play more video games

170lbs is fuckin skinny you retard.

5 ft 10 you're probably 5 ft 6 maybe then its different.

>getting this mad on a korean woodcarving imageboard

fuck off fatso

about three fiddy

I still make 4x the amount of money you do you brainlet

You can make whatever excuses you want, it won't change the fact that you said you're 110 right now and that means you're underweight. Turn your passion for shitty passive aggressive imageboard banter into passion for eating.

>>The Orange Snack Box
>>Grilled Cheese Halo

Both of these sound pretty good. Gonna try my own spin on them. Thankfully no risk of obesity for me as I run 30K a week and swim 8K. I've actually been losing too much weight, so I need to eat some crap to gain a bit.

I'd rather hear about what booze people drink while gaming. For food, it's obviously pizza rolls or go home.

>170 at 5'10" is skinny
Unless that is pure fucking muscle you're a giant fucking lard was with a giant gut if you're 170lbs.

I'm 165lbs and have a beer gut and mushy nips that are dangerously close to being moobs.

You're not.

I refuse to believe this as no person weighing 400 lbs would put this much effort into getting food.

Baito desu.

Except I am.

No lift faggot detected.

Do you have any idea how much muscle weighs? Clearly not. A /fit/ man at 5'10 should weight between 180 and 190 lbs. 170 is skinnyfat territory.

I am so picky about beer.

My go to is usually fat tire or something like moose drool.

I'm 185lbs and I have none of those things. It's all about muscle mass. Specifically leg muscle mass, as that goes up much faster than upper body.

Post your fat fucking stomach you disgusting fat slob. You're not 170lbs and healthy unless that's all muscle weight
See what I said before. Also nice to see you're a "lift faggot" and lack reading comprehension. Typical of a retard muscle junkie with 0 brain power and a tiny dick to compensate for.

I've actually been planning on bulking this winter.

I really miss alcohol. I stopped myself after a few years of mixing double/triple IPA's with gin daily. Usually a 30/70 gin/beer ratio. It was both the best and worst time of my life. Quitting was hard and I regret it sometimes.

This is one hell of an angry skeleton.

sounds like you have a bone to pick user

sorry i did not get the point of this post
can someone please explain it to me with a food analogy?

What' weird about that? I understand OP is making a joke post but there's nothing wrong about any of his recipes.


Bailey's Irish Cream with whole milk and ice. On other occasions, I mix Bailey's with hot chocolate.

>gummies and cake frosting on a grilled cheese
>not wrong

I'm skinny and stopped caring about getting bigger a long time ago. I've got a wife and kids and an excellent job. I'm fine with being a twerp.

>I'd rather hear about what booze people drink while gaming.

The rare times I do, hard cider. But only the quality stuff. Preferably made by monks, but this one is also acceptable.

>Bailey's Irish Cream
I can only stand a shot of this in coffee.

>drinking alcohol
Lol I couldn't actually imagine being this much of a loser

have you tried it? I doubt you have

I bet the first person who tried adding a layer of jelly on his peanut butter sandwich was ridiculed by his friends making gagging sounds but today he's a billionaire and his friends work as janitors at mcdonalds

The way he wrote it made me think of those niggers who mixed doritos with mountain dew as if they were eating cereals with milk.

>See what I said before
I did. See what I said before: if you have a Y chromosome you should have a bare minimum of muscle you hungry fucking skellington. That bare minimum should out you over 180 at 5'10 at the very least.

Go pick up something heavy faggot. Maybe someone will finally want to fuck you.

You can go back now

>bitch tits and bear gut

>Not Yums of the Patriots

he's 5'3''

What, you haven't tried that?
It's actually not that bad...

what's with hungry juan here

Weak bait, no (You) for you nigger.

You're right user, he made it up. You have been RUSED and he has achieved over you the victory of... of, um.

Fuck. It's almost as if there'd be nothing to gain from lying in this situation, but that can't be right.


Used to be around 360 at my highest weight. Then I started keto and now two years later I'm 220. You can do it too.

any other faggots here
how many calories should i eat if i'm trying to maintain a slim body and just build up some nice ass muscle

Okay fine.

if he's not using niggers to say stuff like "niggers should all be gassed" then he probably isn't a Sup Forumstard you faggot