Well, fuck

well, fuck...


Dragon Ball is old and busted.

Thank goodness Monster Hunter doesn't come out on PC until later :^)

Fighting game meta requires you jump in at day 1 in order to stay relevant/competent against other players.

Monster Hunter (assuming it's decent) has a much longer shelf life.

Should I buy a time-sink that will be popular worldwide, or yet another Dragonball Z game that will be filled with time-released DLC? Choices, choices.

If you jump even a week later
You're going to get bodied to fuck

how is DBZ compared to something like SF? I'm shit at fighting games and only good at Smash
I struggle with big combos more than anything

>implying casual DB fags won't drop the game 2 weeks in because fighting games are too """"""complex"""" for them and go back to xenoverse

Well no shit, one's a competitive game the others a cooperative one.

Either way this is gonna fuck Capcom in the West,

MHW will have more content

>playing a fighting game on pc

DB is shit anyway.

>Monster Hunter
>fighting game

Dragon ball may do some damage,
Id like to see some shills convince me otherwise.

>not hunting with your bros right out of the gate

>not fighting with your bros and then fighting against your bros the same day

RIP Capcom

I'm getting World on PC so I can play at an actual 60fps,

Getting both of these plus Ni No Kuni 2 and Dissidia. My wallet wants to kill me.

Not on switch.
So why should i care?

>Get DBF first
>Learn the moves and get a feel for the game
>Get Monster Hunter first
>Get geared up for co-op and not be a scrub when you go online with people.
>Get DBF second
>Everyone beats your ass because you don't know how to play and these people have been playing everyday.
>Get Monster Hunter second
>Everyone is already geared up and you're just a scrub with crappy gear.

There's no winning, but it depends on what you prefer. If you don't care about autism competitive ranking in fighting games then it won't matter. If you don't care about being weak and useless in a co-op game because you're undergeared then there is that too. I don't care for fighting games (though I love DBZ) but I'll probably get Monster Hunter first.

I agree that getting DBF first would be a better choice if you are big into fighting games and play a lot of ranked and shit.

FighterZ is not worth buying. Gameplay looks fun, but Arksys is the master of expensive dlc, re-releases and bad internet connections. You cam bet in 9~ months a complete version will be announced for $60, with more everything. They're bad on their own, imagine when they're sided with Bandai Namco.

MH World won't have DLC, it'll be feature complete at launch and it'll have better online, as well as more content. That's the safest bet.

Nobody cares about mh besides japan and its popularity will take hit there for not being portable . Dbz will easily win


They're two wildly differente genres with fairly mutually exclusive userbases. There's overlap, sure, but I think the overlap lies mostly in the DBZ branding, less than the fighting game elements.

2 shit games in one day
the day is fucked



god. next time you list pros and cons of something, do them by >get game 1 first. >get game 1 second

dont do game 1 first game 2 first like in this post.

Heĺlo capcom
>You cam bet in 9~ months a complete version will be announced for $60, with more everything. They're bad on their own, imagine when they're sided with Bandai Namco.
By that time, the switch will have had a port released meanwhile crickets from capcom.
They will get them sales but people will wait for the portable switch version.

>all this great stuff coming out on or right before my birthday

oh man, I'm pretty excited.

>a casual button mashing game dumbed down for the lowest common denominator DBZ fans
>one of the most beloved and hardcore action game franchise in Japan, finally allowed to be at its full potential after being unshackled from shitty handheld hardware

Gee, really hard choice

Ill buy it on switch, plus im buying xenoverse.

Did I lie about anything in regards to Arksys and their history of fighting games' releases?

Capcom fags are delusional kek

>Reminder ArcSys charged you $20 for Rev2, an "expansion" that added whooping two characters

Im raking about dragonball

I'm sorry that triggered your autism, suck it up.

>Get Monster Hunter second
>Everyone is already geared up and you're just a scrub with crappy gear.
So you get carried for a few hunts until you get better gear? How is this not like playing every Monster Hunter game some time after its launch?

>tfw this might have the sales fucked too

>capcpom finally makes the right decisions
>sells the game as a no lootbox shenanigans
>ps4 beta to make ppl hyped
>releases the same day next to a game that will blow it the fuck out on sales

I called you out as a shill
Arksys has potential vs street fighter studios
Pokken even BTFO'd SFV and MVSCI


What's so bad about that? Characters are $10 each in SFV.

>Veterans are calling it casual
>DBZtards are calling it a 2D sidescroller non-game
>Gooks are busy with MonHun

Top fucking lel if you think DBFZ has any sort of impact, if anything, MHW is impacting DBZ sales. I was gonna buy it day 1 until I found out about the garbage season pass and the fact that they're releasing it SOONER instead of February to cut content, it releasing the same day as MHW just cemented the decision.

Haha, as if a fighting game can compete with monster hunter sales.

PC release when?

Capcom pls don't pull a 'translation release date' of 6 months later.

Why do people think monster Hunter is more popular than DB? It's not even close.

I'll rake you

>he thinks MHW will impact DRAGON BALL sales

>All my friends are normies
>All they play is Fifa 18 and the newest AAA Games
>Not one of them is into Monster Hunter or Fighting Games (not even DBZ)
>Have to play alone

Fuck them any nigger here in the same situation in europe???

that be true if only normies didn't care about DB
80% of those sales are going to be non fighting game ppl
MH is still not a big thing in the west and capcom is beting this will be the breakthrough, so what better way to do it than getting demolished in sales immaright

That only applies to movies though. No one gives a shit about video game awards.

Why do they do it


>tfw I never tried any Ni No Kuni game
Are they fun?

You conviently forgot that most of monhan are portable gamers capcom shill
Top fucking kek!

>Ghibli trash

>tfw I have 6 friends buying monhun

Wonder Woman is trash but Thor Ragnarok is considered great? I love RLM but Jesus Christ they are enormous marveldrones.

>tfw I have no friends buying monhun because I have no friends in general.

Dbz will outsell Mon hun in Europe

First game is veeery easy and very repetitive, but the characters are great, the visuals are a masterpiece and OST is best in class. The story can get you emotional too. Plus, it has classic JRPG progression, including a cool overworld with cool towns, boats, flying etc.


Cool, will try it one day.


The gameplay is frustrating as fuck.
The game main feature, familiars, were horribly implemented in the battle system.
Halfway through the game I gave up on trying to find the best way to use them and ended up soloing with Oliver the majority of the time.

Aside from that, its a goddam Ghibli RPG, great visual, great music tho the characters is what you would expect out of any Ghibli film; generic.

>Still caring about DBZ

Have I time travelled?

> finally allowed to be at its full potential after being unshackled from shitty handheld hardware

Only, strictly, visually.

haven't seen db in ages senpai
but arksys is doing amazing work and now there's all this fuz about ultrainstinct that yeah i'm prb going back in

The exploration aspect also seems infinitetly better too.

You didn't even answer his question.

>Monster Hunter? What's that?
I can't believe DBZ's gonna do this to me.

PC version of MHW is coming later right ?
Sounds good to me.

>Playing on the switch at all

>having to play on a tv again

>fighting game

all of Sup Forums will drop it after 2 weeks and go back to league

They're $6 and can be bought with ingame currency you earn

Should I spend 400 dollars on a PS4 Pro to play MHW?

Or spend 400 dollars to buy a PC and play MHW?

>PC that can run mhw

Pc version is coming later,
Ps4 version is niche market outside of japan.

>400 dollars on a CPU to run mhw

>$400 dollar piece of shit PC to run a new PC game


Just get a regular PS4. The pro rarely goes above 1440p anyway.


Chances are it won't be a tremendous failure like MHW.

my brother of African decent

>not having a pc OR PS4 already
What do you play games on?

But MHW has better framerate option on the pro

400 isn't much really.
If that is your budget and just want to play MHW, then just go with PS4. If you want more games and will be willing to spend about thrice as much, then PC

If you think $200 is worth 3fps then go for it.

My 3DS

I have a PS3 but there's nothing really that grabbed my attention anymore after Armored Core

These are my laptop specs, can it run MHW? Be honest

Its also coming to xbox one, but thats really a moot point.

lol no it won't.

They loved Wonder Woman though. That clip was a video they made in January where they thought Wonder Woman was going to be another trash DC movie.

No. You're running integrated graphics.

hahhaa no

either consider spending 1k+ on a pc or go ps4

Thats a laptop i3, no way in heavens gate will that run.

monhun beta then wait for pricedrop

You mean demo.