The original pay2win

>the original pay2win
>yet Sup Forums gobbles this shit up


Other urls found in this thread:

I don't play that shit and wager 99% of the people here don't either.

that's not a video game, you should head over to /tg/ instead

i follow mtg still, but i don't play outside of an occasional draft

it's a fun, mostly well designed game. the costs have gotten truly outrageous, however.


>tfw tax/rack mono W

Took me a while, but I get it now
cheeky as fuck

That's why you should play the superior game

>mad nugioh soyboy

>it's another seething shill posts a non-vidya thread to defend his corporate overlords

>Had to upgrade work laptop to Windows 10
>Playing new solitaire games all day
>Adverts come up before games
>One is a slots game that is 'free'
>Looks exactly like video slots I played in Vegas
>You can buy in game coins
>No cash out

>want to play hockey
>need a stick

i fucking hate this place

I still dont get it, and I'm an active player. Just built a Scarab God deck.



all children card games are p2w

booster drafts are fun

no p2w

You think that's bad?
>want to play life
>game has some shitty survival mechanics
>have to spend hours every day hunting for sustenance or seeking shelter
>"dude it's fine, you can just use the cash shop to buy food with real money haha, just buy a house lmao"
And natalists unironically defend this
Being born was a mistake

I wish I could read the 3 pixel image you posted, but I cant enhance like they do in csi

Physical media you will always own, even after the publisher inevitably drops support. Also has an after market where you can trade for what you actually want or sell for real money.

Notice the word COLLECTIBLE card card. It's how they have legal basis to jew you.

>me and my friends play with cards printed on paper, cutout by hand and glued on to normal cards (4 suit, 52 deck cards.)
>Tfw I pirate a CCG
It makes for some incredible games, having a deck of almost entirely ultrarare and rare cards

The proper way to play. Good for you to have friends to go along with that.

>Doing clean installs after debloat

>friend introduced me to MtG years ago
>looked fun
>see prices

Only a braindead retard would pay that much for cardboard.


>tfw magic card art is shit now

wasting money on paper get cockatrice

i fucking love this place

>Ex-gf wants me to get into Yugioh
>Looks through her collection, these Ojama niggas look like absolute shit, I love them
>Build half a deck with their commons, ebay the rest for less than 20 bucks
>Stomp them mercilessly until they lose motivation to play

>paying to play fucking Ojama to please an ex

that's physical goods, so it's okay.

same, very active player and I don't get it, don't see anything in there that repeats itself

>implying I wasn't pleasing myself more
Smashed her local scene too.

still better than yugioh


I fucking love this dude. I play a B/R madness deck casually, and whenever I land this it's super satisfying.

these cards have physical value. with each packet you gain 15 perfectly fine tournament-viable cards.

there's literally no excuse for the lootboxes. all you get for your money are virtual items that you don't have any control over them and can be arbitraly taken away from you or modified.

>with each packet you gain 15 perfectly fine tournament-viable cards.
oh my sweet summer child alternatively underpaid WotC shill


My friend had a wicked tempo-based Tax/Scroll deck full of kit that did work in our unpowered vintage shop meta including beating a crazy-strong Drainslaver deck.
It was a good deck, but I repeatedly shit all over it with a really weird homebrew deck /Vesuva-Cloudpost deck with Mystic Remora, Top, Counterbalance, Avarice Totem, Tel-Jilad Stylus, and Illusions of Grandeur that would just repeatedly steal his best shit with Totem and donate him Tops that were headed for the top of my library or Illusions that were about to be stylus'd to the bottom of my library.
He hated that deck so much we stopped being friends.

You're lucky if you get one(1) tournament-viable card out of a MTG pack. But your main point is correct.


I'm fucking indifferent to this place

Card Game

The collectible part of it is the shit that lets its skirt shit. Also since the cards themselves technically hold no legal tender value no one really gives a shit since who gives about shit the donor class aint got a problem with

Last time I posted my anti-TGC views on here I got swarmed by tons of rich, fat neckbeards defending it

oh, nice

I wanted to play mtg but absolutely don't want to spend outrageous amounts of money on it

do people there bully new players?

Cards are physical, lootboxes aren't.

If I had people to play with, I'd buy the sub par but decent cards and build a ton of decks that are balanced against each other for group play. That's a challenge to do.

These threads are getting stale.

>buy one card pack
>everyone buys the same card pack
>when you play, you're drawing from the same pool of cards as your opponent
>10 years later, smart businessmen decide to add random card packs
>you don't know what you'll get!
>it's so exciting, kids will eat it up!
Why are shills so desperate to justify blatant rip-offs with these poorly thought-out analogies?

I fucking hate this place