Reat in peace sweet prince

reat in peace sweet prince

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Is it the anniversary?

Is this the Soulcalibur VI trailer?

What's the point of packing a sword like that if you're not even gonna use it?

I think he was on the news in the first place because he whipped it out on a subway to save the day.

>that watermark
Fuck off

Two different people.

He seems like a pretty cool dude, standing up for other people against niggers on the subway. Would buy him a beer if I ever meet him.

RIP, at you died drowning in pussy

Why do you lie?

Could've sworn those were two different guys, my bad.


Why would he be called "light rail avenger" if they were not the same person?

how did he died?



he's more dangerous without it than with it

He was going to "train" with a 16 year old on a small island. The kayak capsized and he drowned.

must have been a suicide, he's in a better place now, together with glorious heroes

He was in a Kayak with a 16 year old girl and they were headed to some island. The tides were too strong and he fell off and drowned. The girl survived though.

Sounds like divine intervention. Got in a kayak with a 16-year-old girl (he was 30 at the time) to sail across a body of water to a island where he was going to give her private katana lessons. Dead serious. Half way across, wind blew the kayak over and he apparently did not know how to swim as he drowned and the girl swam to shore. The y found the kayak blown far away with two katanas strapped to it.

He was ambushed while on a training mission with his apprentice, he didn't expect them to come out of the water

Did he save her ?

red queen is the coolest sword in video games

thats so sad and funny at same time fuck


My man

RIP Samurai

>Learn the ways of the blade
>Don't even know how to swim

Nah they went out together to "train".
If I remember correctly both of them were swimming to shore after the boat capsized. But he swam back trying to salvage soemthing and drowned.

>While you were learning to swim, I mastered the blade

Why do people never post the move list edit? It's way better

The original move names are better.

Honestly, he seems like the kind of guy that would "No Way Fag" her so hard if she even tried anything, telling her "How will this help your training?"

If he was going to go out of his way to have a Katana with him at all times and know all those moves, he takes his training seriously. He wouldn't ruin a master/apprentice relationship like that.

>implying you can beat the Scottsdale Rapes or Missing Kid techniques

Yeah nah. You don't understand men. This was all part of grandiose plan.

The Rundown is the greatest combo ever created

that actually makes lot of sense. Resident evil 4 is based


it's sad that he's dead

>not chaining suspect confession into perfect storm and finishing them off with scottsdale rapes

Courage is to live when to live is right, to die when to die is right. - light rail avenger. do not mourn him my child

>Not knowing the story of the lightrail avenger and his quest for kouhai-pussy.
>Not knowing about the dastardly kouhai betrayal to steal his katana techniques.

Was he a dense harem protag?


This is nothing that couldn't have taken place in a basement or a back yard. There was damn good reason he would go to a small island with nothing on it with an underage girl and that reason has nothing to do with swords. Not ones made of metal anyways.

There was probably more than just a dumb TV show that lead him to jump.

Who goes to some remote island with a 16 year old girl just to "train" her?

They crossed a lake in a kayak, suddenly his nemesis, Dark Bar Vindicator sneak attacked his canoe from underwater.
LRA didnt have his underwater breathing ring equipped so he swam to the surface, DBV grabbed his leg, this is when LRA exclaimed "NO!" then he was dragged under never to be seen again

Stop projecting

maybe he just wanted to train her in a secluded place, close to nature, cause i dunno, the ki is better there or something like that

>When you finally manage to combo Suspect Confession into Teachers Arrested by timing it just right.

>LRA exclaimed "NO!"
Why'd you have to remind me.

Is that the nigger he fended off back on the Light Rail?

computer graphics are getting amazing
this is the power of the xbox one x

He didn't know how to swim. Why would he take that risk? He also brought his two katanas along. Don't doubt his teachings scum.

Now his battle with the Kami of the Sea has begun


My sides

stfu you bitch, he wanted it to be enchanting, you have to be able to focus, you really think you can meditate and focus in your garage or backyard?

You will never master the katana like I have

It's a bizzare for me that people can't swim.

the QTE got away from him

A real Hero.

You might be the only only person on this site who actually know how to use the term "projecting" so for that alone I'll concede whatever your argument was.

Yes, some say their battle continues to this day in the nether realm

>He doesn't combo Suspect Confession into Scottsdale Rapes before he does Teachers Arrested.
Are you even a master swordsman user?

Shit I just snorted coke on my laptop.

Nigga he was just some /k/ autist that went ever further beyond. He was as eager to smash some underage poon as any of us would be in the same position.

I think his cape contributed a great deal to his drowning.

>when the anime obfuscates your ability to reason

>comboing at all when you can just spam Scottsdale Rapes


The hero we needed.

one time in bootcamp this black african got in the pool and he sank like a rock imediately went under withing 1 milisecond of touching the water like the bottom was a magnet or someshit, the instructors threw him a floaty

that's pretty nice

>no one posting the news article to confirm if he actually died

>a backyard
Training environment is everything, young fool! Whether it be barefoot on snowy slopes or the spirit focusing tranquil forest.

Wait so did he die a virgin then? Was this his one chance to get pussy and he drowned with those final thoughts?


Where's all this rape happening so I can get in on some of it? DLC with Surprise Rapes when.

Who is this guy?

>when your fantasy obfuscates your ability to reason

Here you go dingus,read next time.

Another sweet prince gone too soon

My sides

Me too. I thought it was only blacks and spics who couldn't swim.

>kenneth jacintho
Oh. So he was a spic.

You have much to learn grasshopper.. much to learn.

You could say it was his final fantasy.

Because it's badass? Leave him alone!

I sincerely doubt he was trying to molest her. He could have survived. The girl stated that when they were headed back to shore, for some unknown reason Light Rail Avenger screamed "No" and started swimming back to the Kayak. Most likely, he wanted his katanas back because they were strapped on to the Kayak. He just wanted to train his apprentice the way of tne blade.


Masterful filename.

Perfect storm is fucking bullshit, i-frames outta your ass and don't even get me started on the hitbox.

>me no swim! swim hard!

but seriously you can just lay on your back and you'll float, no learning needed

while you were learning to swim he was studying the blade

>you know we don't get all that many colored people around here neither *pulls out shotgun*
Holy fuck the pragmatic wit on that redneck, that shit is hilarious. That guy's got a great sense of humor and is pretty clever desu. Shame he had to go.

>he realised his sword is drowning and died going after her
Why can't I have such dedication in my life