Were you one of the vocal minority that actually wanted this shit...

Were you one of the vocal minority that actually wanted this shit? Well congrats on wasting development time that could have gone to new content. Instead we'll get something that is horribly dated, won't be widely played, and will still have a subscription cost. You fucking idiots let rose-tinted goggles guide you down a path of tedious, frustrating, and frankly badly designed mechanics and will undoubtedly bitch about every stupid thing that was fixed many years ago, but remains in vanilla WoW.

What class do you play now, Sup Forums? Odds are it was unusable in vanilla, because unless you were a warrior, a rogue, a mage (frost), or a priest (holy), you are not wanted and will not be invited to any serious progression guild.

Remember grinding weapon skill? How about having to build groups out of the chat? Wasn't spending a thousand gold on a mount fun?! I hope it was because those things are not being changed, because although Blizzard has already fucked up royally by giving in to this shit in the first place, they can still ensure that every little annoyance that you forgot about comes back and refuses to fix it because that would "spoil the classic experience".

I give it four months after classic's release. The forums will be so overflowing with "quality of life" complaints that the server will be a ghost town.

Won't be touching it
Looking forward to BfA though

I stop played in Cata.
Peaked few times and was not impressed after.
Still interesting in Cata.
DESU I would prefer BC but Vanilla its okay too.

Solo player mostly. Still enjoyed actually need for CC or tactical use of pet.
All that 'hard stuff' like:
>pet food and mood
>deadly mobs
>elites and group quests
>getting group for dungeon was actually fun and dungeons were challenging
>did not grind gold for mount, could afford it when level up
Still getting first mount was a THING.


Kill yourself.

>Well congrats on wasting development time that could have gone to new content.
Stopped reading here.
They explicitly said it has its own team.


I am already dead user.

Same company, same pool of resources. Money and talent is being taken away from new things in order to work on beating a long dead horse.

>waaaaahhhhhhhh no matter what you ruin shit

There is enough.
>talent is being taken away
They are hiring for this.

lol guess again faggot

I post every day on the main forums about how I want paid level skips, store mounts, heirlooms, transmogs and modern QoL improvements. i always mention that i'd pay 60 dollars on top of a sub for it as well

since you can't convince the vanilla apologists the game wasn't that great back then, just ruin it for them :)

user. You implying that anyone who want Classic give a shit about current nuWOW.
I assure you that many players who would gladly jump on classic would not play nuWoW even for free.

>Company wants more money so they cater to nostalgia fags
This is exactly what OP is saying, if he isn't baiting he is literally mentally challenged.

if that's the current state of affairs, then you have no idea how loud I'm screeching pure bliss at the thought that YOUR new expac will have cut content because I'M getting vanilla. :)

>Were you one of the vocal minority that actually wanted this shit?
Damn right.
>Well congrats on wasting development time that could have gone to new content
Thank you for this bogus assertion with absolutely nothing to back it up, especially given that the new expansion is taking priority and the legacy realms have their own team.
>Instead we'll get something that is horribly dated
Oh yes, because a game you enjoyed years ago is going to be terrible simply because it's old.
>won't be widely played
A good tenth of the player base is likely to play it, and you'll have a flood of tourists in the beginning that want to give it a try after not having been there.
>and will still have a subscription cost
No shit, dumbass.
>muh rose-tinted goggles
Kill yourself for buying into this meme.
>down a path of tedious, frustrating, and frankly badly designed mechanics
Modern WoW is tedious, Classic is frustrating if you're a casual faggot, and prove to me the mechanics are objectively bad.
>and will undoubtedly bitch about every stupid thing that was fixed many years ago but it remains in vanilla
We WANT things to be as they were, retard. For every legitimate fix, there were several more "fixes" that were unneeded and ended up damaging the game in the long run.
>What class do you play now? Odds are it was unusable in vanilla
My main changes every expansion to suit the raiding progression, since each class gets more and more streamlined so it isn't hard to adapt. I'm not a little bitch, so I can get used to one or two in-demand classes for a progression guild.
>Remember grinding weapon skill? How about having to build groups out of the chat? Wasn't spending a thousand gold on a mount fun?! they can still ensure that every little annoyance that you forgot about comes back and refuses to fix it because that would "spoil the classic experience"
Please, please stop. My penis can only get so erect.

But why?

you don't fix an addict by giving him more of the drug

>1-3 Orc Hunter
>4-6 NE Hunter
>7-9 Dwarf Hunter
>0 play another class

>>>""""new content""""
spotted the RP nigger

I play the same warlock today that I did when Ragnaros was current content. I remember fondly having to farm a hundred plus soul shards before every encounter...



Oh god, wait, that was fucking awful!

What that even mean in the context?

>Implying not every Guild has one or two Mana batteries aka Shadow Priest
>Implaying most guilds didn’t use 2-3 warlocks
>Implying it wasnt the fact that most hunters were just brain dead and not that the class was ass as to why no one wanted them.

Any race other than Dwarf need not apply for Priest though. And Warriors better be Night Elf for additonal Nature Resist and evasion.

>since you can't convince vanilla apologists the game wasn't great back then, just ruin it for them :)
>since you can't indoctrinate wrongthinkers, just imprison them :)
Just remember. You will always be more pathetic than the nostalgiafags who made legacy servers a thing.

they already have classic for free though, why would they pay for it?

>implying most guilds didn't use 2-3 warlocks

Yeah, for Curse of Elements. Tell me what else they did in vanilla - I'm fucking waiting.

that's the theme of the whole game. farming, & grinding. even when you hit 60 you have to grind for pre-bis gear, then farm for buffs, farm for better gear. grind grind grind.

i love vanilla but i hate the fucking grind of it all. newer expansions made the game easier sure, but, most of it isn't all bad.

>hahahaha fucking crack addicts are so pathetic
>*snorts coke*

butthurt mage detected that an afk autoshotter was doing more damage than he was

Every classic server that gets too big gets shutdown by Blizzard because they are cunts.

You mean private servers?
Its buggy shit full of chinks and bots.
I would gladly pay subscription just to have it working and be sure that it not gonna be wiped clean next month.

shadowbolt until oom
wand until full mana

Everyone knows Blizzard is only doing WoW Classic as a branch point so that once the expansion after BfA is over and the Void Lords are killed by a redeemed Sargeras and his Titan siblings, Blizzard can spit out WarCraft 4 from Classic WoW’s timeline while retiring WoW itself for OverWatch Worlds Online.

>I give it four months after classic's release. The forums will be so overflowing with "quality of life" complaints that the server will be a ghost town.

What's so bad about having community driven updates ?

>Well congrats on wasting development time that could have gone to new content

oh no what a travesty lmao

At least when you spent the time to build a group through the old way, groups generally stuck together.

Also, getting your level 40 mount used to feel like an achievement, and getting your level 60 one felt like an even bigger achievement, especially as a paladin or warlock.

But its you who ask for new content and cry about classic taking resource from current WoW.

Eat a dick wrathbabby

Wew on that strawman. Where did I say either of those?

>Well congrats on wasting development time that could have gone to new content
Thanks. It's about time the shoe was on the other foot.

desu senpai youre gay if were going desu baka

we wanted wow classic but as you can see the forums are full of newbabies so blizzard will end up releasing an abomination

>Will be able to get Verigan's Fist again

Another thing is that, some of those who played Vanilla were younger and didn't work, etc. Now some folks don't have the time to play and go thru the grindiness that is Vanilla.

I hope they release it well, though. With Dungeon Finder, perhaps even Raid Finder, too, and just make overall QoL improvements to make it a solid version of Vanilla.

We want Vanilla WoW, we are getting an abomination ruined by retail tourists who will play it for 2 hours and then go back to grinding AP, I mean Azerite, to power up their Artefact, I mean Heart of Azeroth.

Those changes you mentioned? Yeah, that's NOT vanilla. Adding anything, fixing anything, that was not in the original game is not vanilla and should not be done.

>With Dungeon Finder
so already taking away half the point of classic

most youll get is meeting stones

>Well congrats on wasting development time that could have gone to new content.

Like what new content in WoD?
Or Pandalands after SoO? Legion has gotten 3 new areas since launch, last one is gonna be a year of no new content as usual.

>Wanting the LFG/LFR tool

This is why it will fail.

An interface where you can just put yourself up with a message saying "invite for brd" or whatever would be fine. Any time you wanted to invite randoms for instanced back in vanilla you just did /who [class] [level] and messaged random people en masse until you got a response anyway

>Well congrats on wasting development time that could have gone to new content.

this is a meme, blizz said they specifically hired people for this.

At level 25 I still haven't decided what talents to pick with my Shaman. I went Elemental last time, but now I want to try enhancement. But Enhancement does nothing but improve autoattack until like level 40, so I'm thinking starting Elemental, going down to Clearcasting, and then continue on Enhancement from there.
But I also want restoration. DPS is good for single player, but healing is cool in dungeons. I also think it could be a lot of fun to constantly juggle totems around, and the talents that reduce mana costs and improve range would be good for that. What to doooooooo!!!!!!!!

Fuck off, retard. On one hand, that's not vanilla. On the other hand, we remember it was grindy, but we have the capacity for something called: Time management. It's what adults did then, and those who were younger at the time will do that now. Fuck dungeon finder and raid finder, and fuck every falseflagging cunt that asks for QoL changes.

you don't need to spec into resto to heal dungeons while levelling. just keep caster gear on hand and swap over to heal

Wrong, classic is a completely independent project from real WoW, which is why they hired a completely new team for it

I think you'll be able to heal quite well even without Resto talents. Not to mention spellpower/healing gear is abysmally rare early on.

On the other hand.
What would be acceptable changes to Classic?
Like having more Quests and enemy types?
Some more dungeons?
Some additional zones?
Some balance changes making bad(at everything) classes good(at something)?
Better itemization?
More class quests or even racial quests?

Fucking lmao dude

They should make Wow 2 built around classic but much better.

Allowing changes at all is a slippery slope, because then Blizzard will ruin everything, but some balance may be good.
The items are mostly fine. There is literally nothing wrong with strength on cloth. No need to change this.

I even think some new quests may be acceptable. It wouldn't be horribly upsetting if they implemented the rewamped Dustwallow Marsh, where they added countless new quests, for example.
I want to be able to keep visual stuff, pets are cool but they take way too much bag space. An independent tab for them like in WotLK would be acceptable, although it would ruin the ability to create an identity arund being that one guy who has a pet.

>wanting new wow content from current blizzard


>Finish the unfinished content, there's ton of unused stuff all over the world and regions that need to be filled
>Finish class quests, druids don't even need to earn their cat and travel forms
>More varied gear to give a boost to lesser specs
Problem is once you start changing vanilla where do you stop? How do you know you are going too far? How far is too far?

>blizzard fell for the nostalgia bait
>they're going to waste 2 years worth of time, money and talent on a flop

well at least i wont have any itch to play live wow anymore, since they will be stretched so thin they will not be delivering quality content any time soon

Here's the thing, though:

Regardless of how much money or manpower they pump into the current game, it's still going to be shit. It's too far gone at this point and, outside of a complete overhaul(very unlikely), you're still going to be stuck with the same sterile themepark garbage

Can someone make a thread for what we want in wow 2?

I don't get why some people playing the live game are so mad about legacy servers, it's like they think it poses some sort of threat to the current game. The current game is pretty much down to the lifers at this point and it's sitting at about 4 million, it's not going anywhere.

>What would be acceptable changes to Classic?
Little or none.
>Like having more Quests and enemy types?
>Some more dungeons?
>Some additional zones?
A flat "No" to all of the above. The quests, enemy times, zones, and dungeons are fine as they are. There's no need for additional content, especially right after classic launches. There's been a world revamp and a half since classic, and the difficulty curve is much different. To people who didn't experience vanilla or were there but didn't get to experience everything, it's like a second cataclysm in terms of leveling content. We're even getting back dungeons and raids that have been lost over the years that were there for vanilla.
>Some balance changes making bad(at everything) classes good(at something)?
If the tweaks are minor, then we'll talk. Realistically, anything is viable depending on if you know how to compensate for inherent flaws in class/spec and have reliable friends playing with you, and if you can't, there's nothing stopping you from playing something viable, just like every retail expansion gives certain classes an edge that progression guilds and pvp guilds want and people reroll for.
>Better itemization?
The itemization is not as terrible as the anti-classic retailfags want you to believe.
>More class quests or even racial quests?
Literally no need whatsoever.

>people still give (you)s for this bait

Why are nu-wow fags so insecure?

>development time that could have gone to new content
user, let's not get ahead of ourselves now

hahahaha looks like vanilla is rattling a few cages, what's the matter sweetie, i thought legion was a great expansion hahahaha

>Mana batteries
That's TBC. Shadow priests only have VE in vanilla and it generates a shit ton of threat.

Human warriors also generate more threat than nelf warriors.

Here, have a version that isn't just jpg artifacts

I was. I spent I don't know how much time bitching and complaining wherever they would listen, all over their forums, here, everywhere. In reality, I quit wow in cata, raid finder was the last straw.
I did this knowing full well I'd never pay for "classic", private servers exist for a small hit of nostalgia when I want it.
I'm just glad blizz is stuck spending time and resources on this instead of putting it into the current expansion, because I'd prefer to see it fail.

The community is the one thing that ruined the game, patch after patch, expansion after expansion.

If you want your game to be succesful, never listen to the community.

Classic wow is going to fail and anger everyone expect for a minority of players. Too many people want various option changes or a lack of changes that its just going to flop.

This is the one warning every developer should take away from WoW's life circle

>Shadow priest mana batteries
this was not a thing until TBC

At least it will be a containment server for the autists.

>Implying the WoW development team has had any talent in the last 8 years.

This wasn't even happening on nostalrius. Just because you say something stupid, that doesn't make it true

I see what you're saying and I also see that you're part of the majority that has caused the decline of the game since Cataclysm. You want everything easy and done for you, and your entire gaming experience is led by the need for instant gratification. I remember vanilla, I remember feeling pride in accomplishing things as small as a simple dungeon run, because the game was actually hard and not just a clusterfuck of pulling as fast as you can and assassinating entire groups in a few seconds. I'm GLAD that it won't be widely played, because it filters out all the whiners like you who insist that the game is too difficult. What do you have to show for right now in the game that you're proud of? Probably not a goddamn thing. Don't be so quick to condemn the players who want a challenge, because anyone who actually knows what to expect in Classic are people like me who want one.

Never underestimate the power of reddit friend.

>blizzard keeps it 1:1
>reddit and nu-players rage hard and demand changes
>changes happen and scare away the purists
>reddit players still upset that they can't use their chars in retail and give up on it
>nobody left playing

If Blizzard still continues to listen to their customers then they deserve to fall flat onn their faces

What do people think about connecting it to modern wow with achievements and such? So you can do raids in classic and get the achievements in retail for doing classic raids

May bring in more players, but the playerbase it'd bring would be toxic for the game so I'm really sceptical.

They said they were hiring new people for this team try harder you stupid nigger.

How much do you weigh? You type like a fatty

In the sense that the achievement carried over into modern wow but didn't appear in classic itself?

>playerbase it'd bring would be toxic
That kind of player wouldnt have the patience for classic to begin with.

Which is funny because I remember back in the day everyone considered wow one of the least grindy games out at the time

Playing on LH right now, absolutely adore how much effort you put into your pet as opposed to 'tame and forget' like it's been for a long time.

I got exactly what I wanted, and, on top of that, I'm happy and you're upset.

>did not grind gold for mount
That's the one thing you're lying about.
100g is a TON by level 40

I would not be opposed to all the cut content from vanilla being added back in steadily as content past Naxxramas, maintaining the design philosophy of vanilla, ofcourse.

rep with your faction to revered and sergeant both gives you a 10% discount. 80g for your mount at level 40 is not nearly as bad

Just don't play it?

They haven't added quality content since 5.4 and this team is new hirees, so eat shit.

You can shave off 20g by being at least a Sergeant and honoured with your race's faction. But yeah, I always felt like I needed to play AH to get the money on time.

Then again, Hunters/Warlocks should be good farmers on their own so maybe they could just grind some levels and have the money ready. Rogues too get some really nice income from pickpocketing.

I just really want TBC.

>new content
You mean the year or two of fucking nothing till battle for rehasheroth comes out?

> Well congrats on wasting development time that could have gone to new content.

1. they hired an entirely new team that has nothing to do with retail
2. if you still care for retail in the first place you're retarded