Do you miss your simpler taste from when you were a kid?
Do you miss your simpler taste from when you were a kid?
I miss being a kid in general. I'm 20 next month; I feel like there's been so much expected of me since I was 13.
Never got into vocaloid but they always remind me of 2007/2008 internet where everything was so much cooler.
I was way easier to please as a kid, but on the other hand, there are plenty of games I enjoy now that I wouldn't be able to enjoy when I was younger. It's a conundrum.
>plenty of games I enjoy now that I wouldn't be able to enjoy when I was younger
Interesting. Such as?
I miss when my tastes and opinions weren't subtly influenced by my time on Sup Forums. Sup Forums has some really bad opinions and I hate the fact that sometimes it affects my own.
No, my tastes are still childish because I refuse to grow up mentally.
not him but rhythm games on extreme difficulty (like project diva future tone,) dark souls, demon's souls, bloodborne, basically games that require more critical thinking and technical skill. luckily all of the vidya I played as a kid prepared me for these challenges
Nope, now I have access to internet.
I miss old internet in general. Silly but not ironic.
Now everything's either too political or too ironic. Political memes are just inflamatory bait mostly about shitty american politics and ultra compressed .jpg FB tier memes are not funny and will never be.
I want to go back. Back to the past
...are you talking about porn user?
I fucking miss the Ronald Insanity days.
More Miku feet
Namely turn based games. I was very impatient as a child. And to an extent, I'm still impatient, but not nearly as much.
Literally this.
Yes and no. I miss when reading video game magazines were my method of learning about new games, and openly enjoying pretty much everything in my collection at the time. I'm pretty jaded to video games in general now, but there are countless titles I wouldn't have understood as a kid, and there are also games I can't tolerate anymore that I did as a kid.
I still listen to Vocaloid shit, though.
How is Future Tone, by the way?
>Silly but not ironic.
>political memes were a replacement for discourse
>shitty US politics didn't infected everyone else on the internet
>memes were semi funny, creative or came from an earnest place as opposed to spammed to death
Basically, it was the wild west back then.
Jokes and memes as we know them now had no expectations, so they were mostly organic in nature.
I feel like now as things are becoming consolidated, not only in the internet, but in real life.
Late-stage capitalism is putting a lot of control in the hands of the few, namely the corporations.
Essentially where the humor and content was cultivated by people who did so without pay and with great care for subject material by the community, is now being created by fewer pullers and shakers called the "content creators" who do say for fame (likes, retweets, growth of the brand) and monetary compensation.
30 years old and already jaded?
How old are you, famdongus?
>he made shitty video game reviews between 2008 - 2011 or as a kid
Post them.
Yes. I can't play any games that require quick reaction times anymore. Just simulators and fps's on medium.
I'm fine with snapchat since it's mainly private, instagram implementing the cool part of twitter and facebook would lead to a social network fairly private but still aggregating memes, pop culture and enough normalfag reddit stuff to keep everything in check.
However with YouTube, there should only be like 50 people with more than 1 million subs and most of them should the old channels from the 2000s, AVGN, Smosh, Nigahiga etc. Every other channel should only have between 10,000 subs and 40,000 subs like back in the day to be considered "big".
Tastes are still as shitty as back then. Only with more Miku.
I miss playing wow and watching anime at LAN parties.
Learn Moon, abandon the English internet, become a happier man.
>Cosplay truth:
>Help the girl get across CYOA:
>VOTOMS: Japari Explorers:
Included are comfy sites loaded with tons of Flash and banners and all that sort of stuff. Old, non-mterial, non-minimalist designs,...
I miss times when western games were pretty decent, if not damn good.
Sometimes I question if I should have stayed playing mainstream games. If I did though, I wouldn't get into Miku though that wouldn't have happened without Black Rock Shooter either..
Yes. I also miss stupid shit like this.
BRS is gay lol
>youtube used to be an endless fountain of creativity and humor
>Google allowed videos to be monetized, now every fucking video is the exact same "guy reviews flavor of the month product while talking at the camera" or "retard in facecam makes wacky reactions to video games or TV shows" as everyone races to the bottom to get more views
Old miku memes are great, post more
you're still a kid stfu
I miss being a kid and not being exposed to the numerous political overtones and liberal multiculturalism bullshit in video games and TV.
all good things come to an end eventually, youtube is dead and so is the internet
I'm legal adult and am treated, hush. Adulthood is pretty gay though.
>simpler taste
i hated shallow games even as a kid and thats the reason i dont play many of them. Most games people like are le ebin pew pew and muh combat skillz bullcrap. Like monkeys pressing the right button to get a treat
you were 10 years old in 2007 i doubt you even used anything more than youtube and ms paint back then
My taste is almost the same, it's the games what are different. That's why almost everything I play nowadays are old games on emulators.
I was 9. I read a lot of Wikipedia to learn about comics, anime, South Park and video games and well as played flash games, lewd ones included, and discovered memes.
There's still creative; it's just not as prominent among all the shit.
People in 50 years might also read about le ebin "4 chan" too. Its not the same. Not even slightly
Yeah, I used to read all the synopsis of horror movies because I was interested in them but too much of a pussy to actually watch them.
Honestly this. I don't speak moon but I can find my way around Nico video.
They're faithful to their old stuff, they're still developing and pumping out Billy Herrington, Chargeman Ken and Shuzo Matsuoka stuff.
Meanwhile we've reached such a miserable point of irony and meta that even Hotel Mario has been dragged from its slumber and re-purposed as flavor of the month shit.
Call me a doomsayer but it's all sorts of over for western internet fads.
I miss being horrified by spoopy films and creepypasta, man.
>Replay some game I played as a kid
>Actually read manual and menus
>Learn of mechanics I never acknowledged as a kid
>Use more refined strategies and tactics beyond attrition
>Spend entire time wondering how I ever got as far as I did back in the day
My younger self brute forced shit so damn hard.
the fact that they are called creepy pastas is a bright neon sign saying "WHAT YOU ARE READING IS 400% FICTIONAL BULLCRAP" How the fuck did you get spooked ?
>tfw stupid faggots watch cinemasins over actual movies and think they understand them
I hate those pricks so much.
I read and/or listen to creepypastas on a daily basis and there are still a few good ones among all the shit.
I recommend you give The Showers a read if you haven't already; that one's pretty spooky.
It's just a play on copy pasta, calm your tits.
The Showers is pretty good, yeah.
Not the same person but I share his sentiments. I'm 24. Not that old, but old enough where being a manchild is socially shunned upon.
Younger you sounds cooler than present you.
God, I fucking hate that series so much. I know people who treat them like gospel but the moment you criticize the channel of its many shortcomings it gets pointed out it's just supposed to be satire. Every. Goddamn. Time.
>the world is mine is a decade old song
Anyone ever make a mash up with The World is Yours by Nas? Sounds interesting in a terrible way.
>loved ff8 enough to play it 4 or 5 times
>never understood junction system, always autoed it and spammed magic
>never bothered with optional GFs because you can just draw them at the last dungeon
He had to grind a fuck ton of energy tanks to beat any Mega Man game.
I miss the simpler everything from when I was a kid.
Anyone older than 21 or born in 1995 disgust me and anyone over 23 is basically a dinosaur who should start focusing on being an adult.
You're old, gross
I do miss the days/months/years where I would just main Halo 1-Reach pretty much daily. Fuck I’d still be doing that if the franchise & the Xbox hadn’t tanked with Halo 4 & the Xbone. But I guess the positive was that Halo’s death forced me out of the dudebro FPS gaming scene & broadened my taste considerably.
That's fucking depressing
>YouTubers now spouts memes for cash
Fuck you, Weegee.
Look up "Why CinemaSins is Terrible", you'll like it.
I miss late 2007 anime/comic culture for some reason.
Samurai Jack
Your still a kid you fucking faggot
Same and I'm 31
He's an adult though.
I miss when real life was separated from the internet and that
>MMOs, Valve games, Blizzard games, Final Fantasy
Can't say that I do. Funnily enough all of those are fucking shit these days. Or at least those companies have moved from making games that appeal to me.
I miss the time when i belived in creepy games
then when do you become an adult?
Does Gen Z have better games?
Weeb games, but not much else.
When you're old enough to have finished school
Phone poster.
>I'm 20 next month
Do 20 year old's consider Radiohead classic rock these days?
Radiohead is considered classic rock by classic rock stations, because they recently passed the 20-year-plus rule.
>Guild Wars 1 in its prime
>The golden age of Warcraft III's custom scene
>CS1.6 and the wacky servers like superheroes and WarCraft III
>Having Halo lans with my cousins
>Team Fortress 2 back in 2008, long before F2P and economy cancer
What I miss are the games themselves.
Where are the 'fun' games? Everything has been optimized to shit for business purposes, or am I just jaded.