inspired by some recent rumors and leaks
Inspired by some recent rumors and leaks
I'm smashing that f-zero button. No other games scratch the itch to go super fast, while being super stylish
Bloodborne 2. Fuck the rest
kid icarus is the only good one
Hit DD2 before I even read the others.
Megaman Legends 3
fuck all you fags
>all sequels
I don't want any of them.
None of these games particularly excite me.
I don't want any of those. All those franchises deserve to be dead, for better or for worse.
Bloodborne 2 but it has to be on both Ps4 and PC
bloodborne is literally the only correct answer
Smash that brown button, red and green are really tempting tho
Bloodborne of course. I would hit F-zero if it wasn't just meme company making it.
Just walk away man
Where's the button that lets me cancel all that?
Bloodborne 2 is the only interesting one up there. Was this supposed to be a hard choice?
Yellow. Half of these wouldn’t be good anyways.
>no Armored Core
Can I at least choose MGSVI WITHOUT Kojihack ?
Easily DD2, the rest on there would be shit like their predecessors.
>not MGRII
mate, you had one job
Blue, don't even give a fuck.
Legends 3. Bloodborne was great at one. Fuck all others.
Bloodborne 2 but it's not on PC so DD2
If I choose no button, do they all disappear?
Assuming Kid Icarus Uprising 2 has good controls and is on home consoles, then that. If not, then Bloodborne 2. I like Retro a lot and think they are beyond developing Trash-Zero.
Purple. Fuck Bloodborne 2. I'm sick of Dark Soulss. I killed out Demon's and Dark souls. Couldn't be bothered with finishing Bloodborne or Dark Souls 3. Plus the fanbase is worse than undertale.
Kojima didn't even want to make more MGS
DMC5 all the way
>Soul Caibur VI vs Dragon's Dogma 2
Legends 3. I can't let my baby die for good.
was gonna pick purple but i will pick orange since i love the Soul Calibur serie.
Literally could press cancel all.
Nice taste, too bad you can't buy it on sale.
DMC 5 was pretty much confirmed, so cry all you want faggots.
>implying miyazaki isnt just a mememan
Try a game called Redout, it's not the same thing exactly as F-zero but its an AG racer all the same
I literally don't care about any of those games, is there a button to cancel them all?
>tfw I care about literally none of those
>Maybe BB2 or SCVI a bit, but would probably end up not playing them anyway
>Dragon's Dogma 2
F-zero, easy choice man, I don't even feel bad about all the other games not coming out ever.
DD2 or BB2 are the only correct choices
redout feels like a mediocre wipeout
Dragon's Dogma 2 as long as they're given the opportunity to explore whatever elements they want.
Dragon's Dogma 2, sorry MMLfags.
I want Kid Icarus the most but we all know it needs to be dmc5
Sorry lads but I'm smashing the DMC5 button.
why are you even on Sup Forums
Anyone who doesn't SMASH THAT MUTHAFUCKIN DD2 button isn't a real nigga.
You do realise that there are many games beyond those 8 franchises, right?
I dont even have PS4 but march 2015 was the best time I ever had on this site. Nothing will ever surpass the amount of falseflagging and shitposting I did
Because I hate video games.
>Bayonetta is better than DMC
>Dragon's Dogma was shit
>Soul Calibur has never been good
>Mega Man Legends 1 and 2 are shit, mainline series a best
>F-Zero has always been shit, Retro should work on a good series or new ip
>MGS died like 10 years ago
>Dark Souls is better than Bloodborne
>Kid Icarus Uprising is awful
>Dragon's Dogma 2
>Bloodborne 2
DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE, YOU CAN'T MAKE M- Dragon's Dogma. From can always make another Souls-esque game, doesn't have to be werewolves and ayylmaos
How is any answer other than Megaman Legends 3 even acceptable? The only other contender is F-Zero.
Dragon's dogma 2 easily. Would pick F-zero if it was the same devs as gx, retro has no experience with that kind of game so it's a big risk
>Finished Warrior class
Dragon's Dogma 2, no hesitation.
I honestly just want DD2 to die
Dragon's Dogma. Whole game felt like a huge amount of unfulfilled potential.
And this is why Sup Forums is shit.
>>Bayonetta is better than DMC
This is the wrongest statement imaginable
>>Dragon's Dogma was shit
>>Soul Calibur has never been good
Soul Calibur II and V strongly disagree
>>Mega Man Legends 1 and 2 are shit, mainline series a best
>>F-Zero has always been shit, Retro should work on a good series or new ip
Kill yourself please
>>MGS died like 10 years ago
Uh no it didn't
>>Dark Souls is better than Bloodborne
Depends on what you mean
>>Kid Icarus Uprising is awful
Kid Icarus.
Can't decide between green or yellow
>meme company
I'd really enjoy BB2 or MGSVI (assuming it's actually done by Kojima) but I can live without them.
>the you'd love MGS6, but you don't want Caramel to be right
How about instead of giving him the (you)'s he so desperately needs you just ignore his shit and deprive him of his fix? fucking retards.
how about eating a dick, thanks
Bloodborne is only slightly better than the souls games, but there is nothing else like F-zero that is even as close to as good as F-zero is
don't care about the rest
I just hate needless sequels. Bloodborne was great at one. No need to ruin it by making cash grab sequels like they did with Dark Souls, they're going to make more games in the same vein anyway.
Kojima's loss of interest in MGS was already clear by MGSV.
>Having fun is bad
You have to go back
DD is only other game on that list I care about and it pales in comparison to how much i like dmc
Fucking retard
>Dragon's Dogma 2
>F-zer by Retro Studios
Kid Icarus 2. Fuck your favorite games
It's either green or yellow. Everything else sucks
Red, no hesitation.
would you say gotta go fast?
I dont press any buttons. None of the games come out. Faggots with bad taste cry world wide .
if the weapons and carnage were all you cared about, sure. Redout's not a direct clone of wipeout either, so if you're expecting that of course you'll be disappointed. With the availability of boost and turbo to all and the crazier tracks/tight corners, Redout puts more focus on maneuvering your ship properly though corners and efficient racing lines.
I'm not a fucking weeb. The only series i like there is MGS and after 5 i think the series should be retired. A new MGS game would probably be basically the same thing.
Why Retro Studios for F-Zero?
Fucking retards
my niggers
i'm colourblind as fuck. i see three potential browns in OP's image
Briefly considered the black button, but then I went for the obvious choice and slammed onto the yellow button repeatedly.
you keep saying that like it means anything.
DD2 is the only choise here
not saying KI-U was bad, DD was just better
They have a stellar track record with their work on Metroid Prime and their Donkey Kong games. Though most of Prime's devs have moved on so I don't know how much of what went into Prime you could realistically expect form anything new they make. Speaking of which, we STILL haven't heard jack shit about what they're doing, right? That can't bode well for the future of whatever it is they've been working on, if it's taken this long without even a whisper about what it might be.
Without hesitation.
What the hell do Metroid Prime and Donkey Kong have to do with a racing game series?
Fuck all of you. I'm pressing red.