How would you fix the MOBA genre?

How would you fix the MOBA genre?

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proof of age over 25

By deleting it

Killing the entire fanbase.

losing virginity

Remove the free RTS camera these games never use well and implement better map design

You can't. People only play the popular ones and those are run by people that outright refuse to change them for the better.
You'd need to go back in time and start the genre with a better example yourself because everyone who still plays today is too addicted to stop.

Improve and expand upon existing characters.
If the goal is improving balance, I'd rather see a roster of 20-30 great characters, rather than a roster of 100's of shitty gimmicks.

Maybe give players a slight option of which abilities to pick, instead of forcing the same 4 abilities on them every time because they're all tied together with "synergy" meaning that you have to pop them at the same time anyway.

what is dota
also pick and choose abilities sounds broken because people would just pick the most meta combos that obviously synergize

how do you fix a game formula that's inherently flawed

After you defeat the enemy team you must defeat your own allies. Just imagine the paranoia and toxicity.

>also pick and choose abilities sounds broken because people would just pick the most meta combos that obviously synergize

I guess I'm focusing more on the ability to choose certain spells that are more for survival / escape / support / utility

For example, instead of having two damn near identical tanks, except one has a stun and one has a wall, just make it one character and you can freely choose whether you want the stun or the wall.

Two damn near identical gankers except one has a slow and one has a dash. Just make it one character and you pick the one you want.

It would make it slightly less boring to look at a team composition and be able to 100% predict every move that may come at you.

It's not a MOBA, but team fortress did a good job of this with different weapon loadouts.


just out of curiosity what moba do you play?


stop posting

>Remove the free RTS camera
Kill yourself.


t. reddit

I would play this lmao

I played smite a couple of years ago.
I dropped out of the moba scene when I realized that I wasn't having fun because 90% of the game is just memorizing every move of every character in the roster, and watching them run at eachother and go 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 ULT!!!! 1 2 3 1 2 3 until someone dies.

Once you've pre-determined everybody's moves, the only thing that requires actual thought and skill is spacing, footsies, knowing when to extend or retreat, and playing mind games.

Guilty Gear Overture XX

By reverting dota2 back before meme gabes meme back patch

>spacing, footsies, knowing when to extend or retreat, and playing mind games
that's the best part though

There are tons of other video games with these elements in them, that don't require you to park your ass in a lane and kill creeps for 30 minutes (or jungle).

Shit, nigga just get a football game and learn how to juke.

fix it by learning your terminology

What if..
>Spherical map, like a tiny planet
>Is entirely Jungle in sense of neutral Mob zones with winding paths and shit, although literal jungle is good too, Jungle is randomized to a degree, requiring you actually figure out where shit is and not follow a fixed pattern
>Except the polar caps, which are each team's base
>Asymmetrical objectives with the basic being "Destroy the enemy's core" with other objectives depending
>While you could technically push their Towers and shit in just with your team, Constructor-class characters can build lanes along the 4 cardinal directions from base using resources gathered from neutral Jungle mobs, clear-cutting the Jungle to build the Lanes, Towers automatically being built at fixed points along the tracks as it is made, only guarantee is that there will be no Jungle camps on the direct track paths
>Once a Lane meets up with either the enemy's portion of the Lane or their Base, Minions begin spawning from both sides of it, additional Towers can be claimed for a team by pushing a lane onto the enemy's hemisphere before they manage to build that far

Revamp it to make it more like Alterac Valley was
In fact, why not a standalone Alterac Valley style game?

Changes for a Moba to be more alterac valley like
>more players
>objectives to conquer along the way to the opponent's side
>optional objectives you can go for with breakoff groups
>enough players that you can join/leave games in progress
>balanced in a way that you can have stalemates at checkpoints without a giant ball crushing through
>whole team gains a base gold for items, then also gains additional gold for kills based on participation
>loadout of all players on a team should be similar, but you should be able to do minor things to boost your loadout, maybe through miniquests or just kills for extra gold
>no last hitting, micromanagement crap

How cancerous are mobile MOBAs anyway?

Add two more corner bases and turn it into Hungry Hungry Hippos

Dragon ball

I like game concepts like this even if they are usually retarded.

For real, the only problem with the moba genre is that it became a genre. It should of been left as dota, and the first attempts at making a 'legitimate' dota, aka league and hon.
The problem with mobas is everyone thinks they can slap together some heroes in a cookie cutter moba formula and have a winning game. They've infected games in the same way that wow copycats did. It's starting to die now, but the only fix needed is to cut the fat and keep the moba genre contained.

If you ever played Alterac Valley, you'd know it was fun as hell, even if you were just clobbering against each other.
Me and my buddy used to defend a tower that people usually just skipped by, or we'd make it our goal to collect materials to summon our elemental

nah the only real problem with mobas is the community

>game lasts at LEAST 15 minutes no matter which moba it is
>at worst you could be trapped in a game for a full hour with shitbags on both sides trolling, unless it's dota 2 in which case it could easily be more than an hour
you can't fix it, it's shit.

If you ever played Dungeon Dice Monsters, the YuGiOh game, you'd know that cutting people off completely ruined the game. The entire strat in that game was to use lvl 1 creatures which were easy to get out to build a straight line to your opponent, then wall them off so they couldn't summon anything.

make it really hard to install the game and lock servers to their own regions.

At that point you might as well just go play tekken or something.

No it isn't, it's a gameplay.
Community can be anything, the gameplay is what ends up being the final straw.

I always blame it on
>snowballing effects
combined with
>unable to leave games you know you've lost 30 minutes ago

That itself creates the worst unfun game ever. "Oh, your team literally can't outplay the other team, but they're good enough to hold out for 30 minutes of losing? Well you'll be temp banned if you leave, and you can't surrender because they don't want to."

It's instantly solved by letting people join and leave games without penalty, but you can't do that because of the moba design

>you know you've lost 30 minutes ago

retard alert

if you ever played youd know it was fucking awful which is why they changed it in the first place

>Wall them off
Assuming that the enemy isn't retarded, there's several possibilities:
Building up 2 lanes for at least a degree of global coverage.
Building up each lane equally so you have something on all fronts and can build up the ones they don't meet you at.
>Single lane
If both of you build 1 lane in a mad-dash, you'll either collide at the middle if poor scouting or have 1 lane to each other's base and Constructors run the other 2 out if they can get the resource. It's not a matter of "Build to them, then build a ring around their base and cut off everything." Each is a lane only connected to others via jungle paths or going to a base and back out along another road. If an enemy builds a lane all the way to your base, that means you should probably get 2 or 3 people on that to push back the first Tower. Since Minions wouldn't start spawning until the lane is finished, it will take a good while for minions to get there from enemy, but yours will be at the first turret near-instantly.

It's alright as is. The whole thing is steeped in so much fukken autism that you can't really build on the core mechanics. It's all based in the idea that characters have expected movesets so you can't do anything particularly beyond what's been done. Maybe more maps that are based on capturing points to get better resources over time or that your team can teleport to every couple of minutes. Twisted Treeline and Siege in League and Smite respectively have done decently enough to shift things around, but overall, if people get tired of it--and most have--then it's dead in the water with nowhere to go.

Different floats for different boats
I enjoyed it more for the large scale battle and mini conflicts, similarly to how someone would enjoy Planetside 2
You probably enjoy the more straight forward towards the final objective approach. And if you don't, then I assume you don't like either and don't have any reason to even comment on it.


Okay.. now what?

make the map fucking random layouts

only way to make it fair as can be.

would if improve if we added multi-lane drifting?

t. the design "geniuses" at (((blizzard entertainment)))
you'd need a big bug

It's easy.

>Game X has 20 different characters with different abilities
Already this Game X is sounding like an unoriginal piece of trash.
>Game X's multiplayer is team based
Team based, or team enforced? Is it a group of individuals that cooperate because it is in their best interest to do so, or is it because the mechanics of the game make you dependent on your teammates?
>Some characters are considered meta
This is the most cancerous concept in all of video games. If I am supposed to play certain characters in the game, why give me the illusion of choice by having all of these non-meta characters in the game?
>The community threatens you when you go against "team role composition" and "meta championship rules"
Fucking toxic. You people disgust me.
There are two rules to video games: One, they are fun. Two, they are supposed to empower you, not to "put you in your place". A game's fun factor has to come before it's competitiveness, that is why HCS is absolutely failing.

Don't you feel better now? I know I do, knowing that cancerous genre is gone. Be free user.

>>Some characters are considered meta
>This is the most cancerous concept in all of video games. If I am supposed to play certain characters in the game, why give me the illusion of choice by having all of these non-meta characters in the game?

fuck you are stupid. go back toreddit fucking seriously

>This is the most cancerous concept in all of video games

A competitive multiplayer game, be it 1v1 or 6v6 will ALWAYS have a meta. This is because balancing is never perfect. Some characters will simply be better than others at all times and picking the weaker character is just asking to lose.

Perfect balance is hard to achieve. I think the closest a modern multiplayer game has every been to perfectly balanced was pre 7.0 dota. Something like 2 or 3 heroes out of 113 were picked competetively.

>Team based, or team enforced? Is it a group of individuals that cooperate because it is in their best interest to do so, or is it because the mechanics of the game make you dependent on your teammates?

you fucking what mate? do games where people CHOOSE to be on a team exist? I mean, other than MMOs?

How about learn to balance your fucking game and not add unbalanced characters? Whatever happened to this concept of playtesting a game before you release it? And if you can't perfectly balance the characters, why not do what L4D2 did and randomly assign different heroes to the player at spawn?

holy fuck, is that a vanilla salvanas drunk having a girly fight with a drunk kerrigan, and is that a drunk child panda?

>balance has anything to do with the concept of a metagame

for real, you belong on r/gaming with all the other chimps

No game in the history of ever has been perfectly balanced. Even chess has is imbalanced, as white has about a 53% winrate.

>why not do what L4D2 did and randomly assign different heroes to the player at spawn?
Because leaving things to chance is stupid?

You reek of ignorance user.

You can't. A guy wrote a fucking book on why.

Keep it that way. If you could expand it to all of competitive sport in general, including war, that’d be great too, thanks

How about come with an actual fucking argument instead of insulting me like the boon you are?
I'm pretty sure most arena shooters like Quake and Unreal Tournament were balanced. You know why? Equal Starts. Don't fix what ain't broken.

So you want everything symmetrical in every game forever?

That's fucking boring. I'll take imbalance and diversity over perfect balance and sameness anyday.

chaos theory

good luck finding League r34 ever again.

That's why perfect imbalance is a thing , and why metas change...

I would make a MOBA where it's 6v6v6 and the map is arranged in a straight line that wraps around to itself like a ring around a planet would be, so every team is fighting on two fronts against two different teams. Once one team is destroyed or knocked out, they can spectate and make bets on various things about the other two remaining teams, and the arena blocks out the defeated team and their lanes so that it becomes more of a traditional MOBA at that point, except with everyone all leveled and geared up already so there's no boring as fuck early game and just a bunch of team fights until the end.

You could even give it some cool lore/worldbuilding by putting it on some intergalactic battle arena shaped like a mobius strip or something and call it "MOBAius" or some stupid shit like that.

>lock servers to their own regions
Would never happen in this day and age given how hard it is to get a playerbase and how fucking oversaturated the market is.