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Who was wrong?



Dad for needing a book to remember a poem with four lines.

>baby boomers think this is funny

Thank god the shirt says I

The kid for calling them "Pokémon Creatures."




That shirt and phone made this joke so much more interesting

That's not the whole poem dingus

>The phone displaying a generic black font saying ''Pokemon Go''
Jesus Christ, it gets worse.

dats pretty deep boss

le 56% dad

It's for the boomers to understand.

Guys .. what if ... PHONE ... BAD?!

This won't never not fail to make me laugh.



Copy that.

I had to stop and think for a bit after seeing this...



this one might make you think a little...


>the artist thinks that Pokemon Go was the start of the franchise
It feels like a Kelly comic from The Onion. All it needs is the statue of liberty crying.

Phones are making today's youth racist and sexist

It is, it is the product of the Illuminati to control people.

What does it mean?

dude bootleg banksy lmao


People spend all day on facebook and snapchat instead of socializing

>That 56% face

why read one book when you can read any number of books on your phone


This but unironically

(Even though you can fit ten librarys worth of books on the most basic phone)

is this really trying to say books are more deep than phones?

It's a shame you can't use phones to interact with people you actually spend time with when you're not physically together.

to be fair,that pic would look great,if you just removed the pretentious phone analogy.

Everyone has clocks
The time is ticking......................................
Even yours..............
you know what they say about time...... you stare into it and it stares back........... wait...........

REALLY makes me think

You'd be racist too if you ever visited worldstar hip hop

It's like........ Wow.

Putting a bunch of phones on my bookshelf isn't going to impress visitors.

>Call him Halo 3
absolute fucking gold


No body knows what Clarissa is user anymore

>Pokemon Creatures

no one says that and all those dots make you sound like a faggot.

And just get a clock that doesn't tick. it's 2017.

god, fuck yourself.

But also brainwashing them to be mindless liberal mouthpieces at the same time

And it also makes them anti-social zombies staring into their phones instead of talking like nornal people

But then when they do talk they use all this weird internet slang and I wish they would talk less

Basically, phones are the source of all problems in the world

>1 million dislikes
>Well at least there's tha-
>64+ million views

Irrelevant, language changes constantly.

The media lies about things, user. Don't, BURP, be like media, be smart and shit! Think for yourself, god ain't real

> i don't talk to people

good to know

Now, what do these two cancerous posts have in common

wow, i'm now concerned about the state of things

> books impress visitors

REALLY makes you think

>All that reddit spacing


The shame is that people don't actually physically get together anymore even if they could because they prefer the virtual contact


Cute shark pussy

>reddit post
you know the way

Yeah, no, retard.

Hm, this one actually did make me think

That's not true, we're just sick of waiting for the sequel to Bring Me To Work Day so it doesn't get brought up much.

Isn't that what Apple products are?

This annoys me to no end, because it makes no sense

It should be "Which/What do you want to ride?"


kinda makes the argument for reddit spacing being a thing legitimate doesnt it

I know you're all memeing but I agree with some of these artists. Mobile phones are the worst fucking destructive hazard to society second only to a nuclear bomb. I mean have you honestly thought about it? We live in the "information" age so we're all guilty of getting our fix, when we're at the computer we browse garbage content endlessly and just consume it and click to the next thing and the next thing, with ads and websites and people who run articles and people we follow on social media constantly trying to feed us bullshit and tell us what to think.

Now you would think that when you're forced to actually leave the screen and go out into the world you might acquire some actual honest knowledge about things, or have some quality human interaction with the people around you, but nope. Out of that pocket comes the little mobile screen, ready to superglue your eyes to it and continually feed you that same shitty stream of junk data that you just can't get enough of at all times! It's like carrying a fucking heroin needle around, I hate cell phones and I hate the modern age.

You're gonna be in for a shock when you get to middle school and your teachers start asking you to double space your papers so they're easier to read.

>socializing has merit
Wow, you got married and ruined your life nice and early.

Unless this socializing improves your income, who cares.


Is this... American education?

Is there any more like this?


Sorry Jamal, it's true.

>Mobile phones are the worst fucking destructive hazard to society
Yes, we all know this, no, you're not intelligent or unique for pointing it out

It's no where near the same as spending time with someone in person. It's often much more isolating.

At what point in history before mass production did anyone know a goddamn thing about puffy fish?

Don't prefer it, don't know how to approach traditional interaction. Loop cycle of procrastination and anxiety, ending in never growing as a person, I think it's something that people are aware of. Read enough articles this past year that hint at as much.

i didnt realise Sup Forums posts were like school papers for you
what year of school are you in?

i wanna FUCK that shark