What is the worst case of buyer's remorse you've ever had with vidya...

What is the worst case of buyer's remorse you've ever had with vidya, to the point where you felt like a complete retard for buying it?

Pic related

payday 2

Never played that game. Elaborate.


back then i wanted to play it since it reminded me of my times from tibia, but eventually i forgot about it and it simply stopped existing.
what happened?

Mass Effect Andromeda


wich means...

Most recently it was Destiny 2. Luckily I whined enough to Blizzard support that they refunded it.

>solo pvp



> played the demo back in the day
> multiplayer fun as fuck
> buy it on Steam sale a few years ago
> multiplayer is completely dead
Sad about it.

Holy shit you must be some kind of brainlets. That's the lead developer telling his players that they're playing his game wrong. That, apparently, the way he intended for people to play his game is more important than the way people want to play his game. So what does he do? He fucking nukes his own game by patching it several times to make it more difficult and less rewarding to solo or small scale PvP, while also not addressing the issue of large scale PvP not being able to function because of the cheap servers they purchased.

Alright let me put it to you this way. They made and marketed a game as Ultima Online or EVE and decided after it was released they didn't actually want their game to be like Ultima Online or EVE at all.




>Paying for any Online games

In order to be more secure about your purchase you seriously need to consider, "Hmm, if this game lacks players should I be willing to risk it if this game shuts down?"

Literally this entire market is littered with F2P microtransaction garbage. Marvel Heroes was one of them and it was shut down. Where does your money go when a game gets SHUT down? Down the fucking drain.

Albion will get shut down soon and you'll immensely regret it.

interesting, might as well buy it

Why would you buy it now when the game is clearly a hugbox?

Good post. Here, have (You). What do you play nowadays?

Kerbal Space Program

Destiny 2

Too late user, I already immensely regret it.

I play with your benis

I bought Lords of the Fallen and played it for 45 minutes. I refunded it.
Not so much buyer's remorse because I refunded it. But I did waste my time with it.

Rust. The devs have been updating themselves in circles for years. You can literally go back to ANY previous update and it'll be some variation of "A new memory leak bug will be added to the list of ignored memory leaks. Added a pointless realism feature and removed a fun one. The sound guy did some work while everyone else dicked around. Token girl did some sketches that will never be used. Garry went on another vacation because Notch did it, too (this is a real excuse)."

I had hopes when they actually addressed their circular updates and crafted a development tree. Which they immediately ignored. That dumb dickhole Garry should've known that making an actual game is way harder than his stupid Half-Life mod.

Fuck Sup Forums for overhyping it when it came out.

Fallout 4
I was extremely skeptical of it, but after seeing day one streams of it I thought it looked pretty fun so I broke down and bought it
After the first few hours I realized I fell for the same bullshit as always: they half assed everything and the cracks don't start showing until you've played it for a bit
It was the very last time I paid full price for a game and it will be the last time I ever pay full price for a game

Because of the series in general or just that one remake being shit?

I feel for it too, user. It's annoying that the game isn't fun even with a fuckload of mods the same way Skyrim is.

Maybe next time wait for user reviews instead of "my favorite streamer liked it lol" you subhuman scum

why dont you cucks at least pirate games before buying

A little bit of both. I was interested in trying a new TBS game that wasn't HoMM3, but Masters of a Broken World was just way too fucking slow of a game. But then I tried the original and it didn't seem any better. Even with the speed all the way up.

is this some cheap mobile mmo's pc port?

Sounds like 7 days to die
There's a huge list of features which got put in. Even tiny minibikes and shit.
Meanwhile the melee combat is garbage, making the first phase more difficult than it needs to be. A block and a quick step button would fix this. Maybe a power attack.

The game is pretty poorly optimized. And for a shooting game, the shooting is really unsatisfying.

Also survival mechanics are boring holy fuck. Ten years back I'd have loved this idea but no game has ever made interesting survival mechanics. Also building things is boring.

And that's why I don't play these games anymore.

Deponia Doomsday.
It was a dickslap to the face for REAL fans. Fuck poki for giving us false hope for an entire game.

Ratchet and Clank 2016
It was 25€ so not really big deal but so far has been my most expensive regret with vidya.
As a fan of the original games and having replayed them not long ago I thought this one would be just ok but fun overall but boy oh boy I haven't been this offended by a videogame ever.
This game spits with no regrets over the memory of the original Ratchet and Clank, this has been the first time I've felt old playing a game.


Imagine a game you had to pay $30 dollars for to get classic top-down grindy MMO experience, only to realize people can pay a monthly sub fee to get more xp and materials from grinding.

If anyone is stupid enough to want the former, they'll probably be satisfied with the latter

Surprisingly never. I tend to inform myself before buying things.

How is Black Desert Online?
I mean the cheapest steam version. Wanted to buy it when it was on sale

posting in thinly veiled Xenogears 2 thread

All he is saying is that your chances of solo ganking a player are rather low. There's nothing wrong with that. You're a brainlet if you think you are entitled to 1 vs 1 ganks and no game ever gives you an advantage for solo ganks. Not EVE, nor UO, as you seem to otherwise claim. Albion, EVE and UO all give advantage to zerg gankers. In Albion Online ganking solo is harder because of the possible anti-gank gear they're wearing, thus you need more than 1 player to chain CC them. In EVE you need a dedicated tackler who disrupts warping. I mean what's the problem here really? If you want dedicated ganking, you join the Something Awful alliance or the opposing alliance. Who the fuck is retarded enough to think they're ever entitled to a 1 vs 1 fight to the death in open pvp videogames?

It's a sandbox MMO where everyone spends their time idling in towns either ERPing, idle leveling their skills, or PvPing which consists of cartel-style battles between guilds for forts

Some of the best RPG combat I've ever seen in a game with interesting classes. Neat world that actually takes time to cross and good designs. Sailing too.

Not met any actual people in the game and just a few PKers picking on new players in the time I played it. But I community of garbage people seems the way of online now, really miss the old days on that.

Guildwars 2.

played the beta weekend with a budy and had a blast.

bought it as preorder played another (closed) beta weekend with buddy.

we both felt pretty stupid.

Get the non-steam client. Play the trial, make sure you get to level 30 (a hour max) and then ask in world chat for someone to referal you. You get a key that activates into a full version of the game. No need to pay money for it.

BD itself is dogshit. Superb character customization, beat em up playstyle and meaningful gear progression. Negatives are that you will be grinding for 1% xp up to 8 hours every day and that everything in the game is calculated to never make you rich because the auction house prices are dev controlled. The game forces you to stay online for things like crafting. For example if you want to craft a ship, it takes around 1 week to finish, during the time you need to stay online with your PC on. Your electricity bill is going to cost more than the value of the ingame gold.


Sauce plox

The PS4.

>staying online for all of those shits

what a fucking garbage system

minimizing the game with the setting makes the game take practically no resources/processing. Check your cpu load with the thing on, it's dramatically different.

Ironically the best way to make money in black desert is to lay in your bed of your player home, then make energy potions from your stamina. Its more time/money efficient than actually farming anything. I made 700 mil a week doing nothing but that, then realized that sniping the best gear on the AH is another annoyance in itself.

How much 700M is in bdo?

But EVE is a nightmare to play solo.

Destiny 2


Destiny 2
I've been forcing myself to play it just because I paid money for it and god damn it's just the most soulless, phoned-in cash grab I've ever played
Not even playing it with friends can salvage it

kys pedo

Its terrible. It starts out meh becasue you overlevel like crazy since the rescaled the exp needed to level. Then you get to lvl 56 and get more spells. Then you have some fun. Then you realize you need to grind 60 hours for 1 level, 200+ hours for another level, and then it goes off to the distance. Meanwhile for leveling your gear you have to spend insane amount of money to get the resources to get a single shot at upgrading an item you want (about 50% chance) and if you fail the gear will revert to a lower power state.

A PS3.

The games weren't even bad. They were fine. But I adopted late and then all the games I bought it for ended up getting ported shortly afterwards. My timing was shit.

they had a free weekend or an open beta or something and it was pretty great on that one map, i always wondered what happened with that game
