Find a flaw

Find a flaw

Terribly optimized. I know that should be expected of early access, but it currently uses much more ram than the specs say it does.

its not on xbone yet

Can't run for shit

Game starts off skill based, then progressively becomes luck based.

"Oh you couldn't possibly anticipate eneimes coming from an area you'd consider totally irrelevant by that stage of the game?"

Shit optimization, laggy, tons of fucking cheaters, hit detection still sucks.

I can't wait for the Tencent Chinese version of the game to start running miles better than the Global version since they need to make that shit work on the toasters in their net cafes.

Fucking chinks everywhere, they need to be region locked to their own servers.

Also the obvious problem of optimization, game runs fine everywhere outside the starting island and initial plane drop on my 1070/6700k but I have shadows turned down a bit. Should easily be able to run this game at max considering it is nothing special in the visuals department.

Bullshit. If you drop anyplace even somewhat popular, there's a good chance of getting gunned down before you even find a pistol. And if you drop off in the middle of nowhere, you have a different problem that the game is boring as fuck as you run or drive through fucking nothing for 10 minutes

It's sucks
It's shit
I don't like it

>press f to open door
>it doesn't open

Shit game played by casuals.

This. You'd balance out the playerbase and completely remove cheaters from the UK/US servers at the same fucking time.

Generic. Name one thing it does different in its genre, and making money doesn't count.

>Press F to close door.
>Makes door closing sound.
>Doesn't close.
>Press F again.
>Closes, then re-opens immediately.

>Should easily be able to run this game at max considering it is nothing special in the visuals department.
The game is always rendering item drops/players in the distance because the devs can't into bubble occlusion.

If they made the same game that wasn't all janky and actually felt like an FPS, PUBG would die overnight. I love the gameplay, my only problem is that the game itself is shitty when it really has no reason to be. Fitting 100 people in a game shouldn't be taxing enough to justify the clunkiness and shitty quality.

>If you drop anyplace even somewhat popular, there's a good chance of getting gunned down before you even find a pistol
>For whatever reason people almost completely ignore the school on and typically only have a few people to deal with
>Usually only 1-2 stragglers around when I play with my premade squad
>Guaranteed loot everytime

Forgot to say I almost always play on AS servers.

>Almost always drop Mylta Plant
>Always find a 8x, SCAR or SKS, and a level 2 or 3 pack.
>Literally coast through my first couple kills because everyones running around with shotguns and uzis.

Unfinished, buggy, early access garbage. Bonus points for being ugly as sin.

Also, why do people trust this dev after the consistently shit products he's pumped out?

>Always find a 8x, SCAR or SKS, and a level 2 or 3 pack.
Speaking of scopes are 15x scopes crate only or what? I have like 50 some hours played and I have never seen one a single time.

I can only assume. I'm too much of a puss to go for crates, and the only time I've ever seen them is on corpses of other players.

Thats why I usually land on school or millitary base. If I parachute somewhere and can't see anyone landing around me I just leave


Not #1 on Twitch

I think his BR mod for Arma 3 was pretty good

Boring if you're good.
The adrenaline of victory quickly fades to zero after the 30th win.

Inferior to other battle royale games
Inferior to other tactical shooters

No PS4

>rain lands on the gun
Jesus, my dick, what is this?