Games: Pokemon

>Games: Pokemon
>Cartoons: Digimon

Is this right?

Post sexy Digimon

No thats an opinion

Digimon sucks balls

Maybe years ago but now it's the complete opposite.


kys pokemon soyboy

I enjoy both series.

Early digimon anime is good but it's pretty generic as it goes on. The first 3 seasons are really really good though

Are you talking shit about based KENKA BANCHOU DAIMON MASARU?

Cyber Sleuth alone shits on the Pokemon games. Tamers alone also shits on the entire Pokemon franchise.

Sorry but season 1 is pretty generic, the low budget makes it even worse.
Season 2 is irredeemable garbage.
Season 3 is actually pretty fucking good but gave way to season 4 with the humans becoming the Digimon even though I find Season 4 to be the most interesting of the bunch because of that.

CS was total garbage what are you talking about

Digimon Adventure, 02, and Tri are the only 'seasons'.
Tamers, Frontier, Savers, and all the others are not connected at all and are counted as their own series.

Of course not savers is my favorite. Hunters was hot garbage though

The only reason anybody gives a shit about CS is because of the waifus.


They do look like trash so that's expected, except for Oyster and Kuma bros.

the same could be said about pokemon at this point.

>who would win between real life animals and computer code

Oh okay we're cool then.

I tried to watch Digimon and it's just boring, Pokémon is the comfy one.

Betamon, bearmon and dracomon are the child stages of Metalseadramon, marsmon and Examon respectively right?
I feel that they are not completely forgotten since their ultimates are pretty big deals, hell one of them is a royal knight even.

Which season did you watch, digimon can range from garbage to absolute kids cartoon kino.

Why is Renamon so sexy and perfect?

Well, originally, Betamon and Agumon came from Koromon,

Overall yes I suppose, but they vary so much in quality and content that they're almost incomparable.