>Neither soy protein nor soy isoflavones had any effect on testosterone levels in adult men who consumed soy foods or products
surprised there isn't more shitposting about the black guy who proposed to his cosplayer gf
Nobody cares about tr4sh here. I like watching the mexican kid play though
why do roasties have such high standards? how am i supposed to get a gf when i'm not an overweight black guy who plays party games for below minimum wage?
As if I had a reason to keep playing the dumpster fire that is smash 4.
God damn. I feel sorry for anyone that still plays it seriously.
tfw posting on Sup Forums makes men grow tits and lose testosterone
how do we stop this bros??
>ctrl+f adult men
>0 results
>>Neither soy protein nor soy isoflavones had any effect on testosterone levels in adult men who consumed soy foods or products
Where is this on your link?
>However, in contrast to the effects in rodents, a recently published meta-analysis of the clinical research found that there were no effects of soyfoods or isoflavone supplements on total or free testosterone levels or levels of dihydrotestosterone—the biologically active metabolite of testosterone [225]. Similarly, the clinical evidence shows that soy does not raise estrogen levels (see reference for review) [226]. In the case report described above, the individual in question did have dramatically elevated estrogen levels (5- to 10-fold above average reference values) [224]. But this increase was in response to the consumption of 3 quarts (~12 cups) of soymilk daily, an amount (assuming it is made using the whole soybean) that would be expected to provide approximately 300 mg isoflavones (the authors suggested 361 mg) [12], an intake roughly 9 times that of the typical Japanese [12]. Clearly, excessive intake of even nutritional desirable foods can produce untoward effects. Clinical studies have shown that isoflavone intakes as high as 150 mg/day-which is still 4 times higher than typical Japanese intake—are without effect on estrogen levels [226].
It's probably not good living off soylent but eating soy based products isn't going to chemically castrate you.
What is Soylent and why is there a massive meme around it?
>the individual in question did have dramatically elevated estrogen levels (5- to 10-fold above average reference values) [224]. But this increase was in response to the consumption of 3 quarts (~12 cups) of soymilk daily
check this out
And, faggots that don't know the interaction of estrogen to testorone and vice-verse.
I usually ignore when Sup Forums points out the "nu-male open-mouth smile" but that one close up in the right column is actually making me upset
The term numale didn't really catch on, so now people are trying to push soyboy.
Don't worry, in 6 months when no one but the dumbasses that have been trying to force it have failed completely, they will come up with something else.
Only soyboys want a port of this trash. Stay on the wii u where it belongs.
>b-but buying a wii u just 4 smash is a waste
Same with brawl on wii, gc on melee, and 64 you fucking faggot
Nobody who uses the term 'soyboy' knows how to read a scientific study or has ever bothered to try. They get all of their 'facts' from loud nitwits on YouTube before preaching them as gospel without doing any basic fact checking or further critical thinking
Who the fuck unironically names their brand Soylent anyways?
If soy is so good, how come Soylent got BANNED in Canada?
Still doing my research on that one, but it looks like it was a temporary ban because the current recipe fails to meet the current nutrition requirements for a meal substitute laid out by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. Nutrition is a constantly evolving science, and every country has their own suggested nutritional guidelines that may take an enormous amount of work to change depending on the red tape and level of legislative interest, so it's not out of the realm of possibility that there are legal hangups that have nothing to do with how nutritionally sound the product actually is