Gamers are gay.
Gamers are gay
So is Sup Forums and /vg/
Isn't this a study of gay stuff that exists in video games rather than a study of gamers themselves?
I bet Sup Forums is overrepresented when it comes to faggots. about 50% of the people who browse here now are gay
I'm not sure but the gayer we are, the better.
u don't say
I've only dated girls all my life but I kinda want a cute user bf now, thanks Sup Forums
yeah we're all gay here
we're also women and all have 12 inch penises
Isn't being straight also monosexual?
no, it is a stury from Digra, in research of the behavior of sex/gender in video games. I can bet my ass they just used some fake and gay shit from some random sjw and their shitty video games, anyway, they push it as real.
The only people that partake in those polls, or surveys are usually attention whoring and/or lonely people. Faggots happen to fall under this type for identity crisis for feeling the victim.
so we are all futas or just faggot traps?
for example, during the election when the polls called me up to ask who I'm voting for, I very politely said "fuck off" and hung up the phone
as did most trump voters I imagine
Sounds more like what a sane person would say as it is no one's business who you vote for.
more like tired of womyn bullshit.
Might as well fuck a tranny.
Has a dick but none of the women downsides.
>Lara croft becomes a lesbian
>every team member in halo story is gay
this is the future.
I probably would have gone gay years ago if it wasn't for shit like this. 3D truly is PD.
Can't really disagree on that, sad state of affairs.
Men make for better women than actual women.
Stuff like that probably isn't too common, sick fetishist are always gonna exist as outliers though.
there's as much crazy women as there are gay men
this guy knows whats up, If I fuck a woman its a one night stand, but a trap might get the dick on a regular
Its not gay if the dick is feminine.
the problem is that trannies are always mentally ill, often worse than actual women
they're also more likely to have STDs