Replace "i" with "y"

>replace "i" with "y"
>name sounds more exotic

you'ry a faggyt

Lynk just sounds like an even bigger homosexual

This has proven to be true in the real world because this is exactly what those wacky "exotic" darkies do.


>replaces e with y
are you retarded user?

What kind of stupid name is you'ri?

Lynk sounds like cheap mouthwash marketed as deodorant.


I'm a school teacher. Once you pic up on their quirks, you're *mostly* able to parse out the names. They flip out when I get it right on the first try, like no one ever has before... heh.

Sounds like a Russyan Nyggor name.

>Barack Obama
Wow its true.

You've attended the George RR Martin school of fantasy names, I see.

>replace y with i
>replace c with k
>name sounds less intelligent and more white

be glad they aren't replaced by apostrophes user



oi m8 me noime’s joike oi loike fifer an going to da pub wiv da lads

The fuck


Tirannde Wyndrunner

>Your character name must be unique
>By day two all normal names are taken and people must resort to using numbers and weird amalgamation / gibberish.

>replace "y" with "i"
>name is much more aesthetically pleasing

Give literally one example.

Fuck me, you're right OP. It does sound exotic





It's finally become the name white people always call me as.

Gay name.

Orcs Must Dye

>WoW Cata private server
>Chat/Username algorithm can't process russian characters
>Put russian gibberish as nickname
>appears as a "?" in game
>Camp Goldshire Inn as rogue with a couple of mates for a whole day
>"hey guys there are complaints on the forums for us"
>PVP camping is forbidden
>they provide screenshots
>only "?" nicknames
>the mods need to be specifically there in front of you in order to ban, can't trace your nickname
>do this multiple times on different characters/accounts (easy grind since you lvl up 1-85 in a day and get carried for gear)
>end up IP banned

good times

Underrated post laddie


U mean Crysis ?

ebic xD


>random apostrophes

It sounds like a retarded cat pun.


t. nygger

>Ravyoly ravyoly gyve me the formuoly.

I guess.


yuruyury ys my favoryte anyme

Not vydya

>tfw 18 year old nephew did this when naming his kid
>instead of Jeremiah, his kids name is now Jeremya
kids these days



Fucking orkz.





>replace i with y
>leave out trailing e
>they think they're being exotic but it literally just says vampire in my language

Loly cunni

slykk kunni?

Just change it to Jeremy and be done with it.

y thynk you're a retard

Is there a non cropped version of that emoji? Just for research purposes

I think it's on paheal
search for 'emoji'

pyck mi cotton, nygger


my ygnis wignis

>no't lik'in'g n'am'es wi'th ap'ostr'o'ph'e's