>devs release a new class that is fucking useless when built normally
>but if you multi class it's only good skill into another build it's the best skill in the game
Devs release a new class that is fucking useless when built normally
I stopped playing when Konami killed my Karakuri pet deck by hitting cards that were perfectly balanced instead of their newly released shit that abused those cards, as they always fucking do.
kaijus are necessary
That's their intent. It's dual purpose. It helps kill the old decks that NEED that support to survive and helps centralize the meta around the new shit they're shoving out. They are 100% as scummy as they appear, particularly since they only offer one real format and no official alternatives or means of playing older formats in any competitive capacity.
And yet karakuri are still playable because any synchro buff immediately buffs them and enables their synchro vomit. Needlfiber just made them a fuckton better.
Adding a bunch of Archetypes is what makes YuGiOh interesting as fuck
I remember zoodiacs being added to almost anything.
Then you have True King Dinos or True Draco with a Timelords engine, True Draco ABC, etc...
Odd eyes being able to do a lot shit with performapals/magicians
I still play trains because you can add a bunch of level 10s that weren't intended for the archetype such as Exodius, Malefic Cyber End Dragon, the 3k slime. Then you have the the Xyz monsters that go beyond Gustav/Dora like the 3 tarantulas, you can also add a Gishki engine or hell even Kaijus themselves and before links you were able to play Shadoll Trains.
I'm pretty sure I'm just sctraching the surface.
>yeah bro don't worry about those new waifu decks they can't actually do anything
this is why yugi can be fucking amazing and it´s sad that all those western ccg faggots couldn´t come up with some equal shit instead making a hearthstone/magic copy for the 10000 time.
Would Yugi's deck actually be any good in the Original Trading Card Card Game Game?
no he cheated in the first season. when the first decks were out anybody who won used the same 40 cards. when there wrent a milion sets the GOAT format was used by all. this is before every monster had effects and 2500 beat sticks were "good" now a days you can spam the field with minimum 3 monsters and can most likely blow everything up
Trickstars are dogshite if you open with a bad hand/second
Why does anyone actually play ygo?
It's literally the worst card game out there.
Better than Magic, better than Hearthstone (and its endless nippo clones), anything else has too niche an audience.
I do wish pic related became popular instead of that casual cancerfest though.
It's fun.
Duel Links is pretty grounded if you don't care about the meta and YGOpro lets you do a bnuch of experimental stuff for free
Yu-Gi-Oh is unfair, heavily luck based, and swingy. But it's fun as hell. Puts it over HS at least.
>If you multiclass its only good skill into another build it's the best skill in the game
South Park has this problem with the Speedster's two-turn ability. The rest of the abilities are fucking useless but that breaks the game.
>End of the game where you get all classes available
>12 cell AoE knockback, damage and bleed attack
>24 cell range confusion attack
>Summon a clone next enemy turn to cancel it out and then do that all over again
>Not to mention other party members like Craig and Wendy are crazy good by themselves
Duel Links is not grounded what so ever. Most games end by turn 2/3. It's fucking retarded.
>have tons of fun laddering on DN in peak Nekroz/Cliffords cancer meta with Nat Beast turbo Karakuris
>Noden kills Instant Fusion
>DN dies
>E-tele gets fucked
Why did everything have to go so wrong
Stop playing against level 10 normal duelists.
That's a good argument.
Oh wait no its retarded, I'm clearly talking about online play.
Lava golem and Volcanic Queen are more manlier than these puffer cards.
Play against opponents who aren't retarded.
Wow, so difficult.
Haven't played in years but I used to play a remove brainwashing deck. Is this shit good?
I'm saying all games idiot.