Hitbox thread go

hitbox thread go

Can this thread be any more autistic


No, since you posted.







kirby back aerial?

this is pretty fun

>Having a hitbox on the gun itself

>see this thread
>about to make this with the baby hitbox
>already done

>whats a hurtbox hurr durr


it's a melee gun

>mr. game & watch.png




>sergei! how do we improve bayonet on glorious kalashnikov?
>is simple vladmir! we use kalashnikov AS bayonet!

>walking into a gun causes damage

Please post the unedited one

>not bashing people with your gun at close range

>he doesnt have a beating AK
best bayonet on kalashnikov is another kalashnikov

if I must

Thank you kind user

and how many AKs would it take to circle the world for you to have Kalashnikov mounted on Kalashnikov mounted on Kalashnikov?

>kalashnikov chakram







>My version was strictly worse to this





Why it gotta be a boy tho?

Is it really a guy?







Pretty moe.

Is it? I was hoping someone would say otherwise when I made that post.

A Moe for a moe.

its nto

>Mario Odyssey boss

nah can't be, shoulder's and back aren't manly


asians don't generally bulk up like other races, they consume fish and soy





>moe moe

46.4 million roughtly
so if you stacked up all the kalashnikov derived rifles currently in use you could make two of them and some change








God damn it

Filename is still correct

Now I want a Paper Mario fighting game

very accurate


Why are making precice hitboxes so difficult, especially with mnodern technology? Can't you just make a hitbox exactly the same your characters and the weapons/bullets size


Are you supposed to kick them


Hitboxes are technically just invisible models which means the engine renders them despite having no visual so having the hitbox match exactly with the model would be twice the rendering.
Also exact hitboxes feels 'weird' to play with, especially in first person
source: a shitter with unity/unreal



Okay but what if it's a shooter? Then The hiboxes should be precise and there would be no problem playing with it right? If not taking rendering into concideration


I think you're expecting too much from modern games when a lot are still too lazy for projectiles and just use hitscan.

You aren't considering other problems such as animation for the hitboxes, that can lead to a lot of problems especially when the model is on certain angles compared to you trying to shoot it.


Hitboxes for the player, in first person, would be adjusted to be smaller (again mostly due to the feeling of "that didn't hit me"), enemies are usually a little bigger for the opposite reason(The felling of "I totally hit him") but its also time consuming to do so when you can just spam low-poly boxes all over and call it a day like That being said I havent worked on any big projects so take my word with a grain of salt




I don't get it.

Every fucking time!
Jesus what has this place done to me!?

santa hiding a present under his jacket

Needs a nerf in season 2

It made you lose something important.

Please explain

>Eating soy really does emasculate you
Wow, I never made the soyboy/asian connection before. Makes a lot of sense.

Read the news

Post the swastika one