OH SHIT, its actually a Drakengard thread

OH SHIT, its actually a Drakengard thread.
Sit tight and prepare to be crushed by love.

Other urls found in this thread:


Like a mace?

Those who aren't loved, die!

You can bet it.

But those who are loved also die, just faster.

Manah is cute



Taro is going senile



>Mistakes were made
Bit of an understatement

I hope if there's ever another Drakengard game that there's a lot of emphasis on the weird pact prices that your party has to deal with.I was sad they ditched that concept for D3.

Seriously, how could he reject this?

>Mistakes were made

>caim doesn't want to incest his sister which causes the end of the world
What did Taro mean by this?

Because Furiae is fucking weird.

Dude was into dragons and mass murder, not sleeping with his little sister.

I dunno user. She's kinda...off.


I fucking love this man.

Only if caim had the balls to put his balls into her

>Taro had an easier time making the Automata
>Therefore the game ends with a happier ending
>Making cavia games was probably a nightmare
>Thus the games were nightmarish

>if making this game were a feeling

>tfw the entire universe's fate rides on you banging your sister

>Entire universe's fate
Correction: entire universes' fate, as it included more than one

Like a mace.

Dial it back next time Seere. Dial it back.

Does Taro know how to speak English? Interesting.



The man know his priorities

Ahh, how cute. I wonder what he felt when it hit 2M


Wasn't there one dude who sacrificed his hair or something? Pretty good deal.



Verdelet once had a glorious mane.

Let me correct that:

>Watchers look on as they dance in their merciless sky
>Watching me, watching you

>staff roll B

D is, was, and always will be superior.


I wonder if we'll see any more blatant crossovers with Drakengard lore if Nier's the timeline we're continuing with.


>drakengard 3 had a remix of growing wings
>used exclusively as BGM for the JP site during launch
>only ever released as a bonus track on a chiptunes album

Really chaps my ass. It's impossible to find that damn album.


>I dont speak fucking moonrunes, what is even going on in this CD dram-
>Bells kick in

At least those people died listening to a nice song

I bet most of the people who died that day were the ones hit by Caim's flying weapon stash after he got shot down.

Chapter Thirteen is something else.


the music on the original drakengard is so strange and disturbing!!! love it
it fits the game perfectly

I'll always like Caim. There is just something amusing about how much of a cunt he is to people. Like when that elf is desperate for his help and he just kicks the guy over.

For as much of a lunatic as Caim was, I give him credit for never turning his sword on his own allies.

He just kicked a few people in the head.

Which is amazing when you consider one of his allies was Verdelet and the other was that fucking bard.




Caim had a friends. Horrible, horrible friends.

>what your friends say about you, take this facebook quiz to find out!

they were just different not everyone has to be sheep like the rest