How many versions of Skyrim do you actually own?
Me? PS3 and Steam
How many versions of Skyrim do you actually own?
Me? PS3 and Steam
360 remaster and maybe pc soon
360 PC and VR
Zero, I've never played Skyrim because it looks and plays like casual garbage. People who enjoy Skyrim are the same people who actually use the "power up rewards" shit from GameStop
Xbox 360 and Xbox one
Zero. I tried it for like 10 hours on the PC when it first came out and then never touched it again.
Minna-san, Skyrim wo tabete kudasai. Arigato gozaimas.
PC. I have 120 hours clocked, 60 of those installing and testing mods.
xbox 360 (normal version), ps3 (goty edition) and steam (special edition).
None, fuck that piece of shit. Morrowind rules.
360 and steam
PC... I don't onw the game tho, if you know what I mean hehe
Pirated 360 copy with all the dlc
How many exist?
Xbox 360
Xbox One
Nintendo switch
>xbox 360
I don't even fucking like the damn game. It's clunky and boring. But for whatever reason I always forget that before buying it...
360, PC, and Switch
i have the pc version but i always pirate it when i wanna replay cuz im too bored to install steam :P
>I've never played Skyrim
>because It plays like casual garbage
Never bought anything, what has Bethesda stamp on it since Oblivion.
PC and PS3
I think you made a spelling mistake there. I think you meant to say that you, in fact, do own the game, right?
>dude watching a video of the gameplay doesn't show you how it actually plays
Give me one good reason why I can't gauge this game is fucking terrible just by watching how it plays
What a stupid post
GUYS, don't answer him, he's just selecting victims for his next harvest
>buying oblivion
>after morrowind was a massive downgrade from Daggerfal
xbox 360 vanilla
Steam vanilla version
Steam Special Edition
Physical Box Collection
Post pic
But... Why?
>watch a video of someone playing
>act as though you have played said game
Holy shit the fucking state of this board
Steam and got the special edition for free since I owned all the dlc.
I have never played Skyrim, never seen a friend play Skyrim, never seen a youtube video of someone playing Skyrim.
And im happy about that
Just Switch. Took nearly 7 years, but I finally caved in abd bought Todd's game.
lmao OP just asked how many versions you own not any of that gay shit you said FAGGOT
Bought it on pc around 4 years ago when the goty edition was 6 bucks. Got the upgrade for free. Not a bad deal
>watch video of gameplay
>"uhhh that's not how the gameplay is your shitlord"
none since i ain't a retard
None. I played a bunch of it on my brother's steam account, but I really can't get into TES games. I don't like the gameplay or the setting.
ps3, pc, pc remastered, skyrim vr for vive when it comes out
>I'll be the roundabout
Zero. What are you going to do about it?