MGS V was overrated, boring, repetitive, and dull

MGS V was overrated, boring, repetitive, and dull.


I won't

Big Boss was overrated, boring, repetitive, and dull.



it's literally 3 games in one, what else do you fucking want?

for 20 bucks you could do worse

Sup Forums is overrated, boring, repetitive, and dull.


Wrong, wrong, correct, wrong.

Fake guns ruined this game

Anonymous is overrated, boring, repetitive, and dull.


>not liking Brennan
do you even mgs5?

You can say the same thing about any AAA game ever released.

although least they could've done was include both real world guns and the shit BB had manufactured himself

I enjoyed it and happily got 150 hours out of the game.

I bet you fags didn't even complete your zoo on mother base.

Real music > Real guns

All the guns had real life equivalents anyway. Just very minor cosmetic differences.

>MGS V was overrated
>when 80% of the fanbase who wanted a 6 hour long movie of Big Boss shooting niglets won't stop shitting on it

It was repetitive and dull at times, but I still had a lot of fun with it. Not gonna lie, I was addicted to MGO for like 3 months, if only you could carry your MGO characters over to single-player, I'd probably play it even more.

Peace Walker is my favourite

Who here only came to MGS because of Big Boss?
I did

Nothing to debate. I agree. I've already replayed MGS3 twice more since MGSV dropped.

I don't know about that. People came down pretty hard on MGSV once they realized how dissappointed they were by it. Or do you mean overrated by critics/reviewers? Yeah, sure, I can see that. This game received a whole bunch of 10/10s. Despite it being dissappointing, I can actually see someone liking it enough to give it a high score. But it's simply to flawed for a 10/10, something lower seems much more reasonable.
Well, that's rather subjective. I have played The Phantom Pain for over 800 hours, so it certainly wasn't boring to me.
I can see that. Mission variety in The Phantom Pain is considerably worse than that in Ground Zeroes, which is unfortunate.
I think Phantom Pain fluctuates between extremely entertaining and extremely dull constantly.

Infiltration, the couple of boss fight there are, sniper gameplay, fucking around with the engine, going for S ranks and all side objectives can all be fun.

The story, the cutscenes, the chopper rides, the open world travel, waiting for research and development to complete a project can be really dull.

Was going to write my own post but it would have been everything this guy said


No need to, you already nailed it.
There's literrally nothing more to say.
Ah yes, one thing : the Fox Engine is the only real success here.