Post 'em niggers
Post 'em niggers
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my nigga
2/2 BotW, BB
4/4 Nice variety. Never played the first Red Faction, played the hell out of the sequel long ago though.
2/2 P4G, gitaroo man is starting to kick my ass. I'm pretty entry to rhythm games though.
6/6 +Portal, Bioshock, MGS2, KH I guess,OoT, DaS
What is the game in the bottom right? The two left characters say Big Devil, but what about the other two?
What was that site called again?
It's Ghouls n Ghosts.
6/6 The OG King's Field 2 (US release 1) is probably my favorite.
Accidentally posted my old version and wanted to update, but whatevs.
current difference is replace dark souls with witcher 2 and banjo with arma 3.
>starting to kick my ass
same thing happened to me once I reached the shark, after a while your hand and mind become one and it gets easier. Im sure on stage 7-10 you'll have a blast
On the off chance tis isn't bait, how is the Shadow Tower series? I played the first Kings Quest and Ancient City, are they simmilar?
that's the safest list I've ever seen
>What was that site called again?
Also, here is my portable one that I think is still reasonably accurate, except probably replace original advanced wars with dual strike.
god damnit.
4/4, eclectic
0/1, I wanna play Soul Hackers
6/6, very nice taste
Does look like that at second glance, honestly.
It's old as fuck, though. Dont know if that means anything.
What kind of gamer am I?
3/4 Not a fan of souls games
1/1 Only played Pokemon
2/3 Didnt like Thief
4/5 +VJ ,P5, ME, NMH. I was memed into buying awakening. Only FE games i've liked were the 3 GBA ones.
0.5/3 no more heroes was okay, I guess.
Why DMC over 3 or 4?
This post reeks of honeymoon syndrome
Does that even count?
3/3 Fucking Rance is goat
this tron game looks fun as fuck, how have i never heard of it
I'm considering swaping Okami with one of the newer Personas, but it's too hard to choose, and I don't want another Megaten game here.
Currently playing FFVII, I'd never given it much of a chance because of the graphics, but once the party left Midgar I feel the game got exponentially better.
I ought to get back to playing the Yakuza series.
Very good taste.
I really hate DMC1's combat. I've been meaning to play Soul Hackers as my next Megaten.
I know it's a meme chart, but 5/5
Somehow I really can't get into Megaman X. It looks great, but I don't enjoy it at all.
What's with all this DeS lately?
Old Pokemon is unplayable nowadays. If it's nostalgia I'd give the point.
and 3 games from my backlog.
I think you enjoy eastern culture.
Guy who cares the most about atheistic in games and like's how weird the japanese can get. Not a full-blown weeb
Based on this recommend me what to play next:
Nier Automata
Dragon's Dogma
Ys Origin
I've posted mine before but doing it anyway. Very much considering swapping out HM1 for HM2 though.
1/1 Worms
2/2 Portal 2 DaS1
1/1 100% hardcore hacker
4/4 DaS1 Okami SMTIV BB, if you're anything like your taste suggests, you are a true friend to whoever you're with
Nier Automata
>Why DMC over 3 or 4?
Easy. I do like 3, but it wouldn't make it on my list. 1 and 3+ are two entriely different beasts. Played the first entry since it's release so I won't deny there's definitely some heavy nostalgia involved. There's a multitude of reasons why I prefer the first though. It's hard to really explain, but the first's combat feels more deliberate to me. Later games greatly expanded the combo potential, but everything feels tanky as fuck in exchange. DMC1 has the best atmosphere thanks to the leftover RE-elements, level design, enemy design and OST in the series. The length is perfect as well, I can get the urge to replay the game and beat it in a sitting if I really want to.
Dragon's Dogma
2/2 FFX and Nier
>not 7x5
You are going to make me blush, user.
3/3 I really have to play FFXII someday.
That's my first option. I really wonder if it's worth finishing Nier before though, I put it on hold after Ending B, as grinding to get all weapons was boring as fuck.
I've been interested in the game since release, but never got around to play it. Can you sell me a bit more on it? I recall reading a lot about the combat, but nothing about the rest. How's the story? Is there anything to do apart from combat? How are the areas? Is it quest based, or plot based? Is it too much of a sandbox?
Mine are
Truxton 2
Vampire Savior
Armored Warriors
SFIII Third Strike
Mars Matrix
Ghouls n Ghosts
Garou MotW
Gradius II
If you are that far, finish first Nier then play Automata
>not choosing one more game for a square 6x6
Is the story connected in a relevant way? I know Devola and Popola are there, and so is Emil, but I've read that it's pretty much unrelated besides cameos. I don't know whether to believe this because a lot of the fanbase hasn't played Nier, and they'd clearly say that it's irrelevant.
I also put it on hold over a year ago, if that means anything.
I mean, to understand the deeper lore and wackier things and ties to Nier it would be recommended. I dont know if you played the Drakengard games but I would at least recommend Nier if you havent played them.
3/3 HM, Nocturne. Croc was legitimately the first game I ever remember beating. Frustrated me but I loved it. Think I really stopped playing platformers after that though. One of these days i'll get around to TWEWY.
Combat is fantastic, story is non-exsistant. Final boss is cool though. It's quest based and the areas aren't too fantastical, it's a very tight open world. Combat is the selling point and it's glorious, watch a video or two
TWEWY is very fun, one of the most unique games I've played. It's sad that there's still no sequel or anything, except the shitty iOS port and the appearances on KH3D.
3/4 dont like nu smash
I don't know why so many people gloss over it either, I mean it was even made by fucking Monolith, has the OG Tron aesthetics, and even Bruce Boxleitner returns. It was supposed to be the sequel before Legacy came around.
Yes, I yes, I know. That doesn't stop it from being my favorite game ever.
1/1 I'm surprised to see another person who likes MHTri. IMO, it's the absolute best single player MH experience.
1/1. Love MGS 2. Played the series way later in my life, as a 20 year old. Was amazed to see the jump in quality from MGS to MGS 2.
1/1. Fucking love Soul Hackers. Probably my second favorite SMT.
4/4. MMX, Banjo, PPMTYD, Yoshi's Island.
2/2. PW and TTYD. Glad to see someone else who thinks the first game is the best PW.
1/1 SML 2 is criminally underrated.
3/3. See above. SMTSJ is my favorite too.
2/2. Rance and Banjo. I wanted to fit Rance on here, but I just couldn't.
3/3 TF 2, Kirby 64, Sam and Max. I used to love playing TF 2 way back in high school.
3/3 MH4U, SMT IV, and Super Metroid. I'm glad you really like SMTIV. I think it's way underrated. Reverse Hills and Pluto were amazing parts of the game.
Last two were meant for.
SMTIV is really underrated, yeah. I feel like a lot of people didn't give it a real shot because of the lack of Kaneko designs, and the more "animey" story. The story wasn't perfect, far from it, but the gameplay, music, locations, I enjoyed them way too much. Apocalypse was also extremely enjoyable, even if the characters sucked ass. The fight against YHVH is spectacular.
I can't wait to see what they do with SMTV. It'll be the first SMT in a big console in a long time, and the bar is very high. Depending on the reception I may have to bite the bullet and get a Switch.
My only complaint with SMT IV is just the absolutely disgusting map. "Don't live in japan? Oh, well then these directions will mean nothing to you!" I'm glad IVA fixed it, but man did everything else suffer. Imagine story, setting, atmsophere, and characters from IV with map and gameplay of IVA.
>It'll be the first SMT in a big console in a long time
I came here to criticize but everyone in this thread has great taste, goddamn.
>Digimon World
I actually loved the IV map, the Apoc one was too cartooney, with the huge bright streets disregarding all the aesthetics. In IV it was awful to traverse when you didn't know where to go, but I just searched in Google and that was it, and the atmosphere kept it fun. Markers would've been enough to fix it though.
The perfect mix would be IV up till the Neutral route, and then Apocalypse until the end. The IV ending was just way too inconclusive to me, especially after playing Apocalypse. And both games had a bit of filler.
Hell yeah, Motherfucker. I've yet to have played an adventure RPG that even begins to slightly replicate the atmosphere, sense of adventure, AND monster raising greatness of Digimon World. I've replayed that damn game so many times. I should really do a 100% run with all digimon and evolutions on the chart, every single trading card, etc.
Out of curiosity, what puts soul hackers over the top for you? When comparing it to other SMT games
I did think these threads were getting a little better too. Like a month ago I couldn't stand coming to these threads because it all mostly looked the fucking same. Maybe the v-core meme succeeded in it's purpose and people are being a little more honest with themselves this time around.
What are you even trying to say?
It's much better recently, the threads recently lacked any kind of discussion, with only ratings and nothing else for the most part. There's no point in having a senseless circlejerk, it's much more enjoyable when we get to actually talk about the videogames.
Not that user, But SOul Hackers is one of my top 3 SMT games. For me personally it's definitely the setting and the atmosphere. I'm also a big fan of first person dungeon crawlers, so that helps a lot too. The battle system being super different (based on my experience of other smt games) also felt refreshing. Also the music is fucking top notch.
I wanna guess the year you was born, 89'
It's just SMT in a world that hasn't gone to complete shit yet. Them cyberpunk aesthetics, music, and sexy defines Nemissa.
>That overworld
So fucking good.
My fave.
Man, the vision quests were such a fucking trip. I didn't like them at first, but on a second playthrough, they were really enjoyable.
1/1 Fucking love Dead Space
Yeah I like Dark Souls too but not that much c'mon
All overrated trash
Umihara Kawase is awesome.
3/3 +Runescape, L4D2, SMB3
3/4 +P2, Civ V, Terraria -Minecraft
2/2 First time I've seen PD on a mosaic and it's fantastic. Gotta play Lost Odyssey and Killer is Dead someday.
2/2 +SMO, SSB4 melee's better
1/2 +Dead Space -Shadowrun. Gotta play DMC1, Theif and Folklore one day.
7/7 Didn't play enough of Xeno or Fzero, love all the rest. Especially Unreal and NGB. I'm partial to Project M myself. Definitely play DMC in release order. Most 3fags will suggest simply skipping to 3 because that's "where the series really starts" and is a prequel.
>Ocarina of Time
Of course, fucking normie. That game is ass by today's standards, it's not good because you liked it when you were 5.
>Red Faction 1
I love you OP
I've played a tiny bit of 3SE and 4SE just to see what the combat was like, my brother told me to play DMC1 only if you do a NG+ run of it first but I'm going to do release order I wanna experience DMC2 so I'm not skipping that
Your brother sounds like a cool dude. The game definitely shines on Hard/DMD imo, your first playthrough probably won't be any more than 4-5 hours at most and you still won't even have all the moves yet. Hard will switch up the enemy encounters, it's not too brutal overall and will allow you to experiment with them if you want. DMD is where enemies starts getting Devil Triggers, and you definitely don't want that, so you'll probably find your optimal way and clear shit as fast as you can. The first game isn't about going crazy with combos.
also grenade gun is for plebs
DMC2 is indeed as bad as everyone says. Boss fights where you do nothing but mash the gun button bad. Still played it up to DMD myself though, at least then things were somewhat of a challenge, mostly in the wrong ways though of course.
little tip for 1: Swivel the analog directly after an sword/alastor attack to speed up the animation where he puts it on his back.