Hear me out
Silent Hill
But multiplayer
Hear me out
Silent Hill
But multiplayer
As long as you can't communicate with other players and encounters are extremely rare, then maybe it could work. Even then it's a stretch
Other player could have the ability to trigger events - you're the player and they're the spooker
Silent Hill: Book of Memories
The obvious requirement being that it is a GOOD game
In the trash it goes.
what about l4d lmoa
The subtle horror of silent hill wouldnt really work when playing with several of your friends. Id rather have another Resident Evil Outbreak
Also OP
>not playing any of the SH games with first timers and bro out on it through a night of pizza, beer and silent hill.
I don't like to play with others.
mite b cool
>Game is basically Silent Hill
>But multiplayer
>In certain areas, player worlds occasionally bleed into each other without warning, similar to Dark Souls invasions
>An obstacle, puzzle, or unkillable monster appears and the players must scramble over each other to save themselves
>Each encounter is designed so the only way to survive is to throw the other player under the bus
>The ol' "I don't have to outrun the bear, I just have to outrun you" philosophy
hear me out
silent hill
but with a proper series ender
>multiplayer sounds weird but i can see potential in that
How come this game is so hated? I didn't see anything worth condemning it when I played it.
Left 4 Dead is not horror.
Ya because that sure fucking worked good for Dead Space 3.
>Giving horror franchise the multiplayer treatment
Hear me out
Devil May Cry
but with multiplayer
It pushed the survival horror aspects that had been lacking in the games up to then completely out of the picture.
How about Silent Hill, but not dead or made by random shitty developers that don't have a clue how to manage subtlety?
I think starting there would be better than multiplayer personally.
Here you go.
What if Silent Hill was a 2D platformer?
The dog stabbing.
I kid you not.
Multiplayer horror games always, ALWAYS fail at horror. You CANNOT have a game in which you can watch your buddy goof around the game engine and still be spooked.
So like the doppelganger style and the Virgil/Dante vs Arkham fight in DMC3?
Eddie, Angela, James 3 player co-op
What could go wrong?
>playing a game like silent hill in a party setting
have you ever had friends as an adult? nobody wants to do that. just throw on some CoD or other basic shit like that.
>TFW I look like a boyish heather mason
this is good. that perma death too. the only reason that game took so long for me is that i refused to let myself have an ending with any characters dead
I fucking moderate the server for this game and I can tell you right now it's nowhere near as scary as a mainline RE game.
Still, Classic RE gameplay is too good.
It's a crazy idea that could work. It's a hated game but dead space 3 had this gimmick where in co-op each player would see and hallucinate different shit, so neither player could fully trust the other. I think something like that could make a multiplayer silent hill kind of game really fun and intense.
Nobody liked the Arkham fight. Only saving grace was that it had the best music in the game.
The Co-op Survival Horror is nice, also the sequel continues the story with some weird twists.
the fuck?
I literally just had my friend play through silent hill 3 for the first time two weekends ago. We bought pizza and beer and just bro'd out all night. Sorry you don't have any friends faggot. But I understand why you don't.
So like Journey then