Why do yuropoors have such backwards taste in video games?
Why do yuropoors have such backwards taste in video games?
Because they're European.
because we are white
>buying consoles with barely any games
Muh Fifa
because most of them live in american vasall states
Because only Europeans matter
The Switch is too expensive in Europe.
I apologize in the name of Europa
this pretty much. especially since fifa on switch is very poor in terms of content.
Bing bing wahoo isn't good taste though.
You should list xbone sales to see who the REALLY big retards are though.
>Europeans are more sophist-
Why does nintendo hate europe?
>switch costs literally $90 more in EU than NA
>when nintendo consoles were regionlocked games took up to a year to get localized from NA to EU
>3DS never came with a charger included
I know that amerimutts enjoy it when a company treats them like shit, europeans don't.
>europe is the last bastion for mature games
No wonder all mature PC exclusives are also made in Europe. Kill yourselves, Japan and North America.
Weren't the operation rainbow games released first in Europe? And wasn't Devil's Third released first in Europe too?
>switch costs literally $90 more in EU than NA
This is the biggest problem. If the offical price was lowered to around €290, the system would sell really well.
I used to think criticizing vgchartz was uncalled for, assuming the numbers were pretty close to the real thing, but I see how retarded it is as time goes on. Nintendo themselves will release official numbers, and yet vgchartz will still have their own made up numbers for months, maybe even years. I just saw this article.
For several weeks now Nintendo revealed the sales up until September 30th, and Botw was at 4.7 million. That's 2 months ago. Granted Nintendo's site includes digital sales, while vgchartz is talking retail. But it's still retarded and not news-worthy.
Euros mostly play on PCs, always have. The normies here buy FIFA each year, just like the sportsfans in NA buy Madden and Apehoop.
What is VAT?
>Why do yuropoors have such backwards taste in video games?
People here most buy PS4 just for Fifa and COD, apart from that, the rest of the market is PC dominated. I'm surprise that the Switch is selling more than half of what PS4 is selling desu.
vgchartz don't matter when sony isn't winning
>PS4 still sells like hot cakes.
If nintendo had some more third parties they would be unstoppable.
EU doesn't sexualise children as part of it's culture like Japan and the US
That's false though, you can fugg 15 year olds legally in most EU countries.
Nintendo neglected Europe during the NES and SNES eras. Sega didn’t. Sony didn’t. Part of it is brand royalty. Part of it is also objectively shitty taste in video games. The UK for example has always preferred awful awful garbage vidya. The Spectrum was still super popular there when the NES was at its peak. The trash spectrum for fuck’s sake! Knack was super popular there a few years ago too
>Knack was super popular there a few years ago too
Nah you just couldn't get a launch PS4 unbundled and about 1/3 of them had Knack with it. Knack 2 was a collossal flop worldwide because almost all of Knack's sales outside of the USA came from people who didn't even really want it but had no choice if they wanted a launch PS4..
Using the acronym “EU” to collectively refer to the countries residing in the European continent is proof of American ignorance.
The EU is an economic union, it’s not a legitimate state entity or a region or a territory. The UK is leaving the EU, for example. It is a communistic faux union intended to homogenize Europe and was created by circumcised cocksucking American ashkenazi jews who all belong in a fucking oven
>europe is the one region that lacks proper documentation
>it is also the one region that deviates in just about everything for every game system and platform according to vgchartz
Excuse me if I am being sceptical. But I kind of doubt Europe is that different from the rest of the world.
Reminder that vgchartz EU numbers are even more fabricated than their NA and Japan numbers.
Not saying switch is outselling PS4 there, just that these numbers are completely meaningless
There is is again. Filthy disgusting American burger pig. EU = European Union. EU /= Europe. Ignorant American shit. EU is a communist socialist shithole run by kikes pulling Merkel’s strings. Filthy disgusting ignorant American filth!
Its not about having them, its about selling them.
Nintendo doesnt have many 3rd parties because 3rd parties sell like shit on Nintendo platforms, not the other way around.
People that buy Nintendo consoles do it for the 1rst party games, and the low sales for 3rd parties means its not worth the time (adapting to lower end hardware and adding gameplay gimmicks) and money investment (expensive licensing) to get small returns when they could be using that time and investment to make things that would give them bigger returns.
>Forza Horizon 3
You mean they use the term EU to refer to European countries the same way you use the word America to describe the USA?
>soyboy wants to get acid attacked and have his gf/switch robbed from him by muslims
Not an argument
More like why are there so many manchildren in America and Japan?
Sup Forums loves generalizing everything and US lives in a bubble
Europeans really like football, is this really news to you?
€300 would have been fine too. I don't get why the switch is €30 more in Europe at every single retailer than in N.A. games and consoles prices from $ to € has always been the same number. Europe always got cucked a bit more due to value, but this is ridiculous.
It's like they have a scalping thing going on.
>the rest of the market is PC dominated.
Yea, about that...
No FIFA on the Switch
Muslims have backwards beliefs.
Teenagers arent childern
It's a FIFA machine
Why are Americans so obsessed with Europe?
They envy their wh*teness
Yeah, Muslims do that for them.
>switch ahead for once
>vgchartz suddenly matters
PlayStation and FIFA are a religion here
Europe hates Nintendo
Its not even about the hardware. The audience they want to buy their AAA blockbusters simply isn't there, they can't push their DLC and micropurchases with Nintendo. They just can't do business the same way they do on the other platforms, so they won't bother.
Unless third parties start taking small risks again and make more lower-budget AA games again or Nintendo lets EA and Activision control their platform with DLC and loot crates like they do with MS and Sony, Nintendo won't see much third party support.
The switch is for manchildren in USA and Japan, Europeans want a real mans system like the PS4
because VGchartz invent euro data every months to meet their expectations, since there's no official source for euro sales at all
Now try to add those EU countries
Why the fuck would people want a Switch? That';s the real question.
That's soccer
Even combined they're nowhere near the sales of NA (US+Canada+Mexico).
Hell, US and Canada alone are over 40% of all owners.
>Switch ahead for once
>vgchartz suddenly doesn't matter
Really activates my almonds.
In northern europe the Switch costs as much as a PS4pro. With that in mind, you get three guesses why no one wants it, and two of them doesn't count.