Why do you kids hate this?

why do you kids hate this?

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(You)'re a fucking kid?

too hard for them

RE4 kids you mean

I liked it

idk, tank controls?

Parasite Eve is cool too.

It wasn't really a good idea to have Chris and Claire share the same storage box. It's easy for first-time players to ruin a playthrough if they don't know when the story will switch to the other character, and all good weapons are with the wrong character. I nearly ruined a run by having all my weapons on Chris when I was anticipating a boss fight that didn't come.

Fuck off DSP

So many retard are butthurt about this holy shit.
I was literally 10 when I played this and I killed EVERYTHING in the game with ammo to spare.

Come the fuck on. I swear every single time CV is hated, this is mentioned.
Fuck off

its a generic zombie game with god awful camera angles from the ps1 days. whats to like?

I thought it was good.

I'm a huge fan of the series. I've done knife-only runs, beat invisible enemy mode in REmake, etc. CV was fantastic for me until it started switching back and forth between characters. It's the only RE where items can be plain inaccessible depending on how you manage your inventory.
Granted, I played it when I was younger and sucked at video games, but that's still my opinion.

shitty artstyle, boring environments, lame puzzles, and boring enemies. and stephen

>too long
>Claire half is boring
>shitty puzzles
>shitty enemies before Chris comes in
>shitty bosses

I played it for the first time quite recently. It was great. It had probably the most convoluted path through the game compared to other RE games.

But i didn’t. Just prefered it ob my platform of choice. I played CVX before RE3, so for me I was getting a direct sequel to “Claire Redfield:the video game” ahit was cash and Claire had a big arse!

They're retarded, it's one of the best Resident Evil games easily

I don't. I hate Veronica X

So(n)yboys mad that it came out first on Dreamcast.

>Hating the superior version

I like it though, disn’t even know it came out on the dreamcast when i got it on PS2. Had assumed it was always PS2, but the graphics compared to REmake on the gamecube the next year do make sense that it was a dreamcast game. Got those GTAIII hands you know?


Save room music is soothing

Retardedly hard boss & no ammo to kill it with

That fucking thing ruined the whole future resident evil series with its over the top action cutscenes.

>Code Veronica

>Code Veronica X

Now fuck off

its actually my favorite RE and the only game keeping my ps3 plugged in

You're on crack.

>it’s ok when Alexia does it

Fuck off Alfred

There's literally nothing wrong with X.

It's not that bad, I don't think you can really blame a few redone cut scenes in Veronica for the decline of the series. Plus the series has been doing well since RE:7 came out.

Lack of action dodge. It's just a step down from RE3.

mostly because it's ugly and the gameplay is a step down from 3.

It's old.

Interesting fact code veronica was being developed as resident evil 3 but at the end of development capcom made them change the name to code veronica. Resident evil 3 had a different name before they switched titles.

Don’t hate it, but for me it was too big and boring after re3. Maybe if I’ve played it after re2 it would be better.

>It's not that bad, I don't think you can really blame a few redone cut scenes
Non fans started picking RE up because of those cutscenes
>Plus the series has been doing well since RE:7 came out
RE7 is one of the worst selling RE-titles