FFXV: Will it be fixed in updates?

I assume we are all in agreement that while good in some respects, such as soundtrack, voice acting, and gameplay elements such as warping and camping (note I say ELEMENTS, not overall design), FFXV is horribly flawed and borderline crippled by it's rocky development. That being said, the new features they've been adding for this game look really cool.
Being able to CharSwitch after all this time is a cool idea, and I like how each plays like their respective DLC. I also think Comrades is a good idea, and people tell me it's fun like a shittier version of MonHun.

So the question is: Do you think that if they manage to, that FFXV can become a salvageable experience, possibly even becoming great in the process? Or do you think that despite all their innovations, the game will be doomed to forever being somewhat crappy?

Just fucking get to developing XVI already I don't want to be 40 years old by the time a new FF is out.

It’s reputation will forever be marred by what it was at launch, that’s for sure

What’s more worth your time, Xenoblade X or this?

X is a literal timesink. Holy shit that game is a commitment but if you have nothing to do for like the next several months go right ahead. A lot of the content can feel shallow though.
FFXV is more of a linear experience. There's a large amount of content both optional and otherwise and quite a lot of it, from the monster battles to the optional dungeons are often quite good and engaging. It has far less content than X, though.

The game's biggest problem is the pacing and way content is distributed, which they can't change. Altissa and Tenebrae will always be pretty, empty hallways.

X is definitely better. Better combat and better world design. Story is iffy for both, and XV arguably has better characters and music. But X plays better and has more content. XV isn't nearly as bad as it's made out to be but it's something you want to get at a cheap price.

>There's a large amount of content
Large map maybe, but fuck all in terms of substance. And what little (and I mean fucking microscopic) substance there is is fucking awful. ELEX has a better open world than this game.

No amount of polishing can salvage what is essentially an unfinished project, that was pushed out because it was too late to do anything about it. It is what it is, plain and simple -- you either enjoy it for what it is, but don't expect things to get "better".

X, a million fold.

I wouldn't go that far. I do like the combat system, mind you, as I genuinely believe it to have a number of excellent ideas marred by a really, seriously bad camera system.

They need to fix that fucking camera system, holy shit it is so bad.

Where is the guy who leak 2018 roadmap a few day ago?

This. The execution was such shit I would at the very least never buy another FF again until the complete version is released.

>There's a large amount of content both optional and otherwise and quite a lot of it
Yeah I sure enjoyed those quest chains where they made you do the same thing time and time again but in a different location.

And what this guy said. There's too much fundamentally wrong with the story beats and the pacing of the game that it's too costly post-release to bother trying to fix it. I was surprised they bothered making a separate route through Ch13 all things considered, but that did nothing to fix the core problem with that chapter, even after the lucii ring buff.

I'm more annoyed that they're just giving up on a XV-2 and opted for more character-specific DLC which solves none of the problems with the actual game. It's just more character stuff that should have been integrated into the story in the first place.

Play comrades!

When they fix the load times, sure.

Hey, I never said it was mostly good content. Dungeons and big monster fights are easily the best parts of the game.

I always felt like I was fighting against the combat system on anything large. Your AI keep getting hit by every large aoe swipe they do, and you can't do shit with positioning yourself since they never sit still.

Basically becomes a game of chicken, warping in for a short combo, and warping out until you can abuse Gladio's techs to easily break a part to stagger them for a bit.

>The game is far too flawed at a technical level in terms of story and gameplay
>The gameplay fixes came months or even more than a year after releases when people that got the game at launch were done with it
>The game just isn't good and would require gameplay to be completely remade and the story to be completely rewritten

>The execution was such shit I would at the very least never buy another FF again until the complete version is released.
>FFVIIR is basically the same thing as FFXV, but 10000x worse because the game is being split up due greed

You mean this?

>An expansion for a previously doomed MMO was a better FF than FFXV

How does that even happen?

XV was focused on production values and everything gets set back when shit goes wrong.

XIV has bottom-of-the-barrel canned emotes and text-only dialog for 90% of its fetch-quest gameplay.
Not that XV is any better in the fetch-quest bs

Only 9 more day and it'll be fixed! ...Hopefully.

They only mentioned the load time for Lestellum being addressed, but nothing about the pointless waiting around @ camp after matches.

Whoop-de-doo about food stuff.

An XV prequel/sequel would be ideal, yeah.

I think the question is what the alternative is. People often propose they move on to a new project. Tabata's team is, eventually. And whatever FF16 will be is a longs ways away. All the while, there's a still active FFXV base that is apparently buying enough DLC to warrant a second season pass. During which time they're practicing and experimenting with different ideas, most of which seems to be for R&D on future projects.

So, from the perspective of the development team and business side, it seems like a good thing. People who liked FFXV are getting more FFXV and that seems like a good thing. It's not going to erase Versus or those 10 years or FFXV's fundamental flaws, but I'm not sure the alternative is much better. Active development, experimentation, and engagement with your potential audience seems like a decent idea.

A prequel that leads up to Kingsglaive would be alright.

Shouldn't be experimenting at the cost of the consumers' wallet. That's what internal testing is for.

I really wanted to like XV and I think I do for the most part. I was watching my CaC walk around outside the campground, and it dawned on me, this could have been the groundwork to my favorite game with some tweaks. XV has so many problems, it's overwhelming to list them all, so for now I will gripe about the most trivial shit I can think of. "Hold button to attack" sucks. Really takes me out of the game. I don't care if I mash that shit a million times, holding and watching the attack animations play out makes the combat feel more awkward than the Gladio and Prompto DLC's combined. And I don't know about you, but I found the gameplay in those to be strangely awkward as fuck.

I hope you're playing XIV. We get a new Final Fantasy experience ever 2 years.

This game is looking hella dated already.

I actually like fan idea about that Versus world DLC in Noctis dream during time skip where Noctis in insomnia get a trial from bahamut and go dealing with his tragic emotion and his lost, Stella will apper as final boss and he kill her before he awake.

I'd choose FFXV over XBX, but that's just preference. XBX was probably a better game, but it lost me early on. Which is too bad cause it was one of my most hyped games for the longest time. and now XBC2's whole persona/pokemon system looks awful. Not to mention the character designs. I much prefer XBX's visuals to XBC2.


It's seven years old.

>People actually like Comrades because "muh waifu maker!"

I admit that's a big part for me, but Comrades really does have some nice things.
The weapon upgrade system is really neat and the different combat perks are also nice. I understand you can always argue "this should have been in the main game blabla" but that doesn't make it worse. Makes me feel like the devs aren't completely incompetent after all.

>not liking a Final Fantasy waifu maker

when your shitshow caused every other game being developed to suffer because the company now has to fix the mess you caused, that's how

but it takes so long to get to the interesting part. Why can't they start you in heavensward?

haha xD quality post man!!


Well, that's not a bad idea. Only, I hope I know enough about the game as to not slow anyone down during a raid.

Just practice in a dungeon or something.

What went wrong with FFXV?

I find it hilarious that character switching is going to be added soon.

Thanks for beta testing, retards who bought this upon release.

No direction, mostly. Several mechanics are loosely solidifed and the whole game feels half baked. Lots of really good ideas, but the complete and utter lack of direction killed the game